Saturday, February 20, 2010

Libby Montana News - the Western News in Libby Montana is in Serious Need of a Fact CHECKER..

The Speculation, Rumors and Non-Sensical Yammerings of the Details of the Lincoln County Recall Efforts from the Summer of 2009 to Recall Sheriff Anderson ... seems to be a never ending Jab that local news media outlets such as the Western News, Canda Harbaugh, in Libby Montana want to Keep Revisiting.

However, Canda Harbaugh of the Western News in Libby Montana
is re-visiting Fiction and Not Fact.

I am so tired of the news being able to
LIE about Facts with NO accountability
while I am constantly Harassed
for TELLING the TRUTH...

Does the Western News have to LOOK at Facts of any kind before they Print? Or is that Something that is only Required of Me ? Crystal Cox, Investigative Blogger....

The Question is WHO filed the Recall for Sheriff Anderson? Fact Check .... may be in Order BEFORE Canda Harbaugh prints side jabbing, defaming, harassing FILLER in her Local Libby Montana News Article in the Western News on the Celebrating Conservatism Group that met in Libby awhile back.

The Libby Montana Western News has Recently Printed this "" Paul Stramer of Eureka’s Lincoln County Watch, a group that was unsuccessful in recalling Lincoln County Sheriff Daryl Anderson last year, spoke briefly at last week’s meeting, stating that he had been involved in the Patriot Movement for several decades. '"

First of All how is this Event in Libby Montana, in Current news even Related, at all to the Lincoln County Recall... accept in the way of wanting to KEEP slamming the Constitutional Rights to Recall a SHERIFF who is Obviously and BLATANTLY not DOING his JOB... that is a FACT... print THAT.. oh you can't print the Truth or Economic Terror will End your Business.. so Print the Lie and Answer to a Higher Power..

the Truth Remains to be, in Fact, the TRUTH !!!

The Western News in Libby Montana is once again printing False, Misleading Flat Out Lies. I have said this Over and Over, it is the God's Honest TRUTH...

the Lincoln County Watch HAD NOTHING to do With the Recall of Sheriff Anderson, they were simply one of many supporters.. continued to be singled out.

I am NOT a Member of the Lincoln County Watch and neither is the Original Organizer of the Recall Efforts to Attempt to Recall a Montana Sheriff which is your Constitutional Right.

The Western News makes it sound like the Lincoln County Watch "tried" to recall Sheriff Anderson and Was Unsuccessful, this is not True...

first of all there is many measures to success... and as One of the Folks who sat at the Lincoln County Fair for 4 days I can Tell you the People were behind a Recall based on the lack of prosecution of REAL crimes happening to Real Tax Paying Lincoln County Citizens, over in fact.. decades ... in that Support of the People by the People the Recall Efforts to "attempt" to recall a Montana Sheriff in Lincoln County Montana was a Major Success.

And regardless of the Lies that the Tobacco Valley News in Eureka Montana prints, MOST really were afraid of Economic Terror and many even of Death, Harassment, Set ups and Death Threats if they Signed the Recall... this TOO is a FACT.. I saw it with my own Eyes day after day, I heard it with my Own Hears.. it is a FACT and Real News that is not based on who pays who to say what, but instead based on Truth.. on Honor.. and in Integrity.

Now for the Record AGAIN...
because News media like the Western News in Libby Montana seems to NOT be basing their NEWS in Fact... I will Post here One more time .. what Really Happened... the Recall Efforts to Attempt Accountability for a Montana Sheriff began with a Dog Beaten, Bloody left alone to die hanging over a bridge in Eureka Montana... and NO Prosecutions.

This Led to a Major Petition and still no action from the Commissioners or the Sheriff's Office, no accountability to the people.. I did not sign that petition and was not even aware of it... in any way until it was over..

Next... the Local Crisis Outreach folks... told me of a Rape So disturbing it brought me to my knees... it was sick, violent and lacking in moral conscience of any kind.. I was shocked..

Meanwhile I heard of druggings .. date rape druggings happening over and over again.. even to men just to see them in pain or watch what they would do.. some got into accidents.. and from here I heard of a young woman who I had held .. had babysat as a baby.. a young woman I had known my whole life that was drugged and raped .. and the story told was very disturbing as it seemed that the Libby detectives took days to do an interview, they gave evidence back to rapists and there was NO prosecutions..

