Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Peggy Ann Bierbaum - Peggy Bierbaum Port Townsend

Peggy Ann Bierbaum - Peggy Bierbaum Port Townsend

Have Tip Regarding Peggy Ann Bierbaum - Peggy Bierbaum Port Townsend ?

eMail Me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox your Peggy Ann Bierbaum - Peggy Bierbaum Port Townsend at 

Peggy Bierbaum Port Townsend Washington

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Port Townsend Washington can and SHOULD pass an Environmental Bill of Rights. Port Townsend Washington Environmental Bill of Rights ~ the TIME has Come. Time for the RESIDENTS of Port Townsend to STEP up and MAKE Law that STANDS up for their Rights to Clean Air and Clean Water per the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act.

Port Townsend Washington Residents have a RIGHT to Clean Air, Water and Soil and to act responsible on what is leaving the County, such as TOXIC SLUDGE.


"corporations and their leadership do not have special privileges 
or powers under the law that supersede the community’s rights."

Santa Monica City Council passes environmental bill of rights.

"CITY HALL — The City Council approved a unique law this week that enshrined the rights of the environment and residents’ rights to clean air and water.

The ordinance, known as the Sustainability Bill of Rights, asserts that corporations and their leadership do not have special privileges or powers under the law that supersede the community’s rights.
It also requires that the Office of Sustainability and the Environment prepare a report every two years documenting progress on the Sustainable City Plan, an effort begun in the mid-1990s to create benchmarks and goals to make Santa Monica more environmentally friendly, and that City Hall hold a public hearing.
Finally, and perhaps most controversially, some believe that the law gives residents the ability to sue a polluter themselves when one of those rights are violated, without waiting for City Hall or other agencies to get the ball rolling.
The ordinance was, in Councilmember Kevin McKeown’s words, a fundamental power shift away from business interests and toward the community that has not yet happened in the environmental movement.
“Unrestrained capitalism has extracted the good out of our environment in many, many cases. Here, for the first time, we as 
a city are taking a stand and saying we’re not going to let that happen anymore,” McKeown said.

The Sustainability Bill of Rights emerged from the Task Force on the Environment — consisting of a group of residents — after the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, which further cemented the rights of corporations as individuals in American law. The court’s decision opened the doors to unlimited campaign spending on behalf of companies.
The law was also a reaction to the spread of fracking, a process of extracting fossil fuels from the ground that many environmentalists say is extremely damaging to the environment, poisoning groundwater and even causing earthquakes.
The City Council approved a resolution in January 2012 backing the concept of the Sustainability Bill of Rights, but the resolution had no teeth. Those in support of the law passed Tuesday feel the City Council’s vote changed that.
“The fact that it establishes individual environmental rights is very important,” said Mark Gold, former president of nonprofit Heal the Bay and associate director of the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability.
Gold has spent much of his career fighting to save the environment from the negative impacts of human habitation on the Santa Monica Bay and other water ecosystems.
His primary tool was the Clean Water Act, a 1972 federal law that regulates quality standards for surface water, but the law lost effectiveness and involved arcane measurements that were difficult for members of the public to understand.
This ordinance finds strength in its return to basic environmental roots, Gold said.
Supporters of the Sustainability Bill of Rights believe that the law gives them the ability to sue polluters in court if City Hall does not do so. That could include what some call  Santa Monica’s “groundwater wars,” with over a decade spent in court to get companies to clean up dangerous chemicals that had leached into the groundwater through buried gasoline storage tanks.
“That legal standing did not exist before,” said Cris Gutierrez, a member of the Task Force on the Environment.
It was carefully-crafted to prevent abuse, and cannot be used to protect every street tree or stop every development in the city, Gold said.
“The ability of an individual to sue the city because they don’t like a development approval, that’s not in there,” Gold said.
Whether residents will be able to file any kind of lawsuit may be up to the courts to decide.
Jeff Caufield, an environmental attorney with the Los Angeles firm Caufield & James, thought there might be some conflict if a resident filed a private suit or acted as “a private attorney general.”
“It will likely need to be litigated and a decision made by a court on this particular ordinance and language,” Caufield said.
In the meantime, Gold hopes that the ordinance will keep the environment front and center for policy makers, and be a model for other cities who want to take a stand on the environment.
“There is a precedent-setting nature to this that the city is very aware of,” Gold said."
This is amazing, a HUGE precedence. Communities EVERYWHERE should take this example and stand up for your RIGHT to Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Soil.
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox says that Santa Monica Council Member "Kevin McKeown" is a modern day superhero, and the residents of Santa Monica that stood up for the rights of the environment and residents’ rights to clean air and water are HEROS every one of them.
Time to say NO to Corporate Greed and Yes to Clean Air, Organic Soil, Clean Water, and the RIGHT to breath clean air, drink clean water.

