Thursday, September 15, 2022

So many In Port Townsend Keep Telling me the Trans Women going into women's spaces is a Woman's Only Issue. I Say Trans Women is a Men's ISSUE

 Men Wanting to be Women, is a Man's ISSUE.

So many people say to me that this is not a men's issue. It most certainly is a men's issue. It is Males that want to be Female for things related to Male Psychology, Male Mental Health and Male Anatomy, Physical Health.
It is Men oppressing women, bullying women and invading women's spaces without consent or boundaries. It is Fathers, Brothers, Husbands and Sons who care about women in their lives that have to stand up to other Men.
Beating up Women, Bullying Women, harassing, screaming violently at women, pushing and knocking down women, being cruel to women to support ONLY the right of a MAN that says he is a Woman, IS NOT OK. Women cannot fight back alone.
It is a Man's Conversation. As Men that Claim they are a Woman, want to use the Women's restroom for one of two reasons in most of my conversations over decades with Trans Women. (1) Trans Woman, and gay men have this same claim, They fear they will get beat up, bullied, harassed or raped in the Men's bathroom, locker room or event. They feel safer in the women's bathroom. See they can overpower a Woman, so they “feel” safe. So, Men need to be more supportive and inclusive of MEN that are different or more feminine or Trans Women, NOT a Woman Problem. A Man Problem for Men to Have a Solution for and not the Solution of Violently Forcing Women to accept them in their private space without boundaries or consent.
In Complete Predatory Hypocrisy, if we as women don't feel safe with a penis carrier and deep voice in our naked space we are told to sit down and shut up, and that the Man who says he is a Woman has more rights then we do as women.
If we fear a man over powering us or hurting us, fear being raped, are uncomfortable, fear being bullied or harassed, that is just too bad. Our women's rights DO NOT EXIST and instead ONLY the rights of the Man Claiming to Be a Woman Exists and is ENFORCED by the City of Port Townsend Proclamation, by Violent Antifa and Olympic Pride Terrorists, Violently forced on us by Straight White Men posting as Trans Rights Activists, to Force Women to include men in our naked space or else.
Then they attack us online and in public afterwards and the Port Townsend community at large gaslights and bullies us, the victim. It is a Mass Hypnosis. It is Trauma Bonding in Mass. It is a Mass Predatory Delusion. It is NOT Love, Not Peaceful, and It is Not LGBTQ Support.
It is Plain Ol' Wrong.
(2)The Second reason that came up in my discussions and interviews was that the men felt better about themselves in the women's room, it turned them on and gave them comfort to dress as a woman and live as a woman. Some yes, turned on by being around the women clothed or not. They felt perhaps a big fish in a small pond. A feeling of superiority as they knew their strength and had higher self esteem. They said they were more confident, with themselves to be their true self in women's spaces.
Again why are Women not allowed this same good feeling and confidence? Instead women in schools, prisons, and society at large are forced to be around men even if they do not feel safe. And people like Councilwoman Libby Wennstrem side with the thought that Your Trauma, as a woman, is NOT a reason to not want to be around a man. Yet Oddly Enough they Side with the Man that Claims he is a Woman that does not want to be around men in the men's restroom, space, event, or locker room because of their “trauma” or emotional response issue.
As Lesbians we are banned from dating sites and events if we claim we will only date Same Sex. As that is what we fought for, the right to love and marry those of the Same Sex. We fought that We are Born this Way. Now THEY/Them say we are not born any way, but decide later, what a huge difference then the original intent or fight of gay and lesbian Same Sex Rights.
If Men and or Boys have an Emotional Trauma Health Issue, a Psychological Disability (per a Recent High Court Ruling) and want to be the opposite Sex by surgery and drugs for life, well I believe adults have that right, a personal health and life choice. And that we should not sterilize, mutilate and drug kids for the rest of their life over an emotional mental issue that can be loved, healed, supported, talked, and worked through. Taught to Love your Body and Not to Hate any part of you for any reason. Especially to the point of believing self mutilation, surgery and drugs for life will bring emotional comfort and mental healing. That Kind of Healing Comes from somewhere else, that for another writing another day.
Here is a Conversation between Two Men about this Issue, a Trans Woman and a Man. ~ Posted here and above written by Reverend Crystal Cox

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