From this I heard of a whole lot of woman drugged and raped, I started blogging about thess horrible crimes and the total lack of justice and then more stories came to me, stories of corruption - beatings - calling cops on intruders and the one who called going to jail, and well.. some VERY Shocking - Disturbing Stories...

Research was done at the County Offices and WOW.. so many crimes not prosecuted.. add that on to a lifetime here of seeing METH dealers go unprosecuted... no help to save kids from Meth home.. DUI cases where serious victims were created and they let the same guy go over and over.. robberies.. child porn .. and crime after crime .. stories from fathers of their daughters who were forced to have sex with cops to get out of "trouble"... and sick sick stuff.. that indeed I wish I never knew... But I Cannot Un-Know...

As the local news lied, the commissioners lied about these crimes I wrote about them.. I was seriously harassed from this point.. simply for telling the TRUE - Factual Story of Victims...

in the Midst of all this .. One Woman and Myself discussed the Need for a Recall, and to find some way to let folks know about these sick, violent, perverse crimes and to attempt to get accountability.. She suggested a Recall...

ONE... I repeat ONE of the places we went to talk about the Recall efforts was the Ron Paul Meet Up Group... which is Now Called the Lincoln County Watch Group.. this was ONE Group.. and from that point the MEDIA seems to keep on lying about the Lincoln County Watch, singling them out and harassing them.. seemingly for Political Agendas and Historical Grudges that had NOTHING to do with why We Wanted to Back a Recall Effort for a Montana Sheriff.

The Lincoln County Watch Group, of which I am still not a member of... they were some of many people that stood up for the Recall... they were not the Only Ones.. but I will Tell you what.. having not known any of them before this ... having a lifetime of Fear and Judgement about Mr. Paul Stramer and not being of a "Conservative" nature myself ... I found out that those FOLKS actually, genuinely cared about Women Raped, About Dogs beaten Bloody and about Crimes not being prosecuted... they cared and Stood along side us To Speak for Victims of REAL true Crimes that Really did Happen to these victims REGARDLESS of what the Bought and Paid for Lincoln County Newspapers Say ...

During the Initial Efforts of the Recall there was an Issue with Paul Stramer's Concealed Carry Permit.. so one day it got added as one of the issues to the Recall.. and from there, well the whole area lit up and the Recall became about Paul Stramer and some past event, and tons of unrelated political Whooo Haaa that had nothing to do with the Violation of Citizens of Lincoln County Montana...

The Recall for Sheriff ANDERSON was NOT an unsuccessful attempt by "Lincoln County Watch" - who I might add is simply a group of people that want to be treated fair and just, and want the Law to Obey the law and to have their rights and dignity and to Share what is going on around Lincoln County Montana... They Simply want to Live and Let Live...

the Lincoln County Watch is NOT anti-government, not Evil or in any way Vigilante or Against the Laws of the United States of America.. they are simply discussing Issues that are important to them in this day and age and they have every right to do so.. .during the Recall I went to about 3 meetings.. and I seen no sign of the Lincoln County Watch that the local news media paints a BOUGHT and PAID for picture of... ...

Again, I am not a Republican.. not a Conservative... not into Politics.. I am into Victims Rights and the Truth.. and after a Lifetime in Lincoln County I was SHOCKED at the Fear of the people that would NOT stand for the Victims in writing but would only lend their support in unrecorded words and hugs...

Well Not the Lincoln County Watch Folks... they put their Face to the Victims Voice... and TO THIS DAY they PAY for it.. Economic Terror, Harassment, Stress... Internet Attacks and Stories like this that throw in a Jab and Lie to Keep them in the News for something negative and NOT based in FACT...

It is Simply WRONG !!!

I don't Go to the Watch Meetings anymore.. haven't since around Fair Time.. but I tell ya what those folks are not who Lincoln County News Media portrays them to be ... Think for Yourself Folks .. you DO have that Right..

Link to Full Yammerings.. of the Western News in Libby Montana.

Advice to the Western News..
Get a Blog, a Video Camera .. go to an Event.. film it.. post it.. that is Fact and that is News.. your Version of Reality mixed in with Defaming, Non-Factual Slams of unrelated groups, people and events is seriously lacking in taste, judgement, morals and ethics....

Posted here by
Investigative Journalist
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

I Obey the Law, I TELL the Truth, I am Harassed for it....
I Do not Break the Law, I Do not LIE... I am Harassed for it...

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