Thursday, March 15, 2012

Marc Randazza Violates the Constitutional Rights of Domain, Blogger Crystal Cox as Marc Randazza aids in Stealing Domain Names and Setting UP Blogger Crystal Cox. Marc Randazza is mad because Blogger Crystal Cox rejected him as her attorney, and bought a Dotcom with his Name in It.

Marc Randazza, Celebrity First Amendment Attorney, is upset because Crystal Cox Blogger rejected Marc Randazza as her Attorney, and Marc Randazza, is fighting back by conspiring with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox to set up Blogger Crystal Cox.  Marc Randazza, after getting secrets, and private information from Blogger, Domainer Crystal Cox, Marc Randazza is working on the Opposite Side of Crystal Cox and the opposite side of Free Speech and the First Amendment Rights of All. 
Marc Randazza seem to have not done his homework on Obsidian Finance Group, or Kevin Padrick to determine if there a reason to investigate, or to believe that indeed Blogger Crystal Cox does have those Journalistic Standards or Ethics that Marc Randazza clams I do not have. I expose corruption, I am a VERY good investigative blogger and have wrote on this case for over 3 years. I am in the KNOW and have linked to documents of source and have been ignored.  I was not noticed at all, nor was my whistleblower heard when she complained to a Federal Bankruptcy Judge, the FBI and the Department of Justice.  I was not heard until I went "Over the TOP" with my language and made enough noise to get Eyes on Corruption.

See, Marc Randazza went to school to be a journalist, and does not seem to be interested in actual journalism, thing is I am. I am not interested in some standards set by the lying BIG MEDIA that controls information and calls it News. I post documents, Truth, Audios and Videos and I don't just call both sides and make up some version of reality, I post actual evidence, documents, court audios, contracts in FULL so that the Public can think for themselves. 

If Marc Randazza cared to research my story before siding with the DEVIL Marc Randazza would easily see that Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group are in some major conflicts of interest; massive lobbying and solar tax credits issue, People in Lake County Oregon are very upset at their property rights being run over by Obsidian Finance Group, HomeStreet bank out of Washington filed an Objection to the Fees of Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group, There is history of questionable behavior over the Longview Fibre Deal and Aloha Lumber, and the Oregon Trail Issues. 

Marc Randazza is so upset that Blogger Crystal Cox bought Marc Randazza .com, that Marc Randazza cannot see the clear merits of this case. And in this Marc Randazza is making ALL Bloggers the Collateral Damage of his hurt ego.

Marc Randazza’s ego is leading him around. Marc Randazza told Crystal Cox he was impressed with her, me, for standing up for and even being willing to not file an appeal for the Greater Good if that’s what he took. Marc Randazza told blogger Crystal Cox that it was very encouraging to hear that she would choose, to not appeal if that was best for lobby efforts and the good of all Bloggers and Citizen Journalists. And yet Marc Randazza, in a pissing match with Blogger Crystal Cox is now working against the First Amendment Rights of all by working with the Plaintiff’s Camp in Obsidian V. Cox, in order to set up Blogger Crystal Cox, and to throw a fit over a Domain name that he was not smart enough to buy, Marc Randazza .com . 

Marc Randazza, does not seem to care who is guilty of what. All Marc Randazza can seem to see is red, because Blogger Crystal Cox rejected him for being bullying, disrespectful and controlling and making deals behind her back and telling the WORLD that Marc Randazza represented Crystal Cox Blogger, when clearly he did not. 
Marc Randazza has staged a Subpoena, even though he contacted the Plaintiff and offered himself up to teach Blogger Crystal Cox a Lesson. See, Marc Randazza is working with David Aman of Tonkon Torp in attempting to silence blogger Crystal Cox who is continuing to expose; Obsidian Finance Group, Tonkon Torp, PacifiCorp, Pacific Power, Obsidian Renewables, Pamela Griffith of the Department of Justice, Judge Randall Dunn, Perkins Coie Law Firm and Steven Hedberg, Sussman Shank Law Firm and Tom Stilley and Susan Ford, Miller Nash Law Firm, US Bankruptcy Code Violations in the Summit Bankruptcy, and events surrounding the Summit Accomodators Bankruptcy based out of Bend Oregon. 

