Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Steve Bullock for Governor. Say No to Steve Bullock for Montana Governor. Following is an Open Letter to Montana Attorney General From Michael Spreadbury. I am a 4th Generation Montanan, I Say NO to Steve Bullock for Montana Governor. Steve Bullock for Governor; NO Way Steve Bullock for Governor. Steve Bullock for Governor.

Steve Bullock, Montana Attorney General has IGNORED the rights of the victims of Montana Corruption. Steve Bullock, Montana Attorney General, knows about Montana Corruption that violates our constitutional rights and denies our due process and Steve Bullock does NOTHING.

Now Steve Bullock for Governor?

Why in the World VOTE for Steve Bullock for Governor when Steve Bullock has protected corruption in Montana as our Attorney General and Steve Bullock protects the University of Montana to violate constitutional rights and allow Law Students, to seemingly violate the law. 

I Say No to Steve Bullock for Governor?  

Below is a Letter from Michael Spreadbury to Steve Bullock, Montana Attorney General who is Steve Bullock for Governor, Say No to Steve Bullock for Governor?

"Dear Steve,

Montana Attorney General

I got the strangest letter in the mail today from your prosecution services.  Mr. Olson agreed with me that your office has a conflict of interest, and asks me to find an attorney.  I think I found you.  You were the guy shaking hands with George Corn.  You were the guy on the phone threatening my house, and my job a FEMA. You're hired.

You carried out your threat with Angela Wetzsteon's unauthorized student practice.

Your office needs to assign a prosecutor for the crime of prosecuting law without a license.
Or should we tell all of the law students in Missoula that they are wasting their money at law school?

Did you waste you money at law school?

Does covering up felony crimes work for Montana to make it any better than it is?

A crime was committed (Perjury, Fraud, Impersonation, falsification, violation of rights).  Isn't the Montana Attorney General supposed to prosecute crimes?  Isn't the Attorney General supposed to protect consumers from unauthorized practice?

A call was made by your prosecution offices to the perpetrator to ask what their side of the story is.  Nobody did that as I asked a librarian for help with sitting peacefully on public property.  Don't we get federal monies in Montana?  What are they for, to terrorize people?

You forgot all of the medical marijuana voters hitting the polls--Your governor plans are up in smoke.

PS Let me know how a private attorney will help me as this case has gone through the State Supreme Court, and the 9th circuit.  Let me know how a private attorney can prosecute someone in Montana.  While you are protecting crime, you ruined the reputation of a law student, and the integrity of your office.

Enjoy private practice Steve.


Michael Spreadbury "

Below is a Quote, a Post, from this Source

"On Februrary 9, 2011 Eric Holder the mastermind of destroying state medical marijuana laws spoke in the Montana Theater at the Univesity of Montana Missoula. 

Montana residents were ready to listen to Eric Holder, the US Attorney General who told the crowd that day medical marijuana would be respected. Steve Bullock had a chip on his shoulder as he heard Holder speak---because he knew that The US Attorney General was lying about respecting Montana's citizen initiative from 2004 legalizing medical marijuana.

What Steve Bullock didn't know is that his bid for Governor in 2012 went up in smoke by going along with the federal power grab over our laws and rights in Montana.

Five weeks later, the DEA, FBI, state and local law enforcement agencies raided upwards of 28 sites throughout Montana.

As a state is politically more favorable to independent/Libertarian mindset: read RALPH NADER & RON PAUL, and the Democrats outright attacked Independents more than medical marijuana. Steve Bullock does not have a chance with Montana voters as he seeks election for Governor.

As the state voters will overturn the Montana Legislature in 2011, 2012 will be a strong year for the large voting block FOR medical marijuana in the United States.  Montana is no different.

As Steve Bullock knew of the raids in the spring of 2011 he did not count on the tide of voters who are upset with Steve Bullock not upholding Montana law.  Steve Bullock saw the power in going along, instead of his sworn duty to uphold the law, no matter what the law said.

