Friday, September 30, 2022

Port Townsend Chief Thomas Olson Bullies Women, Disrespects Women, Stands and Watches Women Abused and Assaulted, then continues to demean, slam, discredit, discriminate, bully and gaslight online.

  Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson knows best what Ms. Cox should be doing with her time. Chief Thomas Olson insinuates I am Crazy, you see just look at my spiritual postings, walks and dancing on YouTube. 

Nothing I do surprises him. Remember folks Chief Thomas Olson IGNORED the actual real CRIMES in Port Townsend that I brought to his attention, no time for that, some woman who lived in a car, no value there to actually follow up on REAL CRIMES. 

Chief Thomas Olson cruelly gossiped about me living in my car with the City Attorney Heidi Greenwood. These folks should not be leaders in our community. 

This Man is Unconstitutional and Lawless. 

Oh and this email exchange with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA after he watched hundreds mob me and all the participants at the Julie Jaman Press Conference. These are the people in charge of Port Townsend.  the Lawless, Discriminating, Bullying, Heartless, Gaslighting Monsters Among Us.

Funny right, call me a "woman", call me a "Ms", I don't recall Rowen Deluna of the YMCA, who he is responding to here, or Chief Olson asking me what I would like to be called. See I sign everything Reverend Crystal Cox, they Call me "Ms."  Hypocrites, don't even buy into their own Radicalized Violent Hate Filled Agenda. 

oh and the Proud Boys and Washington 111% he mentions, yeah, they came to Port Townsend with Robert Zerfing of the Common Sense Conservative to Protect Us Women so we could Safely Speak. 

As the Liberal Cowards of Port Townsend, the Liberal City Government, the Liberal Lynch Mob, Liberal Olympic Pride, Liberal Terrorists Antifa and Liberal Community in General attacked us, assaulted us, shut down our speech, pushed and shoved us, hit us, pinned us, hurt us with painful noise, silenced us, then attacked and gaslighted us online nonstop; well the Conservative Men Eric Rohdes and the Washington 111%, the Proud Boys, and Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative, Protected us to Come back to Pope Marine Park and Speak our Mind, have our Say, stand up to our assaulters.   And NOT be attacked by the Port Townsend City Government and the Hate Groups attached to them.  That group at the Stand for Decency Rally had Lesbians, Gay Men, Conservatives, Liberals and well me, with NO Political Affiliation, simply trying to speak, not hateful words, they Silenced our Voice Violently and Praised themselves for it. 

These Conservative Men protected our Free Speech, our Constitutional Rights, our Human Rights, our Dignity, our Boundaries, our Safety, our Voice. 

the Washington 111%, the Proud Boys, and Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative came to Port Townsend and Protected LIBERAL Women to Speak. At the Stand for Decency Rally a large Washington State Liberal Group for women was able to speak about things that matter to them, and NOT be attacked by the Liberal Terrorists of Port Townsend. 

These men protected all of us women from all walks of life, belief, religion, parties, affiliations and lifestyles. They kept us safe from our oppressors, our attackers, our hate filled Port Townsend Government, Olympic Pride Terrorists, Trans Rights Activist Bullies, and Antifa Terrorists.

You can continue to Believe the Lie, or you can See, Hear, Think for Yourself and See the TRUTH is Plain, Simple, Obvious Common Sense.

Port Townsend Hate Group, " Laurie McClave, Libby Wennstrom, Donn Christianson".

  the Hate Groups of Port Townsend. Our Pain, Our Cries, Our Injury, Our Voice, has no Value to them. 

These are the Monsters Among Us in Port Townsend Washington.  Laurie McClave, Libby Wennstrom, Donn Christianson.

Elder Abuse seems to be an 80 year old woman speaking her mind and not Elders bashed, lynched, injured and silenced by the Port Townsend Hate Groups Olympic Pride, Antifa, Trans Rights Activists, the City of Port Townsend and Angry Self Righteous Radicalized Indocrinated Liberal Extremists.

They want to report Elder Abuse for those of us standing up for or with an Elder in our Community. They do not want to report the actual Elder abuse by the YMCA, Olympic Pride, and the City of Port Townsend. 

We staged hundreds of Haters silencing us and assaulting us.  We have no human feelings, our pain is "hollow" to these MONSTERS.

Val Welch of Port Townsend has Quite a bit to say about us LGBTQ members of Port Townsend. Val Anne Hjelte Welch comment on the City of Port Townsend Post about our Rally for Decency to PROTEST what a Hate Group did to us at the Julie Jaman Press Conference.

 More on the Horrible, Hateful, Mean, Cruel Bullies of Port Townsend. 

Val Anne Hjelte Welch has it ALL Mixed Up, Facts seem to be completely useless to Val Welch. 

I guess that can happen to righteous rage filled better then thou straight women who are clueless to who are the actual Gays and Lesbians they are Allegedly Supporting.  LMAO.  Oh the Irony, Oh the Hypocrisy. 

The Stand for Decency Rally was NOT the Hate Group. You see Ignorant, Hateful People, we went there to PROTEST what the City of Port Townsend Did to Us Gays and Lesbians, and Elderly at the Julie Jaman Press Conference on August 15th 2022. See we were not allowed to have a voice, by Violent Force from the Real Hate Group.  

Half of us who Spoke at the Julie Jaman Press Conference are part of those letters you, as a straight woman, love to throw around. We actually are the Gays and Lesbians of this Community, oh I know not the ones you like, non the less we are still Gay and well I assume you are not, having a husband who was an ex councilman and all. 

Anyhoo I digress, ya see, we were attacked by Trans Rights Activists, by Antifa, by the City of Port Townsend and the City told the Police to DO NOTHING to help us, see we are not human to these Hate Groups. Then after our beat down the City Council Members claimed we did not get injured and well nothing bad happened, and we made that lynch mob up straight from our vivid imaginations. 

