Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Foley and Lardner LLP Attorney Wes Strickland Speaks on Ethics Though Foley and Lardner are Patent Thieves

Wes Strickland, a partner with Foley & Lardner LLP wants You to Believe that Foley & Lardner LLP cares about Ethics. This is a Flat Out Lie. Foley & Lardner LLP Law Firm has NO Intention of Being Ethical.

You cannot even get the Corrupt Courts that Michael Grebe .. ex Foley and Lardner Big Wig Controls to Hold
Foley & Lardner LLP Law Firm to the Actual LAW.. so good luck with a "Pinky Swear" Known as Ethics.

Foley & Lardner LLP Attorneys are Corrupt, stealing patents from Inventors they were hired to protect... Foley and Lardner Stole a 13 Trillion Dollar Technology in a Massive Patent Scheme over the iViewit Technology Company and for over a Decade the Corrupt Law Firm of Foley and Lardner has covered up this by paying off Judges at every level of the Judicial Process, controlling the USPTO and well .. now even connected to the Office of the President as Obama use to work at Foley and Lardner when the Corrupt Attorney Michael Grebe was running the CorruptFoley & Lardner LLP Gravy Train.

"suspended or debarred" how funny as if Foley and Lardner Corrupt Attorneys have to worry about that when Foley and Lardner control the Courts and the State Bar... in ALL Stats that Foley & Lardner LLP Attorneys work in.

Here is a part of the Wes Strickland, Foley & Lardner LLP 's gibberish on Ethics..

"We are lawyers and we are going to tell you about ethics. Yes, we know it sounds funny, but seriously, hear us out.

Having a well-drafted and properly implemented ethics code is good business. It can help you avoid trouble, protect you if you get into trouble and in the end, maybe even save your company.

If you have any contracts with the federal government that exceed $5 million with a performance period of longer than 120 days, you are probably required to adopt a code of business ethics and conduct. Failure to do so could result in your company being suspended or debarred. "

A strong ethics code, staff training, and internal controls will be considered in mitigation of potential criminal liability and suspension or debarment from federal contracting.

An effective code of business ethics and conduct is a valuable asset that can enhance your reputation and stature in your business dealings. It can help you avoid ethical and legal pitfalls that could damage your business, and protect you from disaster if an ethics violation occurs.

  • Wes Strickland is a partner with Foley & Lardner LLP's Tallahassee office where he focuses on insurance regulatory and corporate transactional matters, as well as administrative law. Contact him at NStrickland@foley.com. John Horan is a partner with Foley & Lardner's Orlando office and practices in the areas of business and administrative litigation and governmental relations. Contact him at JHoran@foley.com. " Blah ... Blah... Blah...

  • Source of Flat Out Gibberish and Corrupt Foley and Lardner Promoting..
  • http://www.tallahassee.com/article/20101114/BUSINESS/11140328/1003/business

    Posted By
    Crystal L. Cox
    Investigative Blogger
    Forensics Blogger

    Got a Tip on Foley and Lardner Corruption?
    eMail me at Crystal@CrystalCox.com

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