This is why Steve Bullock's desire for Governor will not be fulfilled in 2012.   This blog network called Steve Bullock's Kettle Black (and Green) as he investigated Greg Mortenson from Bozeman MT as Bullock's own fraud is ten times the fraud of CAI's mismanagement under Mortenson.

Here is a national Democratic operative begging the Obama campaign in an open letter TO NOT MESS with the medical marijuana laws in the United States, saying it will bring out voters against Barack Obama in 2012.  Bullock's stance in Montana will not convert for Governor either.

As Democrats, and Steve Bullock in Montana take the hatchet to the Citizen Initiatives they do so to their own political peril.  The Republicans are also not so aware of the power of the medical marijuana voting block in Montana and in the USA.  Here is a snippet of Mitt Romney telling a patient  that he does not support medical marijuana.  Ron Paul just might win that floor fight in Tampa at the GOP convention.

As a Nader operative in 2004 and issuing press releases with the campaign in 2004 to get medical marijuana passed in the State of Montana, the Democrats and Steve Bullock currently running for Governor have been left on the dock and the election boat has sailed.

To criminalize marijuana after the people have accepted it as a medical savior for several painful conditions is political suicide.  Steve Bullock, by not upholding our Montana law [he also did not respect election law, or unlawful practice, or other Montana victims: the elderly] he has committed political suicide in Montana and has no chance for Governor of Montana in 2012.

google image

I will end this post on what Ralph Nader called Civil Liberties.  This is a press release from Nader's 2008 Presidential Campaign, and can be found by searching  For those readers who don't believe in Medical Marijuana, freedom to choose, and civil liberties, please read this press release.

War on Drugs: [Ralph Nader 2008]
The Nader campaign calls for the decriminalization of marijuana, the legalization of industrial hemp, and an end to the war on drugs.
Medical marijuana: The criminal prosecution of patients for medical marijuana must end immediately, and marijuana must be treated as a medicine for the seriously ill.

The current cruel, unjust policy perpetuated and enforced by the Bush Administration prevents Americans who suffer from debilitating illnesses from experiencing the relief of medicinal cannabis.

While substantial scientific and anecdotal evidence exists to validate marijuana’s usefulness in treating disease, a deluge of rhetoric from Washington claims that marijuana has no medicinal value.

The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 defines marijuana as a Schedule One narcotic, making it very difficult for American researchers to perform rigorous double-blind scientific studies on marijuana. Even without these difficulties, research has shown marijuana to be a safe and effective medicine for controlling nausea associated with cancer therapy, reducing the eye pressure for patients with glaucoma, and reducing muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis, para- and quadriplegia.

Internationally, scientists are undertaking massive studies to determine the healing powers of cannabis. In August 2003 the esteemed British medical journal The Lancet reported that the world’s largest study into the medical effects of cannabis have confirmed that the drug can reduce pain and improve the lives of people with multiple sclerosis. The three-year study was the first proper clinical appraisal of whether cannabis-derived drugs can help treat MS.

Harvard medical doctor Lester Grinspoon has said he would have loved to do a similar study, but has been held back by the law. On his website,, and in his book The Forbidden Medicine, Grinspoon documents how marijuana relieves the pain of people enduring more than 110 different medical conditions like AIDS, Crohn’s Disease, glaucoma, cancer, and many more. Marijuana helps increase appetite, reduce blood pressure and intraocular pressure.

Whenever given the chance, the American public has voted to allow seriously ill people to relieve their pain with marijuana. Despite well-funded opposition from the federal government, citizens in nine states have cast ballots to legalize the use of medicinal marijuana. No state has ever rejected such a voter initiative.

Medical marijuana community health centers have opened up in the states, like California, only to be aggressively attacked and closed by federal law enforcement agents.