More Resource links to this story

Port Townsend Washington Environmental Bill of Rights 
~ the TIME has Come.
More information Regarding the Port Townsend Paper Mill
Owned and Operated by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox
All written and Posted, alledged upon the knowledge and belief of Crystal Cox.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jason Colodne - Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital Management. Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital Source. Manwin Fox News Porn and Wall Street. Fortress Investment Group, Porn Investments.

Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital SourceResearch

"For over a decade and a half, Mr. Jason Colodne has proven himself to be a talented member of New York’s investment community. After notable tenures as Bear, Stearns & Company and UBS Securities, LLC, Jason Colodne joined Goldman, Sachs, & Co. in 1998. He was primarily responsible for investing, sourcing, originating, and distributing private investments across a spectrum of industries.  At Goldman, Jason Colodne also headed the firm’s bank debt portfolio acquisition efforts, managed its distressed portfolio, and participated in numerous corporate restructuring negotiations.

Jason Colodne joined Morgan Stanley in 2004 and was a Managing Director and Head of Global Strategic Finance. The business he built provided capital to companies when traditional sources of financing were not readily available.

While overseeing a portfolio of proprietary investments and 10 other investing and underwriting professionals, Jason Colodne conducted extensive networking to expand Morgan Stanley’s operations and integrate business within the firm.  During his time at Morgan Stanley, Jason Colodne originated, negotiated, and closed over 25 transactions, totaling a deal volume in excess of $10 billion.

Jason Colodne was then recruited to assume the role of President at Patriarch Partners, LLC, a $6 billion private equity firm that deals primarily with turnarounds for distressed companies. Jason Colodne headed both private and public investment trading and worked directly with management teams to engineer strategic plans for fostering new business and capital markets.

In 2009, Jason Colodne and his partner from Goldman Sachs Jason Beckman founded Colbeck Capital Management, a credit opportunities investing fund.

Jason Colodne is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a concentration in Finance."

Jason Colodne Fired from Investment Firm for being on TV

"Jason Colodne, the boyfriend of Bethenny Frankel, the only unmarried "housewife," was fired from his Wall Street job because he appeared on the TV show.
"He cannot be on television because the firm is very private," said one source.
Colodne is suing his former employer, Patriarch Partners LLC, for $55 million for allegedly ousting him without cause. Colodne, who served as the company's president for two years, until Jan. 22, filed suit last month in Manhattan federal court."
Source and more
"Jason Colodne is a New York-based businessman with an estimated net worth of $1 million dollars. An investment executive, Jason Colodne is the founder of Colbeck Capital Management and the former President of Patriarch Partners. "

More Regarding Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital Source and Manwin

Don't Forget Fortress Investment Group (NYSE: FIG) is doing alot of research on my sites regarding Manwin.

Got a Manwin Tip?

Got a Tip regarding Jason Colodne - Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital Management. Jason Colodne Colbeck Capital Source, eMail me at

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Free Speech Messiah Sues Blogger Who Criticizes Him. Yet Defends this Blogger as Protected by the First Amendment. Talk about a Hypocrite. Sure Sounds Like a Free Speech Advocate YET Sues a BLOGGER for "disturbing his apple cart". A Blogger that won't let go of a story she is passionate about, and this MAN Defends her. Yet Sues Blogger Crystal Cox for Criticizing HIM?

The Law Needs to Look at Journalism as a Thing You Do and NOT Thing you ARE?

Is this an Original QUOTE ?, Nope. .. this statement is riddled through out the Obsidian V. Cox Case and the Appeal Briefs. The Documents of my Case say this OVER and OVER, yet now the Cronies of the Puppet Master act as if this is some Magic QUOTE By their Free Speech Messiah, who is actually a Free SPEECH Opponent if you can READ the FACTS.

So worship away, but KNOW that this Messiah (Impostor) did not say this FIRST that is For Sure. I am the Case Study for this TOPIC in Obsidian V. Cox, this man is quoting from my case, and at the same time SUING me to Suppress me. He negotiated on my Alleged behalf in Obsidian V. Cox, according to members of the First Amendment Bar, yet sues me to further defame me, take away my first amendment rights and teach me a lesson for criticizing him.

Hypocritical Super Hero Free Speech Messiah.

Yet Suing a Blogger Who is Exercising Her Free Speech Right
to Criticize him, Parody him, report on him, review him,
gripe about him, and poke fun at him. 

The Blogger Exposing the Story; a Hero Indeed

this Attorney a Free Speech Advocate? 
No.. Selectively Maybe, but in General NO WAY.

Also Check Out

More on the Documents of the Crystal Cox Case of it's about a "thing" you do and not a thing "your are".. Obsidian Finance Group V. Blogger Crystal Cox
Open Appeal Brief Eugene Volokh
Response Brief Eugene Volokh
Reporters Commettee for Freedom of the Press Amicus
Scotus Blog Amicus Brieg
EFF Amicus Brief

Also Check Out this Link for Some More INFORMATION on Hypocrites and FREE SPEECH