Thursday, February 23, 2012

Protect Your Voice - Stand For Equal Rights of Citizen Journalists. Bloggers are Bringing you MORE of the Real Story. Bloggers SHOULD have Equal Rights as Journalists Due when Bloggers are Doing the Same Things. Bloggers Rights. Freedom of Speech, Equality for ALL. Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.

"Jason Stverak, president of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, recently wrote a Washington Examiner op-ed regarding the free speech threats which bloggers and other citizen journalists increasingly face.
This past December, federal judge Marco Hernandez of Oregon issued a ruling in the libel trial of Obsidian Finance Group v. Cox that has dangerous First Amendment implications.
Hernandez ruled that blogger Crystal Cox was not entitled to the same protection under media shield laws that other members of the press enjoy. This ruling made it easy for a jury to find her guilty of libel. That result threatens the First Amendment rights of all citizen-journalists.
With the Internet increasingly serving as the dominant source of information, a national debate has been taking place asking the question, who is a journalist? Legal scholars, journalism academics and First Amendment advocates all have their opinions and as expected, there is little agreement.
But why is this issue so complicated? Bloggers, like all citizens of the United States, have First Amendment rights. Has the definition of a journalist changed? Or has perception and therefore legal definition simply not adjusted to modern technology?
According to Professor Kyu Ho Youm of the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, Judge Hernandez “ruled correctly” in the Cox case. But he also acknowledges that the ruling was based on his “textual interpretation” and that “pre-Internet law needs updating.”
Youm offers a wake-up call to state legislators. Media shield laws must be revised to make clear that bloggers and all citizen-journalists deserve the same protection as the city hall beat-writer at the local newspaper.
This is especially important, as technology and new economic realities have forced newspapers all over the country to cut staff drastically and in many cases, close up shop. The public now relies on citizen-journalists to perform an invaluable service to our democracy — serving as government watchdogs.
First Amendment protects bloggers, too
Jason Stverak
February 18, 2012
The Washington Examiner"

Source of Post and Where to Sign Petition

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Evolv Health Sucks - It is My Opinion that Evolv Health Sucks - EvolvHealth Sucks in my