Monday, December 12, 2022

Jefferson County Port Townsend Washington Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy MOCKS Judge Mindy Walker and Flat Out Admits to DEFYING an Official Judicial Court Order.

If it is oK for the Port Townsend City Attorney, Port Townsend Police, Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann, Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy and then prosecuting attorney Julie St. Marie to DEFY a Court Order then why bother having a court at all? Why bother having a Judge if the Judges order can be flat out IGNORED by the City Officials with no remorse or accountability?

Proof that Prosecutor James Kennedy knew the Court Ordered that MOSES be returned to Michael Allmain and they deliberately willfully maliciously defied this court order to please the lynch mob that went after Michael Allmain for years.

Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy KNEW and admitted that the Court Ordered Moses be returned in March of 2021, yet CVAR defied the court order and charged Michael Allmain for those CVAR service too. Sued him and won $28,000 Judgment and got his dog.  

Kennedy eMail regarding his knowledge of the Court Order to return Michael Allmain's property and Mocking a Jefferson County Judge, Seen Below.

“until 3/12/21 based on when the court order that the dog be released back to Mr. Allmain (still unbelievable)”

That is Prosecuting Attorney Kennedy ADMITTING that the Court Ordered that Mr. Allmain’s dog was released back to him, yet it NEVER happened. 

Click Below to Read FOI eMail

They ALL Knowingly Maliciously DEFIED a court order to return Michael Allmains personal property. I filed criminal charges, bar complaints, a complaint against the judge, complaints against CVAR, vet complaints, and charges against one of the deputies, I went unheard. Because in Jefferson County Washington it is MOB RULE. And they choose who gets the benefit of the laws to protect and who does not. They selectively prosecute who they don’t like for whatever reason of the day. 

 Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy used a Civil Proceeding to Get the VERDICT he wanted in a Criminal Case.  It is my Opinion that it is Flat out Illegal, a CRIME Port Townsend Courts, Trial, Fraud, Corruption, Lynch Mob setting up and prosecuting a local homeless man. 

Vigilante Style Justice Port Townsend Washington Corrupt Officials Flat Out Defies Judges Court Order and Mocks her for making the Official Judicial Ruling.

Corrupt, Lawless, Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy

In this Post we see James Kennedy, Port Townsend, Jefferson County Washington Prosecuting Attorney, admitting to Judge Mindy Walker that he knows what CVAR was up to all along and they only have the lien case in Civil Court in case Michael Allmain was NOT charged in Criminal Court. This is Fraud on the Court, I Allege. This is Abuse of Process. Taking Justice into your Own Hands regardless of what the Judge Says. Abuse of Process, Fraud on the Courts. Theft of a Valuable Wolf Dog and Emotional Support Animal.

8-12-2021 Port Townsend Prosecutor James Kennedy Puts on the RECORD that, Center Valley Animal Rescue, CVAR Used the threat of a lien and then a declaratory judgment THEN an Actually Lien to ENSURE the JUSTICE they personally wanted in a Jefferson County Washington Criminal Case.

Watch the Video Court Transcript Below, as you hear Prosecutor James Kennedy Say “In Case this Criminal Case did NOT Result in a Conviction”.

I Allege this is a CRIME in an of Itself. To ME this is NOT OK, nor LEGAL.

Click Below to Watch

The Full Michael Allmain Case Chronology


Port Townsend James Kennedy Blog Expose by Reverend Crystal Cox

Monday, December 5, 2022

Woman's Rights Activist Mattie Watkins Articles about the Action the City of Port Townsend took against all of us at the Julie Jaman Press Conference August 15th 2022

 Woman's Rights Activist Mattie Watkins 

"Port Townsend’s local government conspired against these women’s constitutional rights and their safety. They were denied their right to assemble peacefully, their right to free speech, and their right to due process.

I was there on Aug 15th,2022. David Faber and the Port Townsend police knowingly and willfully created a dangerous situation"

Mattie Watkins 

"I am the mother of 4 young children under the age of 8. @DavidJFaber would you like to explain to them why you not only WISHED harm upon their mother but was part of ORGINIZING it?
 Aug 20, 2022"

August 17th Mattie Watkins Article Regarding the Julie Jaman Press Conference, David Faber, Sam Feinson, and how Antifa from Oregon attacked us while the Mayor Of Port Townsend Praised them, and persecuted us, the Victims.