So funny yes the Irony of the City Turning on the very people they claim to Support. oh and also "the City" should not support one class of people over another, that is called discrimination, it is hateful and it is not what leaders ought to be doing.

The Proud Boys, the Washington 111% Group and Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative came to Port Townsend to Stand up for Women and Girls, and to Create a Space for us to Speak if we wanted to.  See last time we were violently attacked and our Free Speech violently suppressed by the actual Port Townsend Hate Groups. 

These men, some of them Gay and married to each other, GASP. Well, they came to stand up for us, to protect us from Antifa and the VIOLENT HATE GROUPS OF PORT TOWNSEND so we could get back our dignity and speak our minds.  

As the Liberal Men of Port Townsend, the City of Port Townsend Praised our Assaulters and stood with them, these men stood up for us. Our Group was small, however around 9 us were Lesbians or Bi, and several Gay men in the Group. Yet You as a Straight "woman" I am assuming woman, you claim they were there in HATE of the LGBTQ Community, that is no where near the Truth.  

Oh and the Proclamation was ONLY in Support of MEN who Identify as women and was NOT in support of Lesbians, Gay men nor Women born as Woman. The Proclamation was discriminating, bullying, biased and hateful, period. It ONLY included one class with special protection, and did not include the rest of us. 

Seriously Laughing my Whole Ass Off, "potential for violence"? WOW.  Ya no, see were were protesting the actual real VIOLENCE that was not a "potential" but really happened to us by Port Townsend Hate Groups, that including the City Council, Police Chief, Mayor and City Manager.

 Robert Zerfing was in the small group attacked and he came back with support for us to be able to speak and stand up to the Violent Extremist Radicalized Indoctrinated Hate Groups of Port Townsend and the City of Port Townsend and Chief of Police who Stood up for enabled, praised and protected the Actual Hate Group. 

Seriously Val Ann Hjelte Welch is concerned of "potential violence" but seems to have no issue with the actual violence suffered at the hands of the Port Townsend Government, Port Townsend Police Chief Olson, Antifa, Olympic Pride and Violent Trans Rights ONLY Activists. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022



Laurie McClave Port Townsend, Donn Christianson, Libby Wennstrom Councilwoman Discussion regarding the YMCA, Julie Jaman Press Conference Lynching and Violent Attack on Port Townsend Elderly

 They are Concerned with the Radicalizing and Indoctrination of an Elderly Woman. Apparently Julie Jaman does not think for herself but has been abused via brainwashing of a TERF Tenant. 

These folks do not care that 400 violent people attacked Elderly Women, and continued to bully and harass them online to this day, that is not abuse they wish to report, but the Brainwashing Radicalization and Indoctrination of an Elderly Woman is their concern. Julie’s fear, intuition, free speech rights, human and civil rights as a woman, an 80 year old, a long time resident, well none of that matters. Julie Jaman apparently cannot think for herself but instead is being Brainwashed, says those clearly Indoctrinated, Radicalized and Brainwashed. 

They always seem to fear the words and ignore the action. They don't like words in a locker room, the words are harassment, the physical is not. The words in their emails are violent and scary yet their violent scary actions are not. WORDS are Violent to them but their Abuse and Violence to us in “Real Life” rings “hollow”.

Yeah the Crowd Got Aggressive, so what they are professional victims.  We DO Not Care about their Pain. Their Pain, their Injury Rings Hollow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Stand for Decency Rally Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022. Woman Goes Off on Port Townsend Police for not Protecting Her, and for "letting" a "Hate Group" into her F-ing Town.

Lesbians, Violence to Conservatives who had NOTHING to do with any of it, Violence to Elders in their Community and the men their supporting us. And they call their Victims, me one of them, the Hate Group.

They want to FORCE us to LOVE Transwomen in our naked space, and they give us NO Respect, No Equality. They make the Laws and they are Above the Law.

The Julie Jaman Press Conference had Speakers that spoke positive of Women and Equal Rights, and I even spoke of the Values of PRIDE. They shouting us all down violently, our ears hurt for days. We shook while trying to speak. We were traumatized for weeks. And harassed by Liberals in the community that whole time and they are still gaslighting and abusing us to this day. 

This Video is Compilation Below of Officer Cam Footage from the September 3, 2022 Stand for Decency Rally in Port Townsend Washington, shows a Local Port Townsend Resident, presumed to be a Woman, Claiming to the Police to Be Mayor David Fabor’s friend. 

She chews out the Port Townsend Police for not Being Diligent, yet they sure were being Diligent when they made her put her knives away just before the Rally started, and the NOT Hate Group got there. 

What was She going to Do with the Knives? Intimidate? Hurt? What?

I was at Both Events, NEITHER were Hate in ANY way on the Side of the Permitted Group. 

Both times the ONLY Hate came from the Liberals, The Trans Rights Activists, Antifa, the Olympic Pride Community, the Port Townsend Council Members, the Mayer, the City Manager, the Local Liberals Rage. 



So many follow the Hive Mind, and do not use Common Sense and look at the proof and make clear logical conclusions, they simply tell us we are the Hate Group, We are the Fascists, We are the Bigots and Homophobes, we are Racists and they Do NOT look at actual evidence to the contrary. 

I am a Fascist Because I Do Not want a Dictator Dictating My Life or Forcing me By Proclamation to Deny Intuition, Boundaries, Personal Rights and to LOVE who they Demand I Love. 

These Dictators Call Us Fascists. Clearly they do not know the Definition of the Words as they are the ones Forcing Us to Conform with their Beliefs by Law, by Proclamation in a town we live in. They are ruling over us as Dictators violently and calling us the Dictators. 

Dictators in Port Townsend are the ENTIRE Port Townsend Government at EVERY Level, the Rageful Unkind Olympic Pride Community, the Violent Trans Rights Activists, Antifa and the Port Townsend Liberal Community in general for some reason.