So What Happened? 

How did I, Crystal Cox Blogger begin this pissing match with Marc Randazza, Alleged First Amendment Attorney?

See, after my $2.5 Million Dollar Set Up to “Attempt” to Hide the Secrets of Obsidian Finance Group, Tonkon Torp and other Big Oregon Law Firms and Corporations, well, one of my Bloggers contacted Marc Randazza and I agreed to a 3 way conversation to interview Marc Randazza, and he had agreed with my Blogger to talk with me in the possibility of taking my case. 

During this call Marc Randazza said that if he took the case he would need money for a certain amount of costs and that it would be an expensive case to file appeal. He said, in a case like this he would normally charge at least $75,000. However, he was considering Pro Bono due to the Media attention I was getting, but even in that would need cost for copies and to be in a hotel in California for the appeal, if he or someone he recommended were to take the case.

Marc Randazza gave many signs during this call that Marc Randazza would most likely not represent me. 
And told me that NOT Appealing may be the Best Answer. Marc Randazza never got back to me after this call. I heard later from other Attorneys that Marc Randazza represented me.

During this call Marc Randazza said he was concerned of the “record” and had to take a look at it before deciding. I said that was a responsible thing to do, he said he would look at my documents and get back to me, he did not get back to me, yet told others he represented me, more on that in a bit. 

Marc Randazza told me on this call that I had “made a mess,” which I found very slamming as what I do is for the Greater Good and what I was exposing was and is on the right side of the law and certainly on the right side of the Moral Compass

Marc Randazza saying this, let me know that he had no idea that what I did was a ‘calling,’ it was for massive change and a good thing to bring attention to this issue. Marc Randazza treated me as if I had made a “mess” and with complete disrespect. When in fact, I am creating “Media” and “Legal” attention to something that is VERY important for the Greater Good of ALL.

Marc Randazza said that he was concerned with my “Journalistic Standards”, SHOCKING isn't it, a Porn Company Attorney representing folks that "Society" judges and Marc Randazza is judging and slamming my “Journalistic Standards”?  Anyway this disrespectful comment led me to believe that Marc Randazza seemed to have been eating up the bad information about me, this was another sign to me that Marc Randazza was not going to represent me.

I am an Investigative Blogger. And a Very Good ONEFor Over 3 years, I have read contracts, insider emails, legal briefs, documents, LLC Agreements, Legal Filings, depositions, All the documents in Objection to Fees Filed against Tonkon Torp and Obsidian Finance Group by Summit Insiders and I listened to Audio’s of Court Sessions, watched videos of depositions and insider meetings and I interviewed, and yes took notes from the side of the Debtors, Investors, Creditors and more in the Summit Bankruptcy, deeper than any other news outlet. I have covered this story in depth and linked to lots of proof and documentation. 

The Media Bloggers Association should pay close attention, as what I was doing was exposing documents, and linking to those documents, and this is what most all bloggers do. The fact that I curse, Capitalize in Odd Places and have my own "Independent Style", well that make me legally "media" as well, and it does not change the Facts.  I do what ALL good Investigative Bloggers, Alternative News and Citizen Journalists Do.

There is no way that I don't have an Independent Product and the Oregon Shield Laws, Anti-Slapp Laws, and CERTAINLY the Oregon Retraction Laws SHOULD apply to me. Though I published that Blog Post while living in Boulder Colorado and was sued as a Resident of Montana, out of a Federal Court in Oregon.

Big Media wants to shut me up, so they lie about me, and for some reason Marc Randazza ate up what Big Media said about me, even though it was NOT True. Marc Randazza did not care about my side.

Marc Randazza simply ran me over with his personal opinions and agenda. 
Marc Randazza says if I were not so UnEthical he may hire me. What? Marc Randazza has no idea what Ethical Is.

Marc Randazza told me that he used to work for Big Media but now he works for bloggers and porn stars, because Marc Randazza claimed that Big Media had the agenda of creating a Monopoly so they make more money. Yet NOW Marc Randazza is working with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox

Marc Randazza told me that he would have to talk to his existing clients, such as The Media Association of Bloggers, to see if there was a conflict before deciding to represent me or not. Marc Randazza claimed he would get back to me on this. Instead, Marc Randazza contacted the Plaintiff’s side and tried to cut a deal WITHOUT my Consent, without “getting back to me” and without discussing if he represented me, wanted to represent me or if there was a Conflict. 

