Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Formor International Scam - Formor International Distributor Smackdown - AGAIN. Formor International - NO Ethics - No Respect.

How did Leslie Turner - now Ex-Formor International Distributor Come to Own Well She is Just that GOOD !!!

How Dumb is Formor International, Really?

Breaking News:
International - Dumb Gets Dumber..

Just when You Thought that Formor International
Could NOT Possibly get any Dumber...

See though we have been giving Formor International Internet Marketing lessons for years they are still to Ignorant and to Arrogant to Pay Attention, to get advice and to really grasp this here Internet marketing Thing...

ForMor International is So Dumb in Fact.. so Clueless INDEED.. that They Spent who knows how many months brainstorming about a new product, fiddling with the label.. laying out the product on the Formor International Website... talking about it.. and yada yada for who knows how long... and then Formor International's Brilliant in House "Web Department" worked on flyers.. and developing.. their Big Announcement.. even Twittered it and Facebooked it.. WoW

They spent Millions Developing this new product, and yet .. a little itty bitty $10 purchase just slipped their Clueless - Arrogant - Better then Thou BRAINS...

So anyway.. Formor International sent Email announcements out to all their distributors.. about their New Star Product "Joint Cocktail"

this was
Date: Friday, March 26, 2010, 2:45 PM

This Formor International - Joint Cocktail Announcement was sent to ALL Formor International Distributors .. YEP.. you Guessed it.. ALL Before.. The Dumb Asses at Formor International even thought of Registering the Domain Name ..

After 10PM Mountain Time, Leslie Turner got that Formor International email, and out of all the Distributors who got it.. and 7 hours later.. she bought the DotCom .. as any Brilliant Internet Marketing Genious would have the Savvy to do..

Now Formor International knows how Good we are at Internet Marketing, they have been Bitching about it for years now.. Formor International knows we own - - - and more.. and well we are Just That Good..

Yet not only did Formor International fail to register the Domain Name before they Tell the world or even whisper the product name around the Formor International break room.. They also sent out a Distributor wide Email announcement of their new produce Joint Cocktail, BEFORE they buy the DotCom..

Now Does it Get Much Dumber then that.. ???

Does Any Formor International distributor actually make money with Formor International ... don't you fear them Firing You at any moment.. Look at their Track Record..

How in the World can you get ahead with these MLM Mafai tactics.. and it has been going on for years and years.. and new distributors are still being Duped into the Formor International Scam.. the Ol' Bait Switch Galore Party.. Enough already.. Quit Formor Now. . .. Run..

Attention Formor Distributors... You Better Head on Over to but quick and Get Out of that Sinking Ship at Formor International.

Leslie Turner was at the Top of the Search Engines within the hour after she purchased that Domain Name.. Wouldn't you want to work with someone who can do that for Your Liquid Argine Business.. Your Online Home Based Business.. or do you want to Stick with Formor as they continue to Fumble in the Dark.. at The Expense and hardship of their Dedicated, Hardworking Formor International Distributors.

Formor International Does not get what the Heck this internet thing is all about, they will never get it.. look at their track record.. All Formor Can do is take advantage of the Smart Formor International Distributors - Threaten them.. bully them and well.. Demand of them and then Suspend them ...

Formor International is so Clueless and Arrogant.. they don't even try and copy us and do better.. 3 years Later.. Duh..

I am Banking on the Internet Savvy and Web Marketing Skills of Leslie Turner..
And I suggest You Do the Same
Join Leslie Turner at Good Life International .. Click HERE.
Better Pay Plan - Better Product - Better Treatment.

Here is what We will Be Selling
Mega Joint Plus - Click Here

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International. Stan Goss Grandson, Michael Goss Nephew FIRES Distributor.

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International Fresh Out of College a Job By Corporate as he is Stan Goss's Grandson, Michael Goss's Nephew - The Question is Did he know who he was Calling or What He Was Doing? Was it Ethical, Illegal, Immoral or Just Business as Usual at Formor International.

Check Out tomm. for this Story..

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International.

Internet Compliance at Formor International is not very bright but boy they are a stickler for the Rules... well at least the ones that benefit Formor International.

Formor international is Cruel, Unethical, Above their Own Policies, they wipe out your business if you Trump Them or Call them on ANYTHING, and they always add a Bible Quote to your .. Here Take This YOU Lose.. We get Your Income Stream and Down Line.. Screw You Letter..