Physicians must have the right to prescribe this drug to their patients without the fear of the federal government revoking their licenses, and doctor-patient privacy must be protected. The Drug Enforcement Administration should not be practicing medicine.
Industrial hemp: The Nader campaign supports industrial hemp as a renewable resource with many important fuel, fiber, food, paper, energy and other uses. Industrial hemp is a commercial crop grown for its seed and fiber and the products made from them such as oil, seed cake, and hurds (stalk cores).

Industrial hemp is one of the longest and strongest fibers in the plant kingdom, and it has had thousands of uses over the centuries. In need of alternative crops and aware of the growing market for industrial hemp—particularly for bio-composite products such as automobile parts, farmers in the United States are forced to watch from the sidelines while Canadian, French and Chinese farmers grow the crop and American manufacturers import it from them. Federal legislators, meanwhile, continue to ignore the issue of removing it from the DEA list. It is time to allow hemp agriculture, production and manufacturing in the United States.

Clemency for Non-Violent Drug Offenders: In 2004, Ralph Nader wrote President Bush urging that he grant clemency to 30,000 non-violent drug offenders. Nader’s letter highlighted the three decade long failed, and unjust, drug war. His call for clemency highlighted a similar request made by 400 clergy members to President Bill Clinton in 2000.!—end summary—>
Nader’s letter recalled President Bush’s substance abuse problems and noted that if he had been incarcerated for cocaine use he "probably would not have gone on to have the career you have had.”

The letter also highlighted the rapid expansion of the prison system in the United States which now houses more than 2.1 million people – one-quarter of the world’s prison population. Clemency for non-violent drug offenders would save more than $1 billion annually.
"It is urgent that the U.S. reverse the incarceration binge. The U.S.Department of Justice estimates that if incarceration rates remain unchanged an estimated 1 of every 20 Americans and greater than 1 in 4 African Americans can be expected to serve time in prison during their lifetime,” said Nader. "It is time to make the failed war on drugs a central issue in the American political dialogue.

For too long we have let this injustice continue to grow unhindered. Taking action on clemency at the federal level will set an example for the states and begin the process of reversing this failed policy.”
To your own peril Steve Bullock did you allow the Federal Raid on Montana in 2011.  The Montana voters will  re-establish the citizen initiative, and keep you out of Political Office as Governor.
Steve Bullock is too dangerous with his power as Attorney General in Montana to allow him ultimate power over the Montana People as Governor in 2012. "


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The State of Montana has Covered up Rapes in Many Montana Counties for Years. The Montana Attorney Generals Office, Montana Governor, University of Montana, Montana ACLU, Montana Department of Justice and More have Known for Years.

In 2009, A Group of Us Tried to Recall Sheriff Anderson in Lincoln County for Failure to Prosecute Rapes, this Launched a massive retaliation against me, Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox. All because I gave voice to rape victims that Montana County Attorneys FAILED to Prosecute, Over and Over.

Click Here for One Article from Eureka Montana. If you Need details, contacts, cops to talk to, or information to do the right thing and bring Montana County Attorneys to justice, Email me at

Click Here for Kootenai Valley Record Story of Rapes at that Time. The Summer of 2009, when we ran a Montana Sheriff Recall in Lincoln County Montana, and we were in a Documentary on Corruption in Missoula and Hamilton Montana, this is when My University of Montana Stalker First Started attacking me. He was protected by Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Robin Clute and then Ravalli County Attorney George Corn.  Also the University of Montana Police Jim Lemke protected him, and so did the Missoula Police Department. ( I have Posted emails with Detective Jamie Merifield and the U of M Police Jim Lemke)

Click Here for the When is a Victim a Victim in Montana Article from that Time Period

Letter from Chief Justice Gray of the Montana Supreme Court, Click Here, This Letter was to the Lincoln County Recall Committee and signed by Christine A. Wethern, Staff Attorney.