Meanwhile Marc Randazza,
 of The Media Bloggers Association (MBA) , told lots of people in the “business” that he represented Blogger Crystal Coxyet that was NOT True. I had agreed to work with another Lawyer and this created a situation that caused me stress, and almost lost me the Lawyer I really wanted. 

Did Marc Randazza have to “discuss” a conflict with the Media Bloggers Association (MBA) in any way BEFORE Marc Randazza called the Plaintiff’s side and tried to work out a deal, as if he represented me?

I was told at that time by other members of the First Amendment Bar that Marc Randazza was talking with the Plaintiff’s side and trying to work out some arrangement regarding money, or a change to case law. I was Pro Se for a year and I wrote over 50 Court Filed Documents myself. I was and AM in the KNOW on my Case and 
Marc Randazza simply left me out, THE CLIENT, out of the LOOP, as if I had no brain, no rights and with total disrespect for me, Blogger Crystal Cox. 

Marc Randazza simply and certainly, unethically took it upon himself to contact the Plaintiff’s side of Obsidian V. Cox, without my knowledge and without getting back to me on if he wanted to work with me or not, Marc Randazza simply left me hanging with time running out and was working behind my back on a deal. Is this Legal? Well it is certainly NOT Ethical and certainly shows no respect for bloggers nor the First Amendment Rights that Marc Randazza, Allegedly wants to protect. 

I want to Sue Marc Randazza, if I can find a Good Attorney who will represent me on contingency, email me at if you know of one.

Also on that first phone call Marc Randazza said he thought it was funny that the Plaintiff thinks they can get $2.5 Million out of me, and now Marc Randazza has offered himself up to help them get any assets they think I have and ESPECIALLY that $10 Domain Name, Marc Randazza .com, that Marc Randazza NEVER Registered for himself.

Marc Randazza is helping the Plaintiff to take Domain Names, which is my only way to make a living, and all in the name of “Constitutional Rights” What? This makes no sense and is NOT True. 

Marc Randazza is Vindictive, plain and simply. He was not chosen in the BIGGEST case that the blogsphere has EVER seen regarding one blogger, and a case that will change laws and is already a world wide phenomena and that blogger, me, had the nerve to buy Marc Randazza .com and to even suggest that Marc Randazza hire me to do PR for him. Marc Randazza is so mad that Marc Randazza is making ALL Bloggers the Collateral Damage of Marc Randazza’s EGO. 

In one of Marc Randazza’s last communications to me he said  “do you really want to make an enemy of me?” Marc Randazza thinks that a blogger, a woman, being smarter than him is making him an enemy. 

So Marc Randazza is on a mission to teach Blogger Crystal Cox a lesson and be “Deposed” to rant about me to the Plaintiff to attempt to further quash my “Free Speech” and First Amendment Rights, and thereby affecting all BLOGGERS, Citizen Journalists and Alternative Media Worldwide. 

Marc Randazza told me that if I appeal it MAY create Bad Law and that maybe I should consider NOT appealing so that my case can be used to Lobby for others in changing laws. I was in agreement, and told Marc Randazza that I simply wanted advice from those surrounding the First Amendment Rights Issue and the First Amendment Bar, so that I could do what was best for all Bloggers, Citizens Journalists and the First Amendment Rights of All.Marc Randazza said he was very glad to hear that, and it made him want to work with me even more, or so he "Alleged" at the time.

Marc Randazza said, if I take your case then my Ethical Duty is to you, yet Marc Randazzaacted as if he had taken my case, without talking to me about it, and was already negotiating with the Plaintiff’s side of Obsidian Finance Group Vs. Blogger Crystal Cox. 