They continue to Yell at us that they are Kind. They have online conversations calling us mentally ill fascists, as they strive to DICTATE our lives. 

The Mayor David Friend in the video below is complaining about a man intimidating her, and calls us a Hate Group. Though we are there protesting the HATE that was put on us by hundreds in our face violently intimidating us. Oh the Irony and Hypocrisy right?

This is her F-ing town and she does not approve of the police not watching her every move to protect her from "intimidation" by filming her as she filmed him.

She is filming Us, and she is mad when someone is filming her. Oh the Irony, we were there Protesting hundreds mobbing us, in our face, touching us, pushing into our body right up in our face. And she has an issue with ONE person to close and so much so she gets in the face of the police, actually touches the police disrespectfully, WOW indeed. 

Oh and this is my Fing town and the Police let in a Hate Group. 

We were NOT a Hate Group, we were Standing UP TO THE HATE GROUPS in Port Townsend, the Hateful City Council, the Hateful Liberals that mobbed us, Olympic Pride Terrorists who attacked us with bikes Pride Flags and Poles, to Protest what the city incited and praised Antifa to do to us And this David Faber friend calls us the Hate Group. 

I Think to anyone not hypnotized within the hive mind, you can easily see who is inciting hate and violence, it is OBVIOUS. 

Anyway here is a video compilation I made of Officer Cam Footage of this Woman at the Rally for Decency Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022

Posted here by Reverend Crystal Cox with the Intention of Awakening and Healing Humanity

Monday, September 26, 2022

Stand for Decency Rally. Port Townsend Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022. Interviews by Stealth Creations on YouTube. AND Footage of Rally for Decency by Jeffco Accountability Mathew Harding.

  Port Townsend Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022. Interviews by Stealth Creations on YouTube

Rally for Decency Interviews - Port Townsend, September 3rd, 2022 

Ya Trying to Trap Someone, NOT

Sept. 3rd 2022 Rally for Decency Port Townsend, Wanting to Engage in Dialogue about the Nazi Signs 

JeffCo Accountability Wa Rally for Decency Port Townsend, September 3rd, 2022

1 - Helicopter Police, Nazi Sign Woman friendly with Gay man that sided with Julie. So many assumptions people have right. Reverend Crystal Cox interviewed by Peninsula Daily News. Calling me Ms. Cox hmmm. Why am I here.

2 - So It Begins. John Brown Going On. Eric Rohdes Calls out the Nazi Sign. He is a Jew. White Privilege.  Eric on the First Amendment, ID’s, protect em’ boys in blue. We first go into gated area. 

4 - Crowd. Rebel News. Loves to See them eat their words.

3 - Make Sure Your on the Good Guys Team.  Crowd. Piper Corbett with Masked people seemingly sarcastically saying their the good guys. Eric Rhodes wife walks by and calls out those who don’t want to get to know people so the call them bigots and racists. 

5 -  Crowd. Trans Discussion. Masked Folks. 111% Group. Crowd happy that Joe Biden says we are the enemy of the state. And More 

6 - Crowd Footage. Eric Rohdes talks to Rebel News Katie, as she is not allowed in due to a camera pole. Eric talks of Constitutional Rights. Reverend Crystal Cox in background talking of antifa and goes off on crowd for hypocrisy. Assumed Woman tells Rebel News she does not give permission to film her. Women Defending the Mayor. 

7 - Crowd, Robert, Talking of Last Event, Cops did nothing discussion. Mathew discusses his issue is not with trans people but with violence, and why he was at the Let Julie Swim Press Conference 2 weeks prior.  Mathew clarifies that trans person in the YMCA story you cant say is a pedophile cuz you don’t know. Talk about Faber. Trans Woman Discussion in  Background. Crowd. Biology Discussion. Your ok with a person with a penis, a grown man in the room with your grandaughter, yes if they say they are a woman. WOW OMFG.

8- Discussion, Crowd, Conversations, Crowd Dancing, 

9 - April Marrow, Sovereign Women Speaks. Women in Prison are Terrorized. Piper tells Police that “this guy” “this guy” is filming her. 

10 - Erics Awesome Wife calling out hypocrisy, Let’s be nazis together chants Eric Rhodes Wife, Crowd Video, Overview 

11 - Notice How Much more Peaceful. Jeffco Accountability introduction. Eric Rohdes WA 111%. Rebel News, Robert Zerfing, Stealth Creations Interview, 

12 - Police Escort Us Out. 

Proud Boys, Patriots, Conservatives were NOT the Evil Violent People at the Amy Sousa Julie Jaman Press Conference. Proud Boys were NOT at Amy's Press Conference.

Reverend Crystal Cox Clarifies that Proud Boys were NOT at Amy Sousa’s Press Conference. Liberal Antifa Men and Women Mobbed Us, Assaulted Us, the City of Port Townsend, Olympic Pride, the YMCA and other Port Townsend Corporations incited the Assault and Praised it. ALL the bad guys in this story are Liberals period.

NO PROUD BOYS HURT US. No Patriots Hurt Us. No Conservatives Hurt Us.

Amy Sousa says Antifa and Proud Boys were at “my event”. I Say Poppycock, there were NO PROUD BOYS at the #LetJulieSwim Press Conference. Click below for todays Ramble regarding this issue. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Unpeaceful People will be on the Grass. Rally for Decency Port TownsendSeptember 3rd 2022. Horrible Mean Discriminating Cruel Women of Port Townsend before the Stand for Decency Rally to Stand up for Women and Against the City of Port Townsend, Antifa, TRA, and Olympic Pride who assaulted us.

Officer Cam Footage Stand for Decency Rally Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022.
Misogynist Woman hating the men they don't even know that are coming to town to stick up for woman who live here and were attacked at a Press Conference. These women are clearly anti-woman. As Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative and Eric Rohdes of Washing 111% came to Port Townsend to stand up for us women that were violently attacked. These Women are Pure Evil as far as I see it.