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International has been known to Make Some Big Mistakes at Formor International and ALL in 3 Little Ol' Months.. it's ok.. as Long as YOUR Stan Goss's Grandson, Michael Goss's Nephew - and You Be Sure and Add a Bible Quote to Your Screw You Letter...

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lehman’s Hidden Leverage ‘Shenanigans’ May Haunt Fuld - Proskauer Rose - Lehman Brothers

"" By Joshua Gallu and David Scheer

March 13 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.’s Richard Fuld exuded confidence as he briefed analysts on June 16, 2008, four days after demoting his firm’s finance chief in the wake of a $2.8 billion quarterly loss.

“I am the one who ultimately signs off and I’m comfortable with our valuations at the end of our second quarter,” then- Chief Executive Officer Fuld said on the conference call. “We have always had a rigorous internal process.”

The rigor was based on a shaky foundation, according to a 2,200-page report about the firm’s demise by Anton Valukas, the examiner for the bankrupt firm. Lehman Brothers “reverse- engineered” a key measure of stability, masking the firm’s true financial condition, Valukas said. Some asset valuations were also “unreasonable,” he said.

Keen to show that it had reduced leverage, a gauge of a company’s ability to withstand losses, Chief Financial Officer Ian Lowitt said on the June 16 call that the firm had shrunk its net leverage ratio to 12 times from 15.4 in the second quarter.

It accomplished the feat by reducing net assets by $70 billion, said Lowitt, who had just replaced Erin Callan in his post. “We’re going to operate conservatively,” he said.

Unbeknownst to shareholders, the firm was hiding $50 billion in assets through off-balance-sheet transactions known as Repo 105s that temporarily removed holdings until days after the quarter closed, according to Valukas. In the first quarter, the firm had used the same strategy to hide $49 billion in assets, he said in the report.


Lehman Brothers actions amounted to no more than “shenanigans,” said Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. analyst Brad Hintz, a former Lehman chief financial officer. “If all you’re doing is hiding something behind the curtain, the financial strength isn’t there.”

The repos helped prop up Lehman’s credit rating, Valukas said. The off-balance dealings required more collateral than if Lehman had opted for ordinary transactions visible to shareholders, he said.

“Repos were just one of many ways to hide losses,” said Janet Tavakoli, president of Chicago-based financial consulting firm Tavakoli Structured Finance Inc. “All of the former investment banks used those techniques. All of them borrowed too much money and were overleveraged.”

Lehman Brothers bolstered capital by raising about $12 billion from investors during the first half of 2008, a time when Valukas said the New York-based firm’s financial statements were misleading.

‘Grossly Negligent’

Investors included Blackrock Inc., the largest publicly traded fund manager in the U.S., a venture run by former American International Group Inc. CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, and New Jersey government retirees.

Fuld, 63, was “at least grossly negligent in causing Lehman Brothers to file misleading periodic reports,” Valukas said.

Fuld’s lawyer, Patricia Hynes, disputed the examiner’s conclusions.

“Mr. Fuld did not know what those transactions were -- he didn’t structure or negotiate them, nor was he aware of their accounting treatment,” Hynes said in a statement. She also said none of Lehman’s senior financial officers, lawyers or outside auditors raised concern about the transactions with Fuld.

Robert Cleary, a lawyer for Callan at Proskauer Rose, didn’t return a call seeking comment. Callan, 44, who left Lehman in July 2008 to join Credit Suisse Group AG, stepped down from the Swiss bank Dec. 31, spokesman Duncan King said.

Real Estate Overvalued

Lewis Liman, a lawyer for Lowitt, 46, said in an e-mail that his client did nothing wrong. Lowitt is now chief operating officer at Barclays Wealth Americas, whose parent, Barclays Plc, bought Lehman’s North American brokerage for $1.54 billion.

In its final year, Lehman overvalued real-estate holdings, including a stake in U.S. apartment developer Archstone-Smith Trust, Valukas said. Lehman and Tishman Speyer Properties LP completed a joint acquisition of Archstone for $22 billion, including debt, in October 2007.

Lehman presented “unreasonable” valuations of its Archstone stake in the first three quarters of 2008, overvaluing the holding by as much as $450 million in the second quarter, the examiner wrote.

The bankruptcy case is In re Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., 08-13555, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

--With assistance from Erik Schatzker and Christine Harper in New York. Editors: Alec McCabe, Dan Reichl.

To contact the reporters on this story: Joshua Gallu in Washington at; David Scheer in New York at ""

Source of Post

Lehman Brothers and Proskauer Rose Connections

More on Lehman Brothers Hidden Assets and Lehman Brothers - Neuberber Berman go to and for More on the Shenanigans of Proskauer Rose LLP go to .