Keep in Mind Folks,  the Recall out of Lincoln County Montana in the Summer of 2009 was because of a huge amount of unprosecuted rapes.  This Sheriff Recall was initiated by Diane Kaechele, a brave smart woman, not from Montana who said Rape is Wrong, and set out to do something about it.  Many strong Montana Residents such as Rex Nichols, Paul Stramer, Ginny Emerson and more stood up with Diane Kaechele for these victims. No Authorities in the State of Montana listened to the cries, the voices of these victims. Still we fought for them as hard as we could, with the tools we had.

Click Here for the Letter from the Division of Criminal Investigations
This was written in the Fall of 2008, as this brave woman spoke out to Montana Agencies for Help and NO One was Listening.  This is addressed to Diane Kaechele, Lincoln County Recall Committee and Signed by John L. Strandell, Investigations Chief.  It is from the State of Montana Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation.

The Montana DOJ knew that Rape was an issue and they have for many years. Still Steve Bullock, Montana Attorney General Protects the Montana County Attorneys such as Missoula County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg, Ravalli County Attorney George Corn, and Bernie Cassidy of Lincoln County Montana.

Click Here for Letter from the Montana Attorney General's Office to Diane Kaechele of the Lincoln County Recall Committee.  This is From Attorney General Mike McGrath, State of Montana.

Click Here for Letter from Brian Schweitzer Office of the Governor, State of Montana to Diane Kaechele Spokesperson, Lincoln County Recall Committee. This is signed by Chief Legal Counsel Ann Brodsky, she suggests that the Montana Attorney General is contacted and as you see above, they suggest something else. And you can see that this Letter is copied to the Attorney General Mike McGrath.

After all of this, and no help what so every. Diane Kaechele, Spokesperson for the Lincoln County Recall Committee, Sent this Letter to the Montana ACLU in Missoula Montana. It was December 30th, 2008.

Below is the Letter to the Editor from Sean Boushie, in the Daily Interlake, Kalispell Montana, Sunday 7-19-2009. This was the begining of his 3 year hate campaign, while at work at the University of Montana.  I rebutted this letter on my blog about the recall, as the concealed carry topic was not factual and the Recall was mainly about the Rapes in Lincoln County, it was about un-prosecuted Rapes. To ask people not to sign this massively important recall that involved over 40 rape victims, was simply, in my opinion wrong.

This rebuttal set off 3 years of Hate, and the Lincoln County Sheriff, Lincoln and Ravalli County Attorney, Judges in Libby Montana and Hamilton Montana, the Montana Attorney General, Montana Highway Patrols, many Montana Commissioners, Missoula Montana Police and the University of Montana all supported a massive 3 year, every day attack on me, Blogger Crystal Cox who was writing on the rapes. Judge Robin Clute in Hamilton Montana gave Sean Boushie a Protective Order Against me, that was NOT Mutual and Sean Boushie attacked, stalked and threatened me that whole year and still to this day. Judge Haynes in Hamilton Montana denied me a protective order. This was after I received a Death Threat on August 6th 2009, in which Bernie Cassidy, Lincoln County Attorney still refuses to investigate.

Here is Sean Boushie's Original Letter to the Editor.

The Now Eureka Police Chief Ian Jeffcock, was there during a rape scene investigation with another Eureka Cop, in City Limits, Bernie Cassidy County Attorney is said to have hidden the Truck with all the DNA evidence in it.  Many local cops went to Ian's house over years, as he beat his wife, and the Eureka Cops protected him. Sheriff Anderson beat all 3 of his wives and the Libby Police Covered for Him. The State of Montana does NOTHING to protect victims of sexual and violent crimes in the State of Montana.

Sheriff Big Hair in Montana, I am told, raped many in Hardin Montana and he is protected.. here is one article on him..

Ask Lincoln County Attorney Bernie Cassidy How 15 Felony Charges against Richard Brown turn into nothing, as he photos under age girls in his main street clothing stores restroom. He is said to be a local Drug Runner and Protected by Bernie Cassidy County Attorney, who refused to let Officer Caveretto search the residence of Richard Brown.  Sex Crimes are protected by Montana County Attorneys. The Montana Governing Bodies knows and does nothing.