Funny how Port Townsend people throw around the word Nazi and Fascist, as they are the one's that seem to want a dictatorship where they tell us to do what they want and we had best shut up about it.

Definition of Fascist: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.

They Support a Government, Jefferson County Washington, Port Townsend telling us what to do with our body, and that we have no say in who we undress in front. A government that incited and praised a mob attack on us Port Townsend Citizens, and the Main speakers were in their same political club or party. They are being dictators of who we undress in front of and we have no rights or boundaries yet these women call the men standing up for our rights to not be under dictator rule are the ones they ignorantly call Nazi's and Fascist. Do they Know the Definitions of the Cruel Hateful Words the Use?

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Port Townsend Woman Does not Want Others Coming to Her Town. Half of us at the Rally for Decency Live Here. Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative and Eric Rohdes came here to stand up for our rights, for women's rights. And this Woman Hates them and let's them Know. And ruins this man's family income. SICK and Heartless.

Port Townsend Woman that Bragged about shutting down Robert Zerfing's Livelihood of which he supported his family.

She is Cruel and seems to think Port Townsend is her town, and people should not come here.

Robert Zerfing of Common Sense Conservative was one of 35 of us that were mobbed, attacked by hundreds of people in the name of love for Trans Women only. Most of our group was elderly, Robert helped them to not be attacked worse and filmed the event, this woman got his youTube channel shut down and along with it his families income. He is a father, a husband, a good man that stood with us. This woman is hateful, discriminating, bullying, and why?

Officer Cam Footage of Horrible Hateful Bullying Port Townsend Dictator Woman

Friday, September 23, 2022

John Mauro City Manager of Port Townsend Washington, Supportive of Discrimination, Bullying, Antifa, Olympic Pride Terrorists and Violent Trans Activists. He seems to claim it is LGBTQ Supportive. IT IS NOT.

  If Only John Mauro Actually Cared about VIOLENT Protesters instead of telling the Police to let them assault us, 400 to 35 of us. Nearly half of us are Lesbians. What Hypocrisy, oh we support LGBTQ. Bologna John. 

Here is an eMail they are so concerned with a few old ladies with signs outside the YMCA, so they incited a violent mob of 400 on us. Sick Sick SICK. not Supportive, NOT Beautiful, NOT Love. 

Wanting Equal Rights is NOT Anti-Trans. Supporting Trans is NOT about Supporting LGB. Time to STOP Discriminating Port Townsend. Your Inclusiveness is actually Protection for the Rights of ONE CLASS, Straight Men, who identify as women and have a Violent Gang of Antifa and Olympic Pride Terrorists Supporting them. 

Yeah John Mauro you go ahead and leave it to the Unconstitutional Discriminating Bully Chief of Police oh and how about a Directive to let Antifa and Olympic Pride Assault Us?

Chief Olson is Lawless. I have reported crimes to him, he laughs at me, as I have been homeless, I am a Lesbian, I am a woman a (Ms.) he calls me. He does not care if a mob attacks me that is clear in his emails over years making fun of me. Leave it to the Chief says John Mauro City Manager, What a Crock.



Subject: possible protest this morning at MV Campus

Date: Monday, August 1, 2022 9:44:21 AM

Hi All

I hope you had a great sunny weekend.

Information somewhat limited, but I’ve been told by the YMCA CEO that there is a rumor that an anti-transgender protest is scheduled at Mountain View Campus this morning at 11. I’ll leave it to the Chief to determine appropriate preparation/response, but I didn’t want this to catch anyone off guard.

I can raise this at our lead team meeting this morning, but I suspect it is related to a trespassed individual from the YMCA-operated pool facility late last week.

See you all soon


Source of Email

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Officer Kamal Sharif, and Chief Thomas Olson of the Port Townsend Police REFUSE to Help an Assault in Progress.

 A man is reporting an Assault on an Elderly Woman.

Officer Kamal Sharif’s solution is for the man reporting the ASSAULT to tell the victim being assaulted that they are free to leave.

Timestamp 1:25 at Video Link Below. 

So Port Townsend if you are assaulted downtown, just know that you are “FREE” to “Leave”, even if at a Permitted Event. So why bother having Police Port Townsend?

Officer Kamal Sharif says to the people at a Permitted Event that if they do not “feel” Safe, they are free to leave.

First of All we could not leave, my vehicle was mobbed, we were pinned to the wall.

Secondly, A Citizen is reporting an actual assault in progress across the street from officers and Officer Kamal Sharif’s solution is to tell the victim being assaulted that they are free to leave. This is Horrific. 

Officer Kamal Sharif, Who Me,

Ya I Don't Even See Antifa,

a Registered Domestic Terrorist Group

Click Below for Video 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Amy E. Sousa @KnownHeretic Press Release Regarding Chief Thomas Olson KNOWING that Antifa was Called to Attack US, he did NOTHING to Prepare to Separate the Groups""Port Townsend Police Ignored Intelligence Warning of Agitators with “Intent to Victimize” Women’s Rights Group "

 "Port Townsend Police Ignored Intelligence Warning of Agitators with “Intent to Victimize” Women’s Rights Group 

Seniors Concerned about Safeguarding at YMCA Assaulted by Antifa Members Armed with Pepper Spray, Batons and Firearms

Port Townsend, Washington - August 19, 2022: The Port Townsend Police Department refused to protect women’s rights activists gathered at a Washington free speech event on Monday, despite having advance intelligence that their lives were at risk from “out of town agitators who were there with the intent to victimize.” 