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC and FBI Complaint with Mary Schapiro, against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Proskauer Rose

SEC Complaint Filed, is the SEC Listening .. It Does not sound like it. The SEC must be covering up for Favors owed, covering and protecting billionair tech companies and Above the Law Law Firms Like Foley and Lardner and Proskauer Rose.

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC & FBI Complaint with Mary Schapiro & Others against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner.

"" March 14, 2010 --


Corp Management of Time Warner (NYSE: TWX), Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Silicon Graphics, Inc. (delisted NYSE: SGI) & successor Silicon Graphics International (NASDAQ: SGI), Sony Corporation (NYSE/ADR: SNE) , Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Ernst & Young Global Limited have known about the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Liabilities for years & allegedly have concealed the liabilities from Shareholders & in some instances reorganized to the detriment of Shareholders in alleged fraudulent transactions, which may lead to Shareholder Rescissory Rights & catastrophic damage to the companies as complained of to Fed Officials.FEB 12, 2010 CRIMINAL COMPLAINTThe SEC Complaint filed Feb 12, 2010,

“Iviewit & Eliot I. Bernstein Official Formal Complaint…against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. & Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged Fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 & other SEC accounting violations & violations of State, Federal & Int’l Laws; Rescissory Rights of Shareholders; Evidence & Important Info for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Sir Robert Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon, Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen & more”


SEC COMPLAINT INTEL, LOCKHEED MARTIN & SGIA SEC complaint also was filed by Iviewit against Intel, SGI & Lockheed & similar allegations were levied against these corps for Patent Theft, knowing infringement & Shareholder Fraud.

The March 29th 2009 SEC Complaint to Shapiro titled “Complaint Regarding Intel Corp & Possible Trillion Dollar Fraud on Intel Shareholders & Others”


Liabilities for the complained of companies centers on both knowing technology infringements & liabilities from failure to report the Fed RICO & ANTITRUST filed by Iviewit & now legally marked “RELATED” to the Whistleblower suit of Christine C. Anderson, a former staff attorney for the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division. Anderson gave riveting testimony of systemic corruption to the NY State Senate Judiciary & in sworn testimony in before Judge Shira Scheindlin of Whitewashing & Criminal Obstruction by Court Officials for “Favored Lawyers & Law Firms, the US Attorney in New York, the DA and Asst DA” or words to that effect. Anderson further fingered one of the “CLEANERS” of ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT COMPLAINTS at the NY Supreme Court as Naomi Goldstein.A “CLEANER” at the ETHICS department of NY responsible for attorney regulation in Manhattan & the WallStreet financial district, perhaps the reason the country is suffering from a lack of attorney regulation in the heart of the financial district that has led to lax or complicit regulators and prosecutors and a worldwide economic meltdown.

Anderson’s testimony

Bernstein testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary of systemic corruption that has blocked due process & procedure via corrupt infiltration of the NY Courts @

HOUSE OF CARD COLLAPSING ON NY CRIME SYNDICATE INSIDE NY COURTS, ETHICS DEPARTMENTS, PUBLIC OFFICES & REGULATORY AGENCIES BY CRIMINAL LAW FIRMS & LAWYERSThe House of Cards is Crumbling on Key Players in the Iviewit Scandal as the NY Corruption Scandal Elevates to Senior NY Political Figures including Cuomo & members of the NY Supreme Court & US Fed Courts in NY. Proskauer Rose.

Proskauer, mastermind of the bungled attempt to steal the Iviewit patents through Fraud on the US Patent Office & further bungled attempts to cover up the crimes in the NY Courts is under further scrutiny with Proskauer’s direct involvement in the Stanford Financial Ponzi & subsequent resignation of partner Thomas Sjoblom, a former SEC enforcement officer, allegedly found coaching Stanford employees on how to lie to SEC & FBI investigators at a Miami Airport Hanger preceding the arrest of Stanford & his employees.

Proskauer also sued in a Class Action suit for the entire 7 billion dollar Stanford losses & sued by an arrested Stanford employee. Proskauer has further direct ties to both the Madoff & Dreier Ponzis.NY Attorney General CuomoFollowing the illegal representation by the NY AG in the Iviewit RICO & ANTITRUST suit & Anderson’s Whistleblower suit under Spitzer as NY AG, the Cuomo Admin continues to represent illegally State Defendants in both cases left over by Spitzer (a named Defendant in the RICO and Antitrust).