See this link below, it is a dead link, it use to be about the Montana Recall, but Lee Enterprises, the Missoulian Removed it to Protect Montana Corruption. All to Protect Rapists, why?

Friday, May 4, 2012

DO Not Let Oregon Courts Silence Investigative Bloggers, New Media, the Free Press. Do Not Let the Oregon Courts Silence Online Journalists to Protect the Power Elite. The First Amendment, Shield Laws, Civil and Human Rights, and the Laws of the United States of America, ALSO apply to the State of Oregon. The Leroy Newton Story Reported by Tim King of

"Don't Let Oregon Courts Silence the Press goes to court for reporting a story about an elderly woman's fight to regain finances taken by her son.
Erna and her son Leroy in better times, 1987.
Courtesy: and Reporters Without Borders

(CLACKAMAS, Ore.) - An Oregon mother who allegedly lost more than a million dollars in property and assets to her son in California, says it's hard for a lone elderly woman to find justice in Oregon's legal system.

Now is being called to task for publishing the story. The venue is the Clackamas County Courthouse and we will be there at 9:00 a.m. Monday morning.
Since the story was first published, Leroy Newton, who is in the investment industry in California, the only son of Erna Boldt in Sandy, Oregon, has been trying to make us purge the story, his story, with the help of a Portland attorney named 'Brooks F. Cooper'.

We are protected by the first U.S. Constitution amendment.

We believe that this legal threat is a frivolousa attempt to silence the free press for carrying a story that is embarrassing, for an individual sliding through legal loopholes with the help of a seasoned attorney. If the woman's allegations are true, then the legal system is failing to protect one of our most vulnerable citizens, and little else.
It seems preposterous that an individual could seize the assets in question from his elderly mother, and suspect that it would not draw media attention.
We find it equally puzzling that Leroy Newton and his lawyer decided to threaten and sue the media into silence without considering that this clear violation of our Civil Rights would likely become the grounds for a strong counter suit.
The article and video report on Erna Boldt in question are fairly presented and only portray the story according to Ms. Boldt and a wealth of accumulated documents. (see: Elderly Oregon Woman In Financial Ruins; via America's Worst Son? - Bonnie King

It will be interesting to see how this censorship attempt of will really go. This is an important time for all in media, because a court interpretation of the 'truth' obtained through a court order that itself is in question, should never be allowed to silence us, particularly when the information is fully attributed to a named source.
One thing I am wondering about is whether attorney Cooper expected this case to end up in front of a jury, which it probably will. I suspect not, and that Mr. Cooper really should be more selective of his clients.
Interestingly, jurors aren't part of the 'system', and not exactly who a ruthless litigator can typically count on. In other words, the truth can win the day with the public and there is little these two men can do about it, and I really am excited about the prospect of being able to defend Ms. Boldt and our American Civil Right to free speech. That is what Mr. Cooper is trying to place his foot on top of, and I can only assume he has no idea what he is dealing with.
So far, has had contact with two advocacy groups that we have dealt with for years; the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters sans frontières (Reporters Without Borders) about this. The woman, Erna Boldt, is also being sued by her son for $55,000 more dollars to compensate him for what he's gone through.
Here's the story in a nutshell: Erna Boldt was born before the second world war, one more human being in a bad place, and her original home is Germany.
"Mom and Dad were bombed out in Hamburg," Erna said. "They fled to East Prussia where my Grandma and some aunts lived, they fled from there by foot, when the Russians advanced. Grandma and my aunts remained and were tyranized by the Russians."
By the very end of the war, when Erna was just 17-years of age, she found one alternative, and that was to follow her best friend's lead and join the German military. She enlisted in the Navy and served about three weeks, which was about enough time to have her photo taken and watch her fleet surrender to the allies.
British soldiers allowed Erna to move on with her life, and within a couple of years she met one of the many American soldiers sent to occupy the newly divided Germany. "My son was born in Germany, before I came to the States. He was 3 years old, when we landed in New York in 1952," Erna said.
It couldn't have been easy.