Event organizers were told by a Port Townsend police officer this week that his “...highest priority was concern for the loss of life.” When asked if the agitators among the estimated 350 protesters had guns, he said, “Yes. They had batons, pepper spray and appeared to be carrying concealed firearms.” The officer, who helped RevFoxx Co-Founder Jennifer Thomas file assault charges against one of the main agitators wishes to remain unnamed. He confirmed that several felony assault charges have been laid. 

He added that attendees of the Let Julie Swim press conference had “absolutely done everything correctly” in holding up their promise to peacefully assemble in objection of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA’s policy of assigning males to supervise the intimate care of girls attending the facility’s day camp, as well as allowing males to use the women’s facilities in violation of women’s sex-based rights. 

Despite pre-event assurances from Port Townsend Police Chief, Tom Olson that the group comprised primarily of seniors and sexual assault survivors would be kept apart from protesters, he watched from across the street while the women were repeatedly assaulted by men who had penterated a human chain they had formed to protect event speakers, even forcing their way between women’s legs. 

Video footage shows Chief Olson smiling among a group of his officers when asked to intervene on active assaults. One officer said “Please let the folks there know that if they don’t feel safe being there, they’re free to leave.” (Footage available.) Despite the presence of three law enforcement agencies on the scene, and multiple 911 calls, they did not intervene until the last quarter of the event. 

“I organized the Let Julie Swim event to create opportunities for women to express their safeguarding concerns about men in women’s intimate spaces at the YMCA. I scheduled my event one hour before the City Council’s meeting regarding Mayor Faber’s proclamation to ensure we would have time to attend both events. Between local law enforcement’s unwillingness to keep our volunteers safe from the hundreds of protesters in line outside of City Hall, and Mayor Faber’s lack of respect for due process, none of us were able to have our say. We call for an emergency City Council meeting that will permit Juile Jaman and myself to offer comment, as well as publicly address the fact that Mayor Faber has openly supported Antifa, who he emboldened with dehumanizing and misogynistic language, and a hyperbolic claims that his own life was being threatened by the very women who were assaulted by men, encouraged and cheered on by the crowd.” - Amy E. Sousa, Co-Founder of RevFoxx, lead organizer of Let Julie Swim. 

The press conference was held in support of Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old Port Townsend resident permanently banned from the YMCA for objecting to a male in a woman’s bathing suit who she observed watching young girls take off their swimsuits to use the toilet in the facility’s combined shower/locker/washroom area where she was showering. 

Jaman was called “discriminatory” and “transphobic” by employees who informed her the male was a staff member. Employees tried to prevent her from leaving the facility, threatening her with the police. The facility has since stated that the senior, who has used the YMCA pool for 35 years, was banned as a result of multiple uses of vulgar language and obscene gestures with staff. The facility has refused to provide any documentation to support these allegations.  

The event took place prior to a City Council meeting taking public comment on a “Transgender Proclomation” issued by Mayor David J. Faber in support of the YMCA, which is co-operated by the City of Port Townsend

Prior to the event, Faber tweeted “I’ll probably get assassinated on Monday evening by a TERF or a moral panic-stricken right-wing nut job. ‘TERF’ stands for ‘Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist’. It is used to diminish the credibility of women who believe biological sex should be protected against sweeping policy changes carried out in support of gender ideology without public debate. Feminist groups have cautioned for years that the use of this slur creates public acceptance of male violence against women.

Faber also follows and has tweeted support of School Board Bloc, a Washington-based organization that describes itself as Antifascist,” and that recruited agitators to attend the Let Julie Swim rally. On the eve of the event, they tweeted “It would be a shame if something happened to that sound system” moments before the sound and live feed were temporarily disabled.

Following the event, Faber tweeted “What an incredible night. The Port Townsend community showed up in huge and beautiful fashion to say that hate has no place here. Trans and cis-allies alike spoke love & support.”

Faber has since tweeted “I unreservedly condemn any violence that happened during the protests on Monday. The city police, from my understanding, dealt with it. There hasn't been a council meeting since the protests, which ran at the same time as the council meeting.

This contradicts video evidence that shows City Council happily discussing the fact Let Julie Swim speakers were unable to get into the event due to the lengthy lineups that had formed outside of City Hall during the press conference, which was scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to allow speakers to participate in public comments at the council meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m..

Faber is currently facing growing scrutiny over a history of disturbing and problematic tweets ranging from misogynistic to approval of incel culture, pedophelia, public masturbation and beastiality. In one tweet, he refers to himself as a “pervert,” saying he is “legally-required, as a politician, to be absolutely filthy.” In another tweet, he endorses the views of Vaush, an American YouTuber notorious for anti-semetic views who advocates for the legalization of child sexual abuse images. 

Since the Let Julie Swim event, multiple supporters, including Julie Jaman, have filed assault reports and plan to pursue legal action against The City of Port Townsend and the Port Townsend Police Department. RevFoxx’s next speakers event will be held in Pittsburgh on September 4, 2022. Location TBD.

Live stream footage of the protest can be found here: 

And here: 

We also offer on request digital download access to photographs and pre-clipped video footage of event speakers, protestors, counter-protestors and multiple assaults.


For more information about the event, or to arrange interviews with Julie Jaman or Amy Sousa, please contact:

Amy E. Sousa

@KnownHeretic on Twitter, Youtube, & Instagram"


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Port Townsend Police Chief Thomas Olson: In Today’s Episode of “Gossiping Dangerous Tyrants” we See YMCA Rowen DeLuna otherwise known as Rowan Matkins send an email from the YMCA to Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson. In this Email YMCA Rowen admits to being friends with Piper Corbett who was in a mob of 400 Antifa, Olympic Pride and Trans Rights Activist that attacked 35 of us. YMCA Rowen DeLuna engages in Hate Speech while Cruelly making fun of a local lesbian pastor, Crystal Cox. Rowen Calls Crystal Cox, a nut job doing nut job things and acting in unstable behavior. And warns the Police that Crystal Cox is Dangerous and Crazy.