As the Iviewit & Anderson claims are further investigated & litigated these present the largest liability to Cuomo’s run for any office as the largest scandal brewing in NY begins to unravel with his offices dead center.

Anderson’s filing

Iviewit filings of Illegal rep by Cuomo @

The US District CourtWith Anderson’s revelations in the US District Court & the Jury finding that her 1st Amendment Rights to Free Speech regarding Whistleblower Allegations had been violated, the whole case has been called into question & further questioned due to the ILLEGAL REPRESENTATION of the NY AG Cuomo’s office. Based on Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Officials, Anderson filed for an entirely new hearing based on the Cuomo’s mass conflicts. Iviewit alleges that NY AG Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Defendants, Officially & Personally, violates his office duties & obligations of honest services to NY, public office rules and violates state & federal laws, whereby the Conflicts of Interest act to block investigation of the State Defendants fingered by Whistleblower Anderson & in Iviewit’s suit, causing Obstruction of Justice through Fraud on the Court. Serious allegations for Cuomo who continues to illegally represent State Officials on public funds, while failing to investigate those same public officials, including former NY Chief Judge Judith Kaye.

Also of concern is if these massive liabilities have been reported to State Auditors by Cuomo?The US 2nd CircuitIn the US Second Circuit, Iviewit filed a “Motion to Compel” compelling that court to follow law, as with Anderson’s revelations exposing court members, that court has tried to ILLEGALLY Dismiss all the legally “related” cases to Anderson in attempts to bury them & keep the lids on the scandal that may lead them to exchange their legal robes for prison garb. Motion to Compel ""

"Addressed to:
SEC Chair Mary Shapiro
SEC IG, H. David Kotz
IG OF THE US DOJ, Glenn Fine
US AG, Eric Holder

Treasury IG, David Gouvaia
SBA IG, Peggy Gustafson & Daniel O’Rourke

Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Dir of the USPTO, David Kappos
Deputy Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Deputy Dir of the USPTO, Sharon Barner

US PRESIDENT, Hon President of the US, Barack H. Obama II
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Barry Meyer

Pres & COO: Alan Horn
EVP & CFO: Edward Romano
VP & Chief Patent Counsel: Wayne Smith
AOL, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Tim Armstrong
GC & EVP: Ira Parker
Counsel - Patent Lit, Prosecution & Licensing: Christopher Day
Exec Escalation Team: Jerry McKinley

Time Warner, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Jeffrey Bewkes
EVP & GC: Paul Cappuccio

Press Release for Immediate Release

Friday, March 5, 2010

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC Complaint with Mary Schapiro Against Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin.

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Technologies Filed a Detailed Complaint with the SEC, with Mary Schapiro Against Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner, Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin and More.

Mary Schapiro and the SEC have been Warned in Great Detail of Major Shareholder Fraud. If you are a Shareholder of Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin YOU need to be aware of the Eliot Bernstein Iviewit Complaint.

The Corporate Management of Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin have known about this Liability for years and they are hiding it from you. Many of your investment firms now know of this SEC Complaint to Mary Schapiro - I have seen them on my site and Clicking through to the Enormous Amount of Details and proof in the SEC Complaint itself and at the Iviewit Technologies Website on this Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent,

The SEC Complaint proves without a doubt of what will Soon be Trillion Dollar Liability to the Shareholders of Warner Brothers,AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin. This will be in the Billions for Each Company, and the Shareholders of Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin as well as Mary Schapiro of the SEC and the Major Law Firms involved in this Trillion Dollar Shareholder Fraud, well they will NOT be able to say they did not know, for there are well over a Thousand Documents at that proves they have known for years.

How long will this game go on? No one can really be sure how long that Mary Schapiro of the SEC, the USPTO, the US Courts will let this continue to drag out at the expense of the shareholders of Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin. What we can see is Blatant Obvious Fraud, Obstruction of Justice and a Covering up for folks like Intel CEO Paul Otellini, Ex-General Counsel of Warner Bruce Sewell - Now the General Counsel at Apple, Jeffrey Bewkes of Warner Bros., Proskauer Rose Law Firm, Foley and Lardner Law Firm, and Many more in the SEC Complaint filed by Iviewit Technologies Eliot Bernstein.

These High Profile Law Firm and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission Keeping this information from shareholders if Unethical at best, it is Fraud and the shareholders will pay for all of this with their hard earned money as the years pile on.

Click here to Read Details of this SEC Complaint.

Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies has Filed an SEC Complaint and YOU need to Know about. Click Here for the Official SEC Complaint and Great Detail and Proof of Shareholder Fraud and Shareholder Liability cause by Neglect, Fraud and Blatantly Violations of Contracts by Warner Brothers, AOL, Time Warner,Intel, SGI, Sony Corporation, Lockheed Martin and more carry Trillions in Liability that they have seemingly reported to No One.

Eliot Bernstein SEC Complaint

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bert H. Deixler, Proskauer Rose LLP, representing the wrong side of the Moral Compass - in True Proskauer Rose Style.

The Motion Picture Television Fund (MPTF) certainly is standing on the Wrong side of the Moral Compass and it looks like the boys at the top are getting Filty Rich from it. And who is Representing the Motion Picture Television Fund (MPTF)in this Elder Abuse, Elder Quality of Life - Human Rights Smackdown.... YEP you Guessed it - Proskauer Rose LLP. For the Motion Picture Television Fund (MPTF) there is 2 Berts we are told and one is Bert H. Deixler, Bert Deixler of Proskaur Rose - Los Angeles.

So you can bet that those at the Top raking in all the money while Elders, Real People with Real Lifes Suffer. Proskauer Rose has so many Connections and Affiliations they truly are above the law, above human suffering and well I am sure this is just another case of where the Proskauer Rose LLP Client will also be above the law, above Morals and Ethics and Above Social Responsibility to the Quality of Life of our Honored Elders.
Seth Ellis

Seth Ellis
More on this Important Issue that
Proskauer Rose LLP seems to be on the Wrong Side of

Proskauer Rose - Bert Deixler
More Videos Click Here

Where there is Human Rights Violations, and the Ruin of Human Lives and Quality of Life, there is Proskauer Rose.

Bert Deixler, Proskauer Rose LLP seems to Be Representing the Wrong side of the Moral Compass on this One... no surprise as We see What Horrors that Proskauer Rose LLP is Capable of.

There will soon be an ENORMOUS amount of information on our sites about what Prokauer Rose LLP is up to in the Legal Representation of the Motion Picture & Television Fund as this Case of Severe Elder Cruelty - Neglect and Abuse hits the Blogs, Media and Newstands everywhere exposing what is Really Going on and Who is the Greedy Gate Keeper behind it all.

There will be much more posted about Proskauer Rose and this INTENSE Moral and Social Disgrace Coming SOON... here are a few tidbits on the situation for now...

The Video below lays out the MPTF new philosophy

Online petition

Proskauer Rose seems to always be found on the Wrong Side of the Moral Compass, Guess there is MORE money to be made on that Side.

Well whatever is the Fate of the Motion Picture -Television Fund and these Precious elderly Lives... one thing we can be sure of It will be the Legacy of ALL those on the Wrong Side of the Moral Compass for as Long as the Internet Exists.

Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong.

Nothing is more important then the Dignity and Quality of a Human life and those who take that for the exchange of COLD - in-Humane - Cash .. well they have some serious issues to face one day with the Great Spirit. But for Now.. Our Network has joined the Folks at and we intend to get to the Bottom of every single piece, player and part of this incredibly important Issue and Especially the Role of Proskauer Rose LLP in this Disgrace against Our Elderly Americans.

So stay Tuned as our Investigative Blogger, Elder Abuse and Quality of Life Network and our Industry Whistleblower Network Joins to Save the " Lives of Our Own" Elder Care facility for those in the Motion Picture Industry.

Stay Tuned as we Explore all the Players and Issues of the Motion Picture -Television Fund, Frank Mancuso, Joe Fischer, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Bert Deixler,Bert Fields, and lots more information on This "News to Me".

I fear the Worst however Because if Proskauer Rose is involved IN ANY Way.. you can bet there will be pay offs, dirty deals, Supreme Court Pay Offs, Attorney Fraternity - Good Ol' Boys Protecting their Own, and Conflicts of Interest that would Shock You. And the Truth and Facts of the Case... well that will Certainly be No Defense.

You can bet that what Proskauer Rose wants Proskauer Rose will get and the Life of Your Loved Ones, YOUR quality of Life, well that is Just Collateral Damage in the High Stakes Game of MONEY - Money and More Money that Proskauer Rose is Living in and Controlling at the Highest of Levels in the US Judicial System, Corporations, and so much more it would Scare YOU !!!

Stay Tuned..

Posted by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger
Industry Whistleblower
more on this at

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