Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NASDAQ: INTC - Open Letter to Intel Corp Board of Directors and Intel Corp Shareholders to DISCLOSE Massive Fraud

Intel Corp. Executives have Been Hiding a Very Big Secret from Intel Corp.'s Board of Directors, and Intel Corp.'s Shareholders for Over a Decade Now.

Intel Corp. is involved in a Stolen Technology Scandal over the IViewit Technologies, and Intel Corp. CEO Paul Otellini has been covering it up. Then General Counsel Bruce Sewell also covered up this Massive Proven Fraud. This is FACT, there are Links in this Letter to Prove it.

For over a Decade the Corruption in Courts, Law Firms and in Government Agencies have Covered for Intel Corp Executives.

However, those days are over Now. And when it is time to pay the Iviewit TechnologyInventors for their Invention USED by Intel Corp. for Over a Decade, well it will be the Intel Corp. Shareholders and Intel Corp Board of Directors that pays for the Crimes and Cover Ups of the Intel Corp Executives.

Intel Corp has been Named in an SEC Complaint over the Stolen Iviewit Technology

Intel Corp. Has also been named in a 12 Trillion Dollar Federal RICO Lawsuit over the Stolen Iviewit Technology.


Jane E. Shaw, Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky,Wilmer Cutler Pickering, Susan L. Decker,
John J. Donahoe,Reed E. Hundt, James D. Plummer, John M. Fluke, Frederick E. Terman,David S. Pottruck, Frank D. Yeary, Vice Chancellor, David B. Yoffie, Max and Doris Starr.

This Open Letter Will Go to ALL Intel Corp. Board of Directors, Shareholders, Insurance Carriers and ALL Government Agencies Involved to serve as YET another Warning of what will happen to Intel Corp. Shareholders. Just as in the Madoff Scandal, they CANNOT Say they Did Not Know. There is a Whole lot of Fact, Proof that they Did Know and DO Know RIGHT NOW.

Please Forward this Letter to ALL Intel Corp. Investors, Shareholders, Directors, Executives that You Know of. This is a VERY Big Deal Financially. It is NOT a Hoax, Look at the Fact yourself and Warn Others.

The Stolen Iviewit Technology will Cost Intel Corp. Investors, Shareholders Billions. CEO Paul Otellini of Intel Corp. KNOWS of this Massive Shareholder and is NOT Disclosing to Intel Corps. Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers.

It is Your Money, You Have a Right to Know that Billions will be Paid By Intel Corp. in theIviewit Technology Theft. It is not a Matter of IF, the Proof is ALL there. It is a Matter of When.

Here is Proof that Intel Corps. CEO Paul Otellini and then Intel Corp. General Counsel Bruce Sewell knew of the Stolen Iviewit Technology and have Yet to Disclose to Intel Corps. Board of Directors, Shareholders or Insurance Carriers to this day.

For More information on the iViewit Stolen Technology Go To

More Links and Resources to Intel's Involvement in a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology Theft

More Proof on Intel Corp. Cover Ups

SEC Galleon, Intel Capital Complaint Click Here

Click Below For FTC Investigators Reports on MORE Cover Ups by Intel Corp.

Bruce Sewell, then Intel Corp General Counsel Now the
General Counsel at APPLE

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Please Share EVERYWHERE you Think it Will Help to STOP Intel Corp Executive from Hiding Mass Shareholder Fraud, and to Protect Shareholders and Inventors RIGHTS.

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