Rowen DeLuna of the YMCA, friend of Pied Piper Corbett, Engaging in a Hate Crime, with Hate Speech against Local Lesbian Crystal Cox, the “Dangerous” “Crazy” “Unstable” “Nut Job” that Lives in a Car and has Got Nothing Better to Do with her Time.

Yes this is the Same Rowen DeLuna who Banned an 80 year old woman from the Port Townsend YMCA for Speech She did not Approve of and for allegedly being a nasty horrible person to a member of the LGBTQ Community. 

Yet here We See that same Rowen being very cruel to a local lesbian woman recently assaulted by a mob she originally incited.  I am a Member of that same community she claims to care about yet she is engaging in discrimination and hate speech toward me. She calls me all manner of hateful things and makes fun of my having been homeless. And in this YMCA Rowen clearly shows that she has no concern for the LGBTQ community, for those who may have mental anguish PTSD or stress, no humanity for homeless or lesbians, and is simply virtue signaling and stroking her own ego with pretending to care about other human beings. Rowen DeLuna and Chief Tom Olson have NO HUMANITY what so ever. 

See in the official, of record, eMails below between YMCA Rowen DeLuna and Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson, we see Chief Olson say, Well all you have to do is look at her YouTube to see just how Crazy Crystal Cox is. This from the official email of the Port Townsend Police Chief Twistical Treasonous Tyrant Tommy Olson.

Guess that is why he let a Mob teach us a lesson, cuz he looked at Crazy Crystal Cox’s YouTube, and Tactless Treasonous Tyrant Tommy thinks I am Crazy. He does not like me so therefore I deserve hate speech and bad things to happen to me. So If Port Townsend Police Chief Tom Olson does not like you, like your videos, your beach walks, your spirituality, your dancing videos then he will watch a mob beat you down then gaslight you, bully you and engage in hate speech about you. You Could Be Next. DISCRIMINATION. HATE CRIME. HATE SPEECH.

oH and the Plot thickens as here we See Local "Band Mom" Rowen DeLuna (Matkins) claiming (confessing, admitting) to being friends with Piper Corbett who was part of the Mob that assaulted Julie Jaman and her supporters. Yeah that Rowen. The Same one that Banned an 80 year old woman for saying things she did not approve, ya her, now saying horrible things about Sweet Innocent ol' Me.

So Rowen, the Woman who threw Julie Jaman out of the YMCA, is friends with Piper Corbett who was at our back the whole press conference, blamed Julie Jaman and Amy Sousa for the “whole thing” and looked to be telling Pride Muzzle Guy what to do in our further assault.

Piper was hateful to Amy and the women who came to speak. Piper watched our attack, then later gaslighted us and claimed that Alex French, who assaulted us, was an “innocent person”. There are livefeeds showing him NOT innocent, and I personally filmed one of the assaults and witness it. Yet they tell me it never happened.

Here is Innocent Person Alex French being arrested by the Port Townsend Police at the Rally for Decency September 3rd 2022.

Our experience, our pain, our trauma is nothing to this heartless Vixen. And well now we see that the very start of the issue at the YMCA is Piper's Good Buddy Rowen. So did Rowen and “friend” Piper coordinate a Mob to teach Julie Jaman a Lesson? Rowen sure incited hate against Julie in the beginning of all this that is what drew my attention. So many ganging up on an Elder in my community and many if not most from Olympic Pride.

How connected to Antifa is Rowen?
Got a Tip?  eMail me at

Does Rowen believe she is above the Law in the Violence she Incited on those women, on Julie Jaman, on me? 

Hate Crime, Hate Speech, it’s all Good as long as it is against someone who YMCA Rowen DeLuna does not like, which is the Crazy Dangerous Lesbian Pastor Crystal Cox Reporting on Piper Corbett in my way, and under my Free Speech Rights, and from my Personal Experience. 

Odd Right, Rowen created an international incident because she did not like what Julie Jaman said to her cub working at the YMCA? Yet this Lesbian, me, can be called Dangerous and Crazy, a homeless nut job and have violence incited upon me and made fun for my stress or trauma or mental state and that is all good.

Protection for the Rights of Some and Bullying, Hate, and Violence Inciting to Others. Oh the Rat Rowen and Her/She Dangerous Crazy Hypocrisy. 

Rowan Matkins (DeLuna) incited hate toward an 80 year old woman, a long time resident of the community and long term user of that pool. Rowen incited Olympic PRIDE, TRA and Antifa to bully, berate and threaten Julie Jaman and her supporters. This happened right away online, that is what drew my interest as I could not believe that PRIDE was bringing so much hate and calling others to come and bully Julie Jaman. I, as a 52 year old Lesbian, never experienced that being what PRIDE was about.

I had been around the DeLunas’ since I first came to town 10 years ago. Two DeLunas' even signed my wedding certificate as witnesses and one of their Mothers officiated my wedding. I lived in a home where many of them hung out. I bet I can dig up some dirt, some dirty lawless deeds of Rowen DeLuna, we shall see. 

Thing is, will the deeds be “Dangerous” like inciting a mob to attack or just “Crazy” like that Crazy Crystal Cox, the Homeless Unstable Nutjob. I guess we will find out. Criminal Charges, and Civil Lawsuits are in full swing and these Ninnies are still at it. 


the DeLuna Clan were quite a few wonderful, brilliant, sweet smart teenagers, of whom I spoke with numerous times. I knew these teens and in fact was best friends with one of the mother’s and lived with them. The DeLuna Clan came over to the house pretty much daily. A really awesome bunch of teens. They were all about inclusivity, kindness, art, music, gaming, hair and makeup, original outfits and were always kind and inclusive with me. They never made fun of me for ANY REASON and were ALWAYS Respectful.

So Onto the eMails between YMCA Rowen DeLuna and Port Townsend Polson Chief Tom Olson.