To me, Crystal Cox, this says that Marc Randazza was already acting as my attorney, and did have an Ethical Duty to me to not disclose my stance, emails, or private conversations with him. Yet Marc Randazza contacted the “Other” side to Negotiate, and that was in December. Now Marc Randazza is using information I gave him directly against me in a Deposition that Marc Randazza is giving the "Plaintiff" to attempt to put me in my place and to take a $10 Domain Name that Marc Randazza was not smart enough to buy, and this, in my opinion, is an Ethical Breach, if not Plain Ol’ Illegal.

Last December I found out that Marc Randazza was Negotiating with the Plaintiff’s Side OF MY LEGAL CASE without my PERMISSION.  I was told this by other members of the First Amendment Bar that wanted to represent me. 
They had heard that Marc Randazza represented me
 and even spoke with Marc Randazza, and he had flat out claimed to be representing me, yet Marc Randazza had not told me he was even still considering representing me, Blogger Crystal Cox. 

I was told by other Attorneys that I needed to let Marc Randazza know that he did not represent me, because Marc Randazza was telling everybody that he did represent Blogger Crystal Cox on Appeal of Obsidian V. Cox (I have Emails and more to Prove this).

Marc Randazza has so little respect for potential clients that Marc Randazza simply does as Marc Randazza pleases without his client’s or potential client’s knowledge.

Can I Sue Marc Randazza for trying to make a deal, acting as if he was my attorney without my consent? I certainly can file Bar Complaints in NV, CA, MA, FL, and AZ to Start. 

Marc Randazza is now part of a Witch Hunt to discredit blogger Crystal Cox, in effort to protect Big Corporations such as Obsidian Finance Group, Pacific Power, Government Oversight people such as Judge Randall Dunn and Pamela Griffith of the Department of Justice and Law Firms such as Tonkon Torp, Sussman Shank and Perkins Coie. 

Marc Randazza is sacrificing the Free Speech rights of ALL in Marc Randazza’s own personal Ego trip over a blogger that bought Marc Randazza .com. Marc Randazza is NOT a man for the rights of Free Speech. Marc Randazza is a man for the personal EGO Trip of Marc Randazza. 
So how is Marc Randazza working with the “Bad Guys” 

and on the Opposite Side of Free Speech? 

Marc Randazza is helping the Plaintiff to set me up. Marc Randazza is pretending to be under subpoena and pretending to have no choice, but the truth is that Marc Randazza called the Plaintiff, and Marc Randazza initiated dealing with them against me because his EGO is bent that I did not CHOOSE him and I bought Marc Randazza .com.

Marc Randazza is even flying to Portland to be deposed at the Tonkon Torp Law Firm. The Day After I will Be Deposed in Spokane Washington, and I will BE Demanding my Rights to Question Marc Randazza and to be Present at that Deposition. I am Pro Se on this Matter.

And all this, because they want to Silence a Blogger Exposing Corruption and to spite a Pro Se Defendant who went with a different lawyer and had the nerve to buy a domain name with Marc Randazza's name in it.

Marc Randazza is on an Ego Trip and it affects all Bloggers, yet Marc Randazza acts as if he works for the best interest of Bloggers and for the best interest of the Media Bloggers Association (MBA) . 

Marc Randazza does not work for the best interest of Bloggers, nor of the Best interest of the First Amendmant. Marc Randazza is on an Ego trip for Marc Randazza and so in creating a war over a domain name that he was too dumb to buy and in being pissed off because I told him I did not want him to represent me, well now Marc Randazza is working directly against the Free Speech and First Amendment Rights of All Bloggers. 

So Who Is Marc Randazza 

Marc Randazza , Marc John Randazza of Randazza Legal Group with offices Miami, Phoenix & Toronto. Marc Randazza is an Attorney Licensed in Arizona, Nevada, California, Massachusetts, and Florida. 

Marc Randazza is in the News these days saying that Sandra Fluke is Butthurt over Rush Limbaugh calling her a slut and has no right to sue, yet Marc Randazza is helping to take my livelihood and Silence My Voice.  This seems like such a Double Standard.

Marc Randazza claims to fight for the First Amendment rights of all. Marc Randazza is an Attorney specializing in protecting porn and online gambling ( ) 

According to, Marc Randazza’s first case was representing a fraternity at Boston University, when the brothers of that fraternity were accused of destroying a house they had rented and accused of other misconduct. Marc Randazza then began practicing in Florida as a real estate attorney. Marc Randazza seems to have started right out working for the wrong side of the law and certainly the wrong side of the law in representing drunken fraternity brother’s who seem to have destroyed some one’s property. 