Today Erna still has her German accent and she is just as quick and funny and smart as any day of her life, but that didn't keep her son from convincing Oregon courts that she was incapable of looking after her own affairs. Court directives were not followed, and Erna lost everything.
"If only I had known!" Erna recalls with regret.
She didn't know of course, because Erna is not mentally diminished at all, as one can gather from watching the video below. Some of the supposed court orders against Erna have been carried out under shady circumstances and we have people looking into several parts of this which will be covered in future reports.
Erna's son is the character in this story who went to a lot of effort to take control of his mother's assets (before she died) that total over a million dollars.
Leroy Newton is the man Brooks F. Cooper chooses to represent the interests of. Erna worked hard and sent her son to Linfield College in Oregon, which is a private school. There he learned how to work with money, and apparently much more.
Erna explains that Leroy came to visit a few years ago from California, and when he did, he brought a friend. Erna didn't suspect anything, even when Leroy suggested he and Erna go to lunch because his "friend was tired and wanted to lay down". He and Erna went for lunch, while his 'friend', Erna says she later discovered, promptly began going through her personal files to find the information they would use in court to deem her incompetent.
Erna believes she earned the disdain of the Clackamas County court officials because, quite frankly, she can be pretty feisty, and who would not be?
There are no terrible stories of Leroy's childhood according to any of the parties we have contacted, or received contact from, and he had not been estranged from Erna until he took court actions against her.
Court documents show that Erna has seen a failure in cooperation from the Clackamas County court. Erna can produce documents demonstrating that they lost papers, failed to fulfill promises, and apparently just failed to fulfill their obligations to her as public tax paid servants.
I call foul on the whole thing, including these very questionable judge's decisions that allowed Leroy to clean up and Erna to lose in one of the most unforgivable ways ever imagined. Just because something can be done legally does not mean that it should be done.

Wrong is still wrong.
In the past, due to Cooper's legal wrangling, we had pulled the video, and we had actually done other things to try to comply with their wishes and demands, like remove the picture of him in a red Ferrari taken shortly after he got his mother's money. (We're assured by his daughter it was a rental car!) The final request was for to pull the story from Google, which we are not capable of.
Now Erna is meeting Cooper in court again, a continuance of this seemingly endless and sad story. Our position is to get this chronicle of elder financial abuse out like never before. We do not want this type of thing to ever happen to our precious elder citizens.
With time, courts will be held at a higher standard and will be expected to take special care of the rights of the elderly. As it is, the judicial system claims that there are not enough attorneys or time to respond to every single claim. They have to take on the cases that they believe they can win. How pitiful that more "family" take advantage of their elders than any other group, those that are trusted the most, and without any consequences whatsoever. This must end.
Erna is impossible to dislike, unless you are working for a court that is playing games with attorneys, then apparently she can be much more difficult to work with. Why should she react any differently than any us would under the same circumstances?
On that note, are there any attorneys who feel as we do that this attack on us and our citizenry's freedom of speech is worthy of a large scale counter suit?
This suit is and has interfered with our ability to earn a living, affecting our reputation and our right to report the news without fear of reprisal. If you are an attorney and would like to discuss a contingency with, we would like to speak with you. Email:
This story is not over. We will continue this report as each step takes place. Stay tuned. If we need additional support we will advise our readers, and all ideas are always welcome, my email address is below."
This is the video from the report: Elderly Oregon Woman In Financial Ruins; via America's Worst Son? - Bonnie King"

Source of Post

Salem News. Click Below for Salem News Online Investigative Reporting, Oregon Court Corruption, Fraud on the Courts, Clackamas County Courthouse, Leroy Newton,  'Brooks F. Cooper', Committee to Protect Journalists, Tim King, Oregon Judicial System, Oregon Courts, Oregon Defamation Lawsuits