August 20th, Mattie Article ~  “Oh, You Want The Right To Exist? Port Townsend leadership endorsed and encouraged violence against Julie Jaman and her supporters on Aug. 15th in a shocking example of systematic oppression against Women".

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Port Townsend Councilman Ben Thomas Comments "off the record" to Katie Daviscourt of Rebel News Enquiry for Comment from Mayor David Faber. Councilman Thomas wishes Julie Jaman would have handled the "situation" different, and defends Mayor Fabor's Twitter and his Support of the Violent Mob that Attacked Us. Oh and the Speaker he gave a Hug to in Tears telling him that women were already being attacked, that was me.

 They KNEW there would be Violence, yet let a 400 person mob attack us, around 20 of us, mostly elderly.  Ben Knew the Violence was already happening, all they had to do was put fencing between us, they stood there and let us be attacked, all the while, KNOWING it would and was Happening. 

Councilman Ben Thomas "hated" that we were being attacked, YET did NOTHING?

We did not Not Send the hateful emails BEN. We were not anti Trans. And over half the speakers were of the PRIDE family. We had a right to speak and not be beat down. yet BEN ONLY feels for the trans community, they matter more.  We had a right to Speak and not have a violent mob attack BEN.

BEN seems to think that Trans Women (with the strength of a man) should be protected from Elderly woman? WTF? We were not there to be violent in any way. They were violent, they were Antifa all in black, they hit us, put us to the ground, hit us with bikes, wrapped flags around our heads, pinned us to the ground and the wall. They were young strong individuals, men, women and we were all over 50 women and 80 year old women. And the Trans community is Ben's ONLY Concern. Makes me sick to my stomach, THIS IS NOT OK by any sense of the Moral Compass or the LAW. 

Email from Katie Daviscourt to Mayor David Fabor

From: Katelyn Daviscourt <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 6:00 PM

To: City Council <>

Subject: Media outlet looking for comment

Hi Mayor Faber,

My name is Katie Daviscourt and I am a journalist with Rebel News. I am working on an

article surrounding Julie Jaman and would like your side of the story.

I am specifically asking for comment on this tweet:

Why you responded the way you did and expressed support for the group that mobbed the women’s rights activists?


Katie Daviscourt

Rebel News


"From: Ben Thomas

To: Katelyn Daviscourt

Subject: Re: Media outlet looking for comment

Date: Friday, September 2, 2022 7:55:25 AM


It's way out of my lane to respond to your email since it was addressed to the mayor and his specific tweet. But since I believe he's out of town and may not have been following Rebel New's coverage of this situation as I have, I at least wanted to clear up an understandable misunderstanding that resulted from David's tweet.

I'm intending this to be off the record, but since this email is part of the written public record, I realize I can't depend on that.

I feel confident in saying that David's tweet was in reference to the council meeting itself, not 
the demonstrations outside.

 It was a really moving meeting in terms of the residents who spoke and the vibe in the air. According to my memory, there was very little negativity toward Julie or Amy or the others who came to speak.

I personally feel the usage of the term "TERF" in the tweet is unfortunate, but I'm not the word police.

As for what happened outside, I have my own opinions about what happened that might not

be shared with other councilors.

We were encouraged to stay in City Hall so as not to endanger ourselves or compromise the efforts of the police force. This was in the context of swirling rumors of potential violence. 

I was the only one who decided it was more important to see it first hand and, after checking in with the police chief, went out there to see for myself. So I'm very sympathetic to the complaints of the group who were trying to have a press conference.

I even gave a hug to one of the speakers who came up to me in tears. 

really hated seeing how they were treated. There's nothing like seeing something in person

before one judges. And now we have people all over the world judging what's going on in our little town very out of context. I wish that judgement would be tempered better by that


Personally, I have complicated feelings about this situation.