Marc Randazza, according to wikipedia, “Soon thereafter, moved to Orlando, Florida where his practice in First Amendment and media law expanded. He started representing defendants in SLAPP suits, pornography businesses, and protesters, in often unpopular constitutional law matters.”

Marc Randazza seems to have started right out of the gate on 
his First Amendment Soap Box defending those seemingly on the wrong side of the law and the wrong side of the moral compass.

Yet Marc Randazza slams me for “Journalistic Standards” and works directly against a blogger whom he had acted as if he once worked for in this same manner. Marc Randazza told me that I made a mess of my case. Thing is who is making a mess now 
 Ol’ Marc Randazza?

Marc Randazza is a Public Figure, indeed having been in debates on Fox news and other television and having worked for Big Media as Marc Randazza told me. So why are there not more bloggers EXPOSING Marc Randazza ? Well I guess, Marc Randazza really was for blogger’s rights, until he got all BENT over Blogger Crystal Cox and decided to be part of taking down the Free Speech Rights for ALL Bloggers

According to wikipedia, “"Randazza has a practice that primarily focuses on the areas of First Amendment litigation, adult entertainment, trademark and copyright litigation, and domain name arbitration disputes." So you see Marc Randazza, has to save face and punish mesomehow because I am Smarter than Marc Randazza. 
Marc Randazza represented people in WIPO cases yet claims he does not care about my WIPO case with Proskauer Rose Law Firm out of New York, in which I Legally won the right to own the names in dispute.

This is a case precedence of
 my Legal Right to buy Marc Randazza .com, and though Marc Randazza is some big deal in Domain Name Arbitration,Marc Randazza did not have the Brains to buy Marc Randazza dotcom. 

Now Marc Randazza has teamed up with David Aman of Tonkon Torp who, along with his “Plaintiff” Kevin Padrick was involved in the Summit Bankruptcy Scandal and named in the Objection to Fees in the Summit Bankruptcy in which several insiders filed to Object to the Massive Conflicts of Interest and Outrageous Fees involving Tonkon Torp Law Firm and Kevin Padrick

More on that at the Link Below for Now (if Links are Broken due to stolen Domain Names, email me at for a copy of the Objection to Fees in Summit and in the Homestreet Bank Scandal involving Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group, as well as other documents of those who really do and have had issue with Obsidian and Kevin Padrick ) 

Sure must be a low blow to the Massive Ego of Marc Randazza to have been trumped by a blogger, and a Woman. Marc Randazza is one of those classic examples of Attorneys who simply shut you up and toss you in the back seat of a legal case as if he is smarter and can handle it, which obviously Marc Randazza is not smarter then blogger Crystal Cox even if Marc Randazza is conspiring to set up Blogger Crystal Cox to protect his Ego. 

According to wikipedia, Marc Randazza has “represented a number of well-known adult entertainment companies including, Bang Bus, and Milf Hunter. He also represents media businesses such as BME and bloggers in SLAPP suits.” So the Porn King Attorney Mark Randazza is all for Freedom of Speech, ... well EVERYTHING, except a Woman Being Smarter than Him and buying a dotcom of Marc Randazza can’t have that, so he is off to Portland to a Deposition of the Asset’s of Crystal Cox in order to conspire to set up Blogger Crystal Cox and teach her, me a lesson for being SMARTER than Ego Maniac Marc Randazza. 

Maybe his buddy David Aman will Take the Domain Name Marc Randazza .com, which I bought after my Judgement and Maybe David Aman, attorney for Obsidian Finance Group, will simply GIVE the domain name Marc Randazza .com to Marc Randazza then he can STOP Crying over it

Marc Randazza is Directly against the First Amendment Rights of Blogger Crystal Cox in her buying Marc Randazza .com. Yet Marc Randazza defends others in outrageous domain name ownership case. 