Police Chief Thomas Olson is Irredeemable. 
He has No Conscience and no Accountability.

Who will Stand up to, arrest, indict, hold accountable Corrupt and Evil Cops such as Traitor Tommy?

Port Townsend Police Chief Olson violated our Constitutional Rights with total disregard and No Remorse. Tyrannical Twistical Treasonous Tommy the Tyrant ignored his Constitutional Oath in letting a mob attack me and 34 other People downtown Port Townsend on August 15th 2022. 

Internal Affairs, the DOJ, somebody somewhere should be indicting this man for what he did, he has no Remorse, is above the law and in fact continues to bully us, and gossip like a schoolgirl to the YMCA RAT Rowen about me, Crazy Crystal Cox. 

I told Chief Olson and the PT Police many times over years, with plenty of evidence what was happening to Michael Allmain, he does not care nor honor his Constitutional Oath. Instead he kowtows to politics, petunias, provocateurs and prominent people.  


I hope he goes to Prison. Cops are above the Law so probably not. However, this man is Evil Pure Through and I Will, again, be filing internal affairs complaints again regarding the Demon Chief of Police of Port Townsend. 

Our Beat Down and the Trauma women experienced after means nothing to this Abuser, he is still Gaslighting, Berating, Name Calling and committing Hate Crimes against us. This is your Professional Port Townsend Police Chief. DEMON Jackass indeed. 

a Dangerous Man. an Abuser

Got a Tip on Chief Olson? eMail me at 

This DEMON needs to be investigated and indicted.

Who do we report crimes to when the Police is this Demonic and Corrupt? I tell them of crimes for years. I stand up for strangers and prove what happened. I file complaints with proof and he laughs and ignores me. He chats it up with the City Attorney Heidi Greenwood about me living in a car, while she violates a court order to return a homeless mans dog, his property, his EVERYTHING. 

Chief Traitor does nothing to help save a homeless man who his officers harassed and harmed and people in his community committed crimes against. 

I recently filed a Hate Crime with Olson, Citing the Laws and with Evidence, he did not even acknowledge receiving it and that was before we were mobbed, My complaints with proof go unheard. Yet the busy body lying hypocritical lawless prominent people WITH NO PROOF get answered right away. THEY FLAT OUT LIE to the POLICE. I give years of proof and am ignored. 

Chief Olson ignores REAL Crimes and instead engages in Petty Gossip. This after he violated our rights and watched us be mobbed. Who holds corrupt and evil cops such as this accountable?

Recent photo of Chief Tommy Olson

The Latest “Dangerous” and “Crazy” Gossip about the Nutjob Crystal Cox.

Here we have Rowen of the Port Townsend YMCA, looking online for what I am reporting on about her friend, Piper Corbett, who was 1 of 400 people that mobbed us, hurt us, violated us. Piper was also seen talking to a man who assaulted us. Piper is a danger, and bad things happened to us involving her. Yet the Chief of Police and YMCA Rowen think I am the Dangerous Crazy Nutjob. Ass Backwards indeed.

Video of their Crimes and I am the Bad Guy. This email tells you all you need to know of who YMCA Rowen DeLuna Really is, and how the YMCA incident really went down. Pure EVIL. I saw a video of the police chief making donkey sounds she says and I emailed him about that Crazy Dangerous Unstable Nutjob Crystal Cox. oh and the Nerve of Rabid Rowen to assume I am a Woman. I Never Said I was a Woman LOL. Isn't that what this is all about. Why not call me a person, or stick with Nutjob. But to call me a "Woman" shows she does not believe in her own delusional cause.

Rowen the Rat Says:

“I’m sure you are very busy after this weekend but I wanted to just reach out. My friend Piper had been being harassed by this woman Crystal Cox.

 I was going to look at one of the nasty videos she’d made about Piper and came across this. 

I’m sure your fine and it’s just some nut job doing nut job things and you’re pretty safe but I thought maybe you’d like to know in case you encounter her. 

I hear she lives in her car and this seems like some pretty unstable behavior, so an encounter might happen. Anyway here’s the link.

You guys knocked it out of the park Saturday btw! Well done.
Sent from my iPhone Rowen

Guess what Rabid Ranting Rat Rowen, Treasonous Twistical Tommy has already encountered me many lawless unconstitutional times. And Yes Treasonous Tyrant Tommy does NO Investigation, is above the law, abuses women, violates his constitutional Oat and is completely incompetent.

Not harassing Piper, Rageful Repugnant Rowen, but instead standing up to our abuser, someone involved in our assault. Looks like you were involved as well, WOW not very “DeLuna” of you Radical Rat Rowen. 

Rankle Rowen thinks that the Police Chief, Treasonous Tyrant Tommy is in Danger of me because of a Video of Him making Donkey sounds, after he let a mob attack us? After she incited violence upon us. 

Rowen’s Rabid Radical Rage was part of inciting a mob that attacked us and my Donkey Sounds video “could be” dangerous? 

THEY are Dangerous and Violent physically and for realzies and donkey noises are the Danger? 

No wonder Rabid Rat Rowen thought words were so dangerous in the locker room. They are WORDS Repulsive Rowen. You were part of inciting real physical violence on women, elders, lesbians and the men that stood with us. YOU are the Danger. You Revile Rowan, are the Candidate for “Unstable Behavior”, “Nut Job”, “Crazy” and “Dangerous”. 

Radical Rampant Rageful Rowen thinks I am a Nutjob? All this from the Nut Job that went Apeshit on an old lady for wanting privacy around her naked body. I Can See how you and Piper would hit it off, to Pied Peas in a Pod. Thing is, you Started this Mob, this Worldwide Incident, and Jackass Sounds are dangerous to you? WOW. 