I have many transgender friends 
and a transgender family member, and have been very disturbed by the ranting, hateful emails we've been receiving from around the world. Fairly or not, I think those emails might be influencing our collective response to the situation. I also believe strongly in free speech and in letting people talk, so I very much do not condone the shutting down and intimidation of the press conference that Amy Sousa organized.

Honestly, I wish Julie would have handled the initial situation better, though I'm sympathetic of "mama bear" instincts and really have no place as a man casting judgement. I will say that a similar feeling of protection has welled up in many of us on the Council to protect transgender people in general, whom many of us feel are in a particularly vulnerable spot in society, hence the proclamation. I'd like to think we can defend transgender people without ostracizing Julie or anyone else who may have concerns about a specific situation.


Port Townsend City Council, position 1

250 Madison Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368

(360) 531-2211 (mobile)"

Link to Source FOI eMail

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Liam Bjorn MacLochlainn, also known as Bear MacLochlainn Port Townsend

 Liam Bjorn MacLochlainn, also known as Bear MacLochlainn Port Townsend knocked Rachelle Burt down, it was during my speech. Felony Assaults over and over, Hate Crimes, NONE Prosecuted. Here is Robert Zerfing's Live feed, Timestamp 1:12:37 to 1:25:24

Here is More Footage about Bjorn Bjorn MacLochlainn Julie Jaman Press Conference, Mashup I Created

Officer Cam Footage Bjorn harassed us, took our flags, then went to police to complain that he was the victim. Police Officer says We are Not Taking ANY enforcement action on Property. Timestamp 4:15 - 4:55

No audio that part, but different angle, Officer Cam clip above

Short Bjorn MacLochlainn Clip yelling Transgender Rights

Bjorn short clip harassing

Bjorn, I Live here, this is my town

Bjorn MacLochlainn short clip yelling happy and ya know it

Bjorn Stealing Our Flag 

At Timestamp 13:13 Bjorn banging ground, at 36:55 Bjorn in cotton building window

Timestamp 8:15 Officer Cam Footage Bjorn arguing with officer

Jeffco Accountability Camera attempted theft, Timestamp 10:06 cops talking to Bjorn

Timestamp 1:14 Bjorn steals flag

Timestamp 8:09 Bjorn MacLochlainn with Police

Google Albums some Vids if want to download

Google Album Still shots of Bjorn MacLochlainn

Album 911 Calls

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Hero Dictionary: Obsidian Finance Group, LLC v. Cox - Wikipedia. Reverend Crystal Cox Port Townsend Washington Landmark, First of it's Kind Free Speech Case.

  "Obsidian Finance Group, LLC v. Cox is a 2011 case from the United States District Court for the District of Oregon concerning online defamation. 

Plaintiffs Obsidian Finance Group and its co-founder Kevin Padrick sued Crystal Cox for maintaining several blogs that accused Obsidian and Padrick of corrupt and fraudulent conduct. 

The court dismissed most of Cox's blog posts as opinion, but found ONE single post to be more factual in its assertions and therefore defamatory. For that post, the court awarded the plaintiffs $2.5 million in damages. 

This case is notable for the court's ruling that Cox, as an internet blogger, was not a journalist and was thus not protected by Oregon's media shield laws,

[1] although the court later clarified that its ruling did not categorically exclude blogs from being considered media and indicated that its decision was based in part upon Cox offering to remove negative posts for a $2,500 fee.

[2] In January 2014 the Ninth Circuit Court affirmed in part and reversed in part the district court's judgment awarding compensatory damages to the bankruptcy trustee.

[3] It also ordered a new trial on the blog post at issue.[3]


Obsidian Finance Group is a financial advisory firm which was managing the bankruptcy of Summit 1031, a real estate company. Crystal Cox is a self-proclaimed "investigative blogger" who maintained the blogs,, and, amongst various others. 

On her blogs, Cox accused Obsidian and its co-founder Kevin Padrick of committing tax fraud, paying off the media and politicians, intimidating and threatening whistleblowers, and engaging in various other illegal activities in their handling of the bankruptcy. Cox repeatedly claimed that her investigations would expose Obsidian and Padrick's corruption. 

In response, Obsidian and Padrick brought suit against Cox for defamation, asserting that all of Cox's claims were false and damaging Padrick's reputation.[4][5]

Procedural History

The court initially intended to dismiss the defamation claims against Cox. To establish a defamation claim, the alleged defamatory material must be asserting a fact that can be proven true or false, as opposed to merely stating an opinion. 

The court held that even though Cox's allegations of fraud and corruption are technically assertions of fact, they appeared on obviously biased blogs and Cox made no attempt to provide supporting evidence.

The court ruled that in the context of Cox's ranting, hyperbolic blog posts, the allegations are unlikely to be taken as fact by any of her audience. As a result, the court held that Cox's right to voice her opinions was protected by the
 First Amendment and that her statements could not be considered defamation.[4]

However, after plaintiffs submitted additional blog posts for review, the court found one post to be more factual in tone and content than the others. 

The post delved into the details of Summit's bankruptcy filing and tax liability, and made specific accusations against Obsidian and Padrick for lying on tax filings and stealing money. The court allowed the defamation claim on this one particular post to move forward.[5]

A trial was held on November 29, 2011, and the jury ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, awarding Obsidian and Padrick $2.5 million in damages.[6][7]

Opinion of the Court

After the trial, on November 30, 2011, the court issued an opinion clarifying some of its pre-trial oral rulings.[6]

Oregon's shield and retraction statutes

Cox had claimed that her allegations against Obsidian and Padrick were based on evidence from a secret source, and she refused to name her source citing media shield protection.[1] Under Oregon's media shield laws, any person involved with a "medium of communication to the public" did not have to reveal the source of their information, where "medium of communication" is defined as "including but not limited to" a list of traditional modes of media such as newspapers, magazines, television, and so on.[8] 

The court did not specifically decline to interpret the statutes to include bloggers as "media", rather holding that based on the facts of the case, Cox was not affiliated with any of the enumerated mediums, had no indicia of reliability as a journalist, and thus she did not qualify for the media shield laws.[6]

Additionally, the court held that even if Cox could be considered "media", she would still not qualify. Oregon's media shield does not apply in a civil defamation lawsuit, where the defendant has asserted "a defense based on the[...] source of allegedly defamatory information."[6][8]

Cox also tried to assert immunity under Oregon's retraction statutes, which state that general damages for defamation could only be awarded if the plaintiffs had sought a retraction, which Padrick had not. 

The court again held that Cox did not qualify because her blogs and practices did not fall under any of the traditional modes of media specifically enumerated in the statute.[6][9]

First Amendment issues

Cox asserted that because the plaintiffs are public figures and because she blogged about a matter of public concern, First Amendment protections are triggered. As a result, to prove defamation, actual malice on Cox's part must be shown. "Actual malice" would require that Cox had knowledge of the truth and knowingly disregarded the facts, instead of simply making a false assertion of facts on her blog. Ultimately, the court held that neither Obsidian or Padrick were public figures, stating that the Summit 1031 bankruptcy Cox blogged on was neither controversial nor newsworthy, and Cox was the only person trying to publicize the issue. As a result, actual malice did not need to be proven by the plaintiffs.[6]

Media Protections to Defamation

Cox also asserted that even if the plaintiffs weren't public figures, in order for the plaintiffs to claim damages, they must prove actual malice because she is a "media" outlet. Here, the court again held that Cox did not qualify as "media". In its reasoning, the court cited her lack of a journalism degree, lack of affiliation with traditional media outlets, lack of adherence to journalistic standards such as fact-checking and fair coverage, and the absence of Cox writing any original material rather than assembling the works of others. As such, the plaintiffs could seek damages without any further evidence of actual malice.[6]

Reactions and status after district court ruling

The holdings in this case re-ignited a public discussion over whether bloggers should be considered journalists and entitled to the same protections.[10] Cox suggested that this case "should matter to everyone who writes on the Internet" and that if she "[doesn't] win [her] appeal, we all lose".[1][11] Padrick responded by saying that "the concept of media [would be] rendered worthless [...] if anyone can self-proclaim themselves to be media". 

Padrick also pointed out the real damage done to his reputation and business by Cox, and stated his belief that he would have won the case even if Cox had been considered  "media".[11][12][13] 

Cox's motion for a new trial was denied. Currently, Cox is seeking to appeal the judgment, citing First Amendment grounds. Obsidian has filed a motion to seize and sell Cox's right to appeal to help satisfy its $2.5 million judgment, on the grounds that Cox's appeal right is intangible personal property subject to seizure. Cox is attempting to block the seizure to proceed with the appeal.[15][16][17]

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling

After granting Cox motion for appeal a unanimous three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court issued its judgement in Obsidian Finance Group LLC and Kevin Padrick vs. Crystal Cox (2014) on January 17, 2014.[3]

Judgement summary and First Amendment defamation impact

Judgement summary

A court summary produced by court staff summarized the Ninth Circuit ruling as follows:

The panel affirmed in part and reversed in part the district court's judgment awarding compensatory damages to a bankruptcy trustee on a defamation claim against an Internet blogger. The panel extended the principle held in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., 418 U.S. 323, 350 (1974), that the First Amendment required only a "negligence standard for private defamation actions", is not limited to cases with institutional media defendants. The panel further held that the blog post at issue addressed a matter of public concern, and the district court should have instructed the jury that it could not find the blogger liable for defamation unless it found that she acted negligently. The panel held that the bankruptcy trustee did not become a "public official" simply by virtue of court appointment, or by receiving compensation from the court. The panel remanded for a new trial on the blog post at issue, and affirmed the district court's summary judgment on the other blog posts that were deemed constitutionally protected opinions.[3]

First Amendment defamation impact

The issue whether First Amendment defamation rules apply equally to both the institutional press and individual speakers has never been decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.[3] 

But every United States appeals court which addressed this issue concluded[18][19][20][21][22][23][3] that the First Amendment defamation rules in Sullivan (1964) and its progeny case Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. (1974) apply equally to the institutional press and individual speakers.[3][24] The Ninth Circuit followed this trend with its January 2014 ruling by holding that a blogger is entitled to the same free speech protections as a traditional journalist and cannot be liable for defamation unless he acted negligently.[25] The court essentially said journalists and bloggers are one and the same when it comes to the First Amendment.[26] 

The court ruling is also a novelty because for the first time [27][28] an appeals court ruled that a blogger is entitled to the same free speech protections as a traditional journalist and cannot be liable for defamation unless the blogger acted negligently.[25]

The three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled[3] ruled that liability for a defamatory blog post involving a matter of public concern cannot be imposed without proof of fault and actual damages.[25] Bloggers saying libelous things about private citizens concerning public matters can only be sued if they're negligent i.e. the plaintiff must prove the defendants negligence – the same standard that applies when news media are sued. 

The federal appellate court thus essentially said that journalists and bloggers are one and the same when it comes to the First Amendment[26] and, in the words of Eugene Volokh, a professor at the UCLA School of Law, that nonprofessional press, especially bloggers, "for First Amendment purposes, have the same rights as others do, as for example the institutional media does."[24]

The unanimous three-judge panel rejected the argument that the negligence standard established for private defamation actions by the U.S. Supreme Court in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. only applied to "the institutional press."[24] "The Gertz court did not expressly limit its holding to the defamation of institutional media defendants," Judge Andrew Hurwitz wrote for the three-judge panel. "And, although the Supreme Court has never directly held that the Gertz rule applies beyond the institutional press, it has repeatedly refused in non-defamation contexts to accord greater First Amendment protection to the institutional media than to other speakers."[24] 

Hurwitz wrote: "The protections of the First Amendment do not turn on whether the defendant was a trained journalist, formally affiliated with traditional news entities, engaged in conflict-of-interest disclosure, went beyond just assembling others' writings or tried to get both sides of a story. … In defamation cases, the public-figure status of a plaintiff and the public importance of the statement at issue -- not the identity of the speaker -- provide the First Amendment touchstones."[29]

Source and Full Document with Lots of Links,_LLC_v._Cox