Friday, February 26, 2010

Prokauer Rose - Prokauer Rose LLP - Proskauer Rose Controlling Google Search?

New Press Release from Proskauer Rose.

Private Investment Funds, Carribean Offices, Corrupt Patent Attorneys, Involved in YOUR losing Billings in Enron Scandals - Allen Standford Scandals and More and apparently Proskauer Rose is Still in Business and Still somehow protected by the Judicial System of the United States of America.

So for about 6 Weeks when you Would Google "Proskauer Rose" - My site was number 3 in the Search Engines, now that site is no where to be found in the Search Engines so. Proskauer Rose also seem to be able to Control Free Speech, Control the Flow of Information and Possibly Control Google Search.

Now with Proskauer Rose having their hands so deep in the Tech Industry with their Stolen Trillion Dollar Patent Connections THEY don't want to play fair in the Search Engines and they don't want you to know the Truth about all this so they Get Google to Remove my Proskauer Sucks site from the Search Engines for "Proskauer Sucks" Unfair advantage - Proskauer Rose - on every Playing Field, there is no stopping the Corruption Coming out of Proskauer Rose - they own EVERYBODY.

So Big Money Corporate... Take NOTE.. Got a Pesky Investigative Blogger posting the Truth about YOU? Just Call up Google and Pay someone Off. Now Yahoo is not in on this Trillion Dollar attempt to Control information as my Site is still in the Yahoo. Search. - not defaming or harassing in ANY way, it is the Truth about Proskauer Rose. Proskauer Rose has hurt alot of people, and now all YOUR money they TOOK - well they have taken out of the Country, so as the Enron Scandal, The Stanford Scandal and all those investment scandals start coming more and more to light, well Proskauer Rose LLP will have already hit the Money. And all these years the SEC, the USPTO, the DOJ, US Supreme Courts - they knew what was going on.. proven by thousands of documents at

"" Proskauer Expands London Office
New Space Signals Continuing Growth and Long-Term Commitment to Area

February 15, 2010 (London, UK) – Strengthening its UK presence on the heels of two major partner additions, Proskauer announced the expansion of its London office with a move to more than 11,000 square feet of new office space at Ten Bishops Square in the City.

In recent months, Proskauer ’s London office has added two new lateral partners: Bob Barry, who joined the firm’s Private Investment Funds Group, and Daniel Ornstein, a partner in the firm’s Labor & Employment Law Department. The firm also added Alisa Chhoa, a senior associate formerly with Clifford Chance, to its Private Investment Funds Group in London.

Proskauer’s London office is a key component of the firm's global platform, offering UK and U.S. legal advice to global private investment funds, international companies and financial institutions, entrepreneurs and investors.

While the office’s representation of private investment funds is a cornerstone of Proskauer’s broader corporate practice, the London lawyers also handle an array of sophisticated transactions, from middle-market to large, multi-jurisdictional deals, offering one-stop service. Additionally, the office’s junior capital lawyers are part of one of the most well-known and respected international practices representing lenders and investors in the field. Likewise, its labor and employment practice is part of one of the strongest such practices in the world. ""

Source Of Post

So Prokauer Rose - Prokauer Rose LLP is expanding the Influence of Proskauer Rose's Corruption. Proskauer Rose is above the Law, they have proved that over and over and Local Courts - District Courts - Supreme Courts - the SEC - the US Patent Office - they all know about Massive Shareholder Fraud, and not just Enron and the Current Standford Probe but they know of the Iviewit Stolen Patent and what that wil mean to shareholders and well in that, they are all in on this Fraud Against the American People.

And Proskauer Rose is quite blatant about it... the latest Fraud against you and Attempt to Hide information .. .well Proskauer Rose has somehow got Google to REMOVE from the search as for about 6 weeks I was number 3 in the search engines for " Proskauer Rose " and now is no where to be found for that search term. Hmmmm..

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