Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Brighid Grahan of Port Townsend. Laurie McClave Port Townsend. Discussion of 2 Not So Great People In Port Townsend.

  Laurie McClave Port Townsend:  Apparently 2 not so great people in our town were lying to Fox News? Wonder what the motive of these at least 2 not so great people could be? Perhaps Personal Boundaries, Consent, Truth?  Who decides what is Disgusting, what is Bigotry, are both in the Eye's and Ears of the Beholder. Why is it ok to Hate Us? Who the hateful people are is pretty obvious if one uses logic.

Definition of Bigotry: "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." hmmm is it obstinate or unreasonable to want control over your own body, want equality from your town council, want fairness and dignity for an elder in our community. I think to ANY Clear Minded, Free Thinking Sovereign Individual it is easy to see who is being violently obstinate, and violently unreasonable.

One's personal truth and personal experience being called "Lies" is the epitome of Gaslighting.

The attention on Port Townsend is perhaps yes possible for Bigotry however it is not the two "not so great" people that are behaving as Bigots.

Careful Folks Brighid Grahan of Port Townsend seems to think it is bigotry and somehow mysteriously nefarious to have a landlord/tenant relationship, I guess we are all in a lot of "trouble" Wow right, off the charts for irrational behavior. Oh and those 2 not so great, landlord tenant people, well apparently they staged the whole YMCA freak out, call the police, ban an Elder Party.  

They staged how the YMCA reacted, and the exact moment a YMCA employee was not following the rule of three and startled an Elder and a scene blew up, these not so great people staged it all.  Ya know so they could get "famous" on "Tucker".  There is no Rational Words coming from this Hate Group. Makes No Sense Whatsoever

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