Though Marc Randazza tells me he don’t care about WIPO, yes Marc Randazza actually said that in an email to Blogger Crystal Cox, anyway, According to wikipedia, Marc Randazza “has represented the defendant in Beck v. Eiland-Hall, a case before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) filed by political commentator Glenn Beck, ...The WIPO arbitrator ruled against Beck in the case, and in favor of Randazza's client.” Yet when I told Marc Randazza that I had represented myself in a WIPO case over an Attorney’s name and won, he said he did not care. Yet it sure seems that Marc Randazza is proud of his WIPO case win, in my opinion, of course.

SO what was the Beck V. Eiland-Hall case, and just what was Marc Randazza defending as a Free Speech right? Well the Domain name in that dispute was,(") 

Marc Randazza says I have no right to own a domain name that corresponds to his name, GeezMarc Randazza did not think that in this domain name(") I Guess that is just those double standards of Mr. Marc Randazza popping up again. 

So Marc Randazza fought for the right for his client to own the domain name,"" - as you see at this link
Hypocrite Marc Randazza thinks it is OK for his client to buy and own a sick domain name such as that, that accuses a man of rape and murder, but it is not OK for me to own Marc Randazza .com.

Seems a bit of a double standard, don't you think? It is not ok to own that kind of a domain name, it is sick, it accuses a man of rape and murder and yet is defended by 
Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza knows all about WIPO, and Copyrights, and Intellectual Property so why not just take the Domain Name? Why get on the Bandwagon of the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox to Stomp on the Free Speech Rights of All Citizen Journalists and to deliberately STOMP on the First Amendment Rights of every United States Citizen who my case, Obsidian V. Cox now represents in Free Speech Issues? 

You see if Asshole Marc Randazza had a Right to take the Domain Name then he would right? 

So why work with the "Bad Guys" to steal the domain name, because he wants to make a point and steal the Domain Name he was not smart enough to buy. And all with the Collateral Damage of the Rights of Free Speech of Every Blogger World Wide, and of the First Amendment Rights of Everyone, Period? 

Marc Randazza thinks, as you will see in the emails, that I should have asked him before I bought  Marc Randazza Dotcom, gee did his client ask Glen Beck if they could buy "" ? I bet NOT. 

Marc Randazza is simply pissed off at a Woman who did not want to let him represent her, ME, even For Free, because he was an arrogant aggressive ass to me and because he went behind my back making deals BEFORE I even agreed to be his client. I have more respect for myself than to let a BULLY, Lying, Thug Such as Marc Randazza represent me, even if for FREE. 

Marc Randazza is so mad at me for not choosing him, and at me, Blogger Crystal Cox for buying the Asshole's name as a dotcom, that Marc Randazza is making the World his Collateral Damage in a Marc Randazza pissing match with Blogger Crystal Cox. 

Thing is, no matter what you Pricks set me up for, the TRUTH remains to be the TRUTH, the Criminal in all this REMAINS to be the Criminal, Kevin Padrick remains to be suspect of White Collar Crimes, and all those involved in the Summit Bankruptcy Scandal will remain to have been involved, and your foul play, ethics violations and double standards will one day bite you in the ASS. As the TRUTH has a way of rising to the TOP. I have Faith. 

Marc Randazza is all for Free Speech and First Amendment Rights, but only in his selfish, delusional world of what Free Speech is and that does not seem to include citizen journalists exposing corruption or Internet Marketers who are Smarter then Marc Randazza and buy his dotcom. 

Marc Randazza obviously needs Internet Marketing help, so I offered it to him as I do everyone I can. It’s what I do, I would like to make money at it. Marc Randazza has his panties so wound up around his you know what, he just can’t think. So instead of defending the First Amendment and those trying to expose corruption, Marc Randazza contacts the Plaintiff to work against the Pro Se First Amendment Defendant and on the Opposite Side of First Amendment Rights. And why? Because I bought and he was too dumb to buy it so now he wants to conspire to silence me. 

Does Marc Randazza know that David Aman is alleged to be under an FBI Investigation over his connection to a man in Montana who tried to intimidate me to get me to take David Aman’s “Settlement Communication” which offered me a deal, if I commit a crime “ and just swear that people committed a crime that they did not, well then he would generously let me out of a 10 Million Dollar Lawsuit, is this Legal? 