No Rowen the Rat, I am not making “nasty” videos about Piper. I am exposing someone involved in an assault against me and elder women in a community I live in. Of which you were part of inspiring that mob on us, and here you are a Tattle Tale that big mean Crystal Cox is so unstable big strong officer please validate me, and she is homeless and you could be in danger of her making donkey noises. 

Piper, your friend, hurt people that day and she claimed the man who assaulted Jen Thomas was an “innocent person”. 


Rowen Matkins (DeLuna) of Olympic YMCA clearly has no remorse for here wrongdoing, She did not follow the Rule of Three that day, there was not two adults with the children, she made errors in judgment, policy and law as far as I see it and yet has no ability what so ever to see her own dangerous, nut job, crazy, unstable behavior but instead vomits hypocritical words on me through official emails with her bestie treasonous traitor Tommy, the Chief of Police in Port Townsend Washington.

So Rowen the Rat, Chief Olson Really is a Jackass, and he is Dangerous and possibly a nut job, who in an act of unstable behavior violated his fake phony Constitutional Oath and let 400 people attack 35 on his watch, and his directive to stand down. 

The Video Below is the Topic of the Donkey Duo's eMails

Treasonous Twistical Tommy did not knock it out of the park Saturday September 3rd, We Did, Rat Rowen. We Created that, the State was involved that is why we had protection. If Twistical Tommy had his way we would have been assaulted again. The state took it out of his violent, demented, unconstitutional authority. And the PT police there that are good guys did a very good job, NOTHING to Do with Tommy OLSON who let 400 Olympic Pride Terrorists Mob Us, of which you, Rowen the Rabid Rat inspired. 

With the State involved, the Police in Port Townsend could do the Good Job they wanted to do at the first event, that we were mobbed at. The Good Port Townsend Police could not do their job as their DEMON boss Tyrant Tommy followed and Unconstitutional Order from a Corrupt City Council to Stand Down. A Directive, and IAP to Let Us Be Assaulted and Not Help us to Silence Us, put fear into us, bully us, abuse us.

Cruel Hate Speech to those Living in a Car, WOW Woman, you have Gone Completely Hypocritically Psycho On me. And I am pretty much in the Deluna family you Demonic DIP. WAS in the Family. Now the word DeLuna is so very Tainted. 


Chief Corrupt Hate Crime Committing DEMON Chief Olson Responds with:


Subject: Re: Just Crazy or Dangerous?

Date: Tuesday, September 6, 2022 3:06:36 PM


Thank you for sharing. I had not seen that one yet. Ms. Cox has nothing better to do with her time. You can watch a few of her videos on YouTube and I think it will answer your question.
I am not surprised by anything she does.

I am really curious to see what she comes up with for this last rally. She teamed up with the Proud Boys and the 3 %ers.

Thomas Olson
Chief of Police
Port Townsend Police Department

Click Below for PDF of PT Gossip Rag, otherwise known as Police and YMCA eMails.

Curious to See what I "come up with"?

We were Protesting what you did to Us you EVIL Tyrant. We were Lesbians, Gay Men, Straight Folks, Conservatives, Liberals. We are Human Beings and NOT a Group, Party or Team Demon Spawn.

Yes Chief Olson YOU Sick Evil Bastard, I have NOTHING better to do than stand up to a man who violated our Constitutional Rights, has no respect for the LAW and stood there like a Jackass and let a mob attack elders and vulnerable people in his community.

 I have every right to make fun of you, it is my constitutional right. And for that I have nothing better to do with my time and the answer to if I am Dangerous or Crazy is Look at my YouTube. 

That is what gaslighting abusers say to women they don't approve of. YOU are Abusive, Narcissistic and Sociopathic.

You are a Sick, Vile Man and I Hope I get an eMail with something so bad that you have done that you go to Prison Immediately. It is NOT ok what you did to us. And to further engage in Hate Speech of a protected class, well You are NOT a Good Man in any sense of the word and completely Lawless, Immoral and Corrupt through and through. 

I am working on a Hate Crime Complaint against Chief Thomas Olson. He Harassed me while living in a car, did nothing to prosecute the crimes committed in the Michael Allmain Case, let a mob attack me and others, violated our constitutional rights and is now engaging in Hate Speech Against me. Coming Soon Hate Crime Complaint will be filed with the State and DOJ against Chief Thomas Olson and Rowen the Rabid Radical Rat.


I am Dangerous Rowen? What Delusional Upside down world is that IN?

You incited a mob on old ladies.  You are A Sick and Twisted Rabid Rat, and YOU are the ONE that is Dangerous and perhaps even a Nut Job. You incited violence upon us, and Julie Jaman, and you are at me, one of the victims of your madness.  After you put a 400 person mob after us with your “dangerous” “crazy” “unstable behavior” Hate Speech and Rhetoric, I AM THE ONE WHO MAY DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS, WOW LMAO. 


So Hate Crimes will Be Filed and a New Blog Investigative Reporting On Rowen the Rabid Rat and Twistical Tommy coming soon. As Tommy is Curiouser and Curiouser what will Crystal Say Next, NOTHING Surprises me. Oh Treasonous Traitor Twistical Tommy, you may be in for a Tingling Tickly Surprise, perhaps from Internal Affairs you Twisted Unconstitutional Jackass. Hope you enjoyed your email with Rowen the Rat, it will perhaps now be your Legacy. 

OH AND FUNNY RIGHT Trembling Tommy Lamenting on the Washington III% and some "Real Men" that care about and stand up the rights of women including lesbians, stand up for all women and girls, and actually can protect women, completely emasculating the Evil Spineless Coward Tyrant that let a mob beat up old ladies.

 Scared Loser OMG the Proud Boys, 
Has Anyone Seen My Balls. 

Can't Seem to Find the Chief's Balls 
I Think those 3%ers, those Patriots 
Ran off with Trembling Tommy's Balls.

Posted here by “Unstable” Mabel 
Crazy Crystal Cox, 
the Dangerous Nutjob.