Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Formor International Scam - Formor International Distributor Smackdown - AGAIN. Formor International - NO Ethics - No Respect.

How did Leslie Turner - now Ex-Formor International Distributor Come to Own Well She is Just that GOOD !!!

How Dumb is Formor International, Really?

Breaking News:
International - Dumb Gets Dumber..

Just when You Thought that Formor International
Could NOT Possibly get any Dumber...

See though we have been giving Formor International Internet Marketing lessons for years they are still to Ignorant and to Arrogant to Pay Attention, to get advice and to really grasp this here Internet marketing Thing...

ForMor International is So Dumb in Fact.. so Clueless INDEED.. that They Spent who knows how many months brainstorming about a new product, fiddling with the label.. laying out the product on the Formor International Website... talking about it.. and yada yada for who knows how long... and then Formor International's Brilliant in House "Web Department" worked on flyers.. and developing.. their Big Announcement.. even Twittered it and Facebooked it.. WoW

They spent Millions Developing this new product, and yet .. a little itty bitty $10 purchase just slipped their Clueless - Arrogant - Better then Thou BRAINS...

So anyway.. Formor International sent Email announcements out to all their distributors.. about their New Star Product "Joint Cocktail"

this was
Date: Friday, March 26, 2010, 2:45 PM

This Formor International - Joint Cocktail Announcement was sent to ALL Formor International Distributors .. YEP.. you Guessed it.. ALL Before.. The Dumb Asses at Formor International even thought of Registering the Domain Name ..

After 10PM Mountain Time, Leslie Turner got that Formor International email, and out of all the Distributors who got it.. and 7 hours later.. she bought the DotCom .. as any Brilliant Internet Marketing Genious would have the Savvy to do..

Now Formor International knows how Good we are at Internet Marketing, they have been Bitching about it for years now.. Formor International knows we own - - - and more.. and well we are Just That Good..

Yet not only did Formor International fail to register the Domain Name before they Tell the world or even whisper the product name around the Formor International break room.. They also sent out a Distributor wide Email announcement of their new produce Joint Cocktail, BEFORE they buy the DotCom..

Now Does it Get Much Dumber then that.. ???

Does Any Formor International distributor actually make money with Formor International ... don't you fear them Firing You at any moment.. Look at their Track Record..

How in the World can you get ahead with these MLM Mafai tactics.. and it has been going on for years and years.. and new distributors are still being Duped into the Formor International Scam.. the Ol' Bait Switch Galore Party.. Enough already.. Quit Formor Now. . .. Run..

Attention Formor Distributors... You Better Head on Over to but quick and Get Out of that Sinking Ship at Formor International.

Leslie Turner was at the Top of the Search Engines within the hour after she purchased that Domain Name.. Wouldn't you want to work with someone who can do that for Your Liquid Argine Business.. Your Online Home Based Business.. or do you want to Stick with Formor as they continue to Fumble in the Dark.. at The Expense and hardship of their Dedicated, Hardworking Formor International Distributors.

Formor International Does not get what the Heck this internet thing is all about, they will never get it.. look at their track record.. All Formor Can do is take advantage of the Smart Formor International Distributors - Threaten them.. bully them and well.. Demand of them and then Suspend them ...

Formor International is so Clueless and Arrogant.. they don't even try and copy us and do better.. 3 years Later.. Duh..

I am Banking on the Internet Savvy and Web Marketing Skills of Leslie Turner..
And I suggest You Do the Same
Join Leslie Turner at Good Life International .. Click HERE.
Better Pay Plan - Better Product - Better Treatment.

Here is what We will Be Selling
Mega Joint Plus - Click Here

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