See That Post Here

And if you want to order the hearing transcript of the alleged FBI Investigation that hearing is called “Motion to Exclude Sean Boushie,” it is a matter of court record. 

So what ever happens in the WAR between Crystal Cox (not a Porn Star) and Marc Randazza, First Amendment Attorney fighting for the rights of Porn Stars, and other Adult Entertainment First Amendment rights . . . well whatever happens, my intention on my first talk with Marc Randazza was to listen with an open mind, in the possibility of Marc Randazza representing me, and buying, well that is just what I do, I buy the names of those who are part of stories that I come across or involve me. The domain name was available, and so I bought it. I am for hire for PR, and Search Engine Marketing, I offer that service. 

Marc Randazza is a Bully, and is now working with the Plaintiff in Obsidian Vs. Cox as Marc Randazza does not believe I have a legal right to own or to have bought, a domain name which you would think ol’ Marc Randazza would have owned long ago. 

So why hasn’t Marc Randazza simply filed a WIPO complaint if Marc Randazza has the legal right to own Marc Randazza .com ? Well you see it seems like more fun and more vindictive for Marc Randazza to work on the opposite side of Free Speech and First Amendment Rights and instead set up blogger Crystal Cox with his Good Ol’ Buddies at Tonkon Torp and Obsidian Finance Group in which Marc Randazza attempted to make a deal with them, financially on my behalf BEHIND MY Back and when he did not represent me. 

Yes, I am under the impression that back in December, Marc Randazza contacted the Plaintiff to make a deal on my behalf for them to change the judgement so it would not affect the Porn Industry Free Speech, and this was to be in my best interest. And I was told that at that same time Marc Randazza claimed to many in the First Amendment Bar, that he represented me, and yet Marc Randazza had not told me, the “Alleged” Client. In my Opinion, based on my personal experience I do not recommend nor trust Marc Randazza. 

Marc Randazza, seems to me to work on the OPPOSITE side of Free Speech in order to teach a female investigative blogger a lesson for being smarter than him. 
Marc Randazza was not offered the chance to buy Marc Randazza .com, NO WAY. 

He will only get the name if he files a WIPO complaint, or sucks up to Plaintiff Kevin Padrick and his Attorney David Aman, if they seize the Domain Name and give it to Marc Randazza in some deal possibly made to set up, to silence blogger Crystal Cox for exposing; Tonkon Torp Law Firm, Obsidian Finance Group and their connections to Oregon Solar Credits, PacifiCorp, Pacific Power, Judge Randall Dunn, Blue Heron Paper Company, Department of Justice Pamela Griffith, Perkins Coie Steven Hedberg, Sussman Shank Susan Ford and Tom Stilley, Miller Nash, Bonneville Power, Lake County Oregon Commissioners, the Bend Oregon D.A. Office. 

Marc Randazza claims to be a Copyright Expert, so if there is a Legal Reason that Marc Randazza should get to own Marc Randazza .com that Marc Randazza was to dumb to buy, then why doesn’t big shot Domain Name Arbitration Lawyer Marc Randazza, simply TAKE Marc Randazza .com by force instead of working in the dark, in back alleys and side deals with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox, which is looking to be the biggest case of Free Speech For Bloggers that the Blogsphere has ever seen in quite this way?

And if it is NOT Legal to buy Marc Randazza .com if I am not Marc Randazza, then why in the world is it Legal for Godaddy to Sell the Domain Name Marc Randazza .com

I hope that Randazza Legal Group owns Randazza Legal Group .com, as I won a WIPO Case for, you know what WIPO is, right Asshole?

Stay Tuned for Crystal Cox Vs. Marc Randazza Part 2 AND more as the Pissing Match Continues. The next Part will have emails between Marc Randazza and Crystal Cox Blogger and explanations of communications from my point of view, of course. This will also include my Email to Marc Randazza rejecting him in representing me because Marc Randazza is an arrogant Ass and was disrespectful to me.

Got a Tip on Marc Randazza? I would love to know.,,
Crystal L. Cox

Investigative Blogger
ENEMY of Hypocritical, Egomaniac Marc Randazza

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