Saturday, February 23, 2013

Free Speech Messiah Sues Blogger Who Criticizes Him. Yet Defends this Blogger as Protected by the First Amendment. Talk about a Hypocrite. Sure Sounds Like a Free Speech Advocate YET Sues a BLOGGER for "disturbing his apple cart". A Blogger that won't let go of a story she is passionate about, and this MAN Defends her. Yet Sues Blogger Crystal Cox for Criticizing HIM?

The Law Needs to Look at Journalism as a Thing You Do and NOT Thing you ARE?

Is this an Original QUOTE ?, Nope. .. this statement is riddled through out the Obsidian V. Cox Case and the Appeal Briefs. The Documents of my Case say this OVER and OVER, yet now the Cronies of the Puppet Master act as if this is some Magic QUOTE By their Free Speech Messiah, who is actually a Free SPEECH Opponent if you can READ the FACTS.

So worship away, but KNOW that this Messiah (Impostor) did not say this FIRST that is For Sure. I am the Case Study for this TOPIC in Obsidian V. Cox, this man is quoting from my case, and at the same time SUING me to Suppress me. He negotiated on my Alleged behalf in Obsidian V. Cox, according to members of the First Amendment Bar, yet sues me to further defame me, take away my first amendment rights and teach me a lesson for criticizing him.

Hypocritical Super Hero Free Speech Messiah.

Yet Suing a Blogger Who is Exercising Her Free Speech Right
to Criticize him, Parody him, report on him, review him,
gripe about him, and poke fun at him. 

The Blogger Exposing the Story; a Hero Indeed

this Attorney a Free Speech Advocate? 
No.. Selectively Maybe, but in General NO WAY.

Also Check Out

More on the Documents of the Crystal Cox Case of it's about a "thing" you do and not a thing "your are".. Obsidian Finance Group V. Blogger Crystal Cox
Open Appeal Brief Eugene Volokh
Response Brief Eugene Volokh
Reporters Commettee for Freedom of the Press Amicus
Scotus Blog Amicus Brieg
EFF Amicus Brief

Also Check Out this Link for Some More INFORMATION on Hypocrites and FREE SPEECH

Wa Wa, that Mean Ol' Blogger Crystal Cox called my Wife a SLUT. Her punishment shall be REMOVAL of her First Amendment Rights, Stealing her Domain Names, Deleting her Blogs, Publicly lying about her and Defaming her, harassing her, threatening her, accusing her of Crimes she has had no due process on and fining her hundreds of thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, I, the Puppet Master will go on to DEFEND the WORLD to Call anyone a SLUT they want and to Buy Whatever Domain Name they want and have ANY blog name or title they want, after ALL the FIRST Amendment is FOR EVERYONE.. oh except that Blogger Calling me Names...

ahhh  Did somebody Call Somebodies Wife a SLUT? 
Or Go After Howie Carr's Wife? Ahh .. Get Over it Howie,
look at the Bigger Issue and Get Past your Hate of the Man.

OR Sue them, take their domain names, disgrace them, defame them !!!

Why is there a Profound National Freak Out About This... Geez.. Pull Up your Big Girl Panties and deal with it .. oh unless your the Puppet Master, then Sue and PUT an END to this Shit.

If anyone SHOULD defend someone who says SOMETHING unpopular and perhaps a little bit "Off Color" IT SHOULD BE YOU.. WoW.. it Should be WHO?

Can you Believe this asshole on the Right Sued a Blogger for all this Same "Off Color" Bullshit.
Check This Out

Talk about a LYING, Hypocritical, BUTTHURT Asshole.. oh and THUG and Bully.

What do you mean he went after your Wife HOWIE? You should have hired the Puppet master and his Reining King Position over the Courts, then there could have been MAGIC punishing those who would dare "go after your wife" as you say.

See Folks it's all in which Hypocritical, Devil Worshipping Attorney you HIRE at $500 an Hour. Oh and if he can't get a JOB, he will SUE YOU, and then have his court Slaves (Judges) Freeze your accounts and FORCE you to pay his $500 an hour FEES to SUE You for calling his wife a SLUT and saying Critical Things about him on this Big Ol' Naughty Internet.

The Puppet Master Says, He was Trying to Be Funny, and well that's not cool Howie, but step back from HATING the Man and think of the ISSUE.  Really? Yet the Puppet Master on the Right here, Hated a Blogger So much that he sued her, took her domain names, deleted her blogs, lied about her in WIPO Complaints, Defamed her, disgraced her, and continues to harass and intimidate her, ME, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, all because he could not STEP back from HATING the WOMAN and Look at the "Issue".

PUPPET MASTER QUOTE, "If we are going to tolerate FREE SPEECH, and we are going to LOVE Free Speech we gotta love it all"

oh Except for that Evil Bitch Crystal Cox calling me names and making Jokes about my Rabid, Dumb Ass and calling my Sweet Angel Wife a Slut.. then Free Speech SUCKS and I will take care of her, I Will Make her MY ENEMY and she will feel the PAIN I Inflict for a VERY LONG TIME... and the First Amendment and Free Speech will Be My Weapon to Destroy her..

Also Check Out this Link for Some More INFORMATION

Monday, February 11, 2013

Samuel Bass Public Notice - Samuel Bass Bend Oregon - Samuel Phoenix Bass - Samuel Bass

Samuel Bass Public Notice - Samuel Bass Bend Oregon - Samuel Phoenix Bass - Samuel Bass - Samuel Bass Writer  - Samuel Base Public Announcement.

There are hundreds of victims who fall prey to Samuel Bass and Samuel Bass charms. Samuel Bass comes off as sensitive and a gentleman,but behind your back Samuel Bass is having massive unprotected, undisclosed sex and lying to the participants.

Sam Bass is arrogant and full of himself. Samuel Bass thinks Samuel Bass is smarter and wiser than anyone else. Don't let Samuel Basfool you. Samuel Bass will stab you in the back as soon as Samuel Bass gets what Samuel Bass wants from you. Sam Bass will lure you in with his sensitive writing just to trap his next, Samuel Bass victim.

Ladies do not fall for Samuel Bass's Charm.

Samuel Bass is also the cheapest son of a bitch on the face of the planet. He will take you for whatever you have in your purse or wallet and claim he has no money.

Stay tuned to for more on just what an evil, disgusting, deceitful, scumbag this guy is. ALERT - WATCH OUT GIRLS

Samuel Bass - Stay Tuned for More Regarding Sam Bass Bend Oregon

Samuel Bass ~ Source of Samuel Bass Writer, Bend Oregon Post Information
Samuel Bass 

"  Public Notice to Women in Bend Oregon

This public notice is for all women who may come in contact with a man named, Samuel Bass. Samuel Bass preys on every woman he comes in contact with. Samuel Bass will tell you sweet things, be sensitive, and say whatever Samuel Bass needs to so that Samuel Bass can get you to have sex with Samuel Bass. Samuel Bass will refuse to where a condom and tell you that you are the only one he is sleeping with.

The truth of the matter is that Samuel Bass has girls in and out of his bed with unprotected sex. Beware of Samuel Bass.

Don't be taken by his lies and deceit like so many other Samuel Bass Victim's. Samuel Bass uses his twitter account to deceive women...making them think Samuel Bass is sweet with pictures of rabbits or that Samuel Bass is romantic with romantic words and stories. This is your warning that this is just trickery so that Samuel Bass can catch yet another VICTIM."

Samuel Bass ~ Source of Samuel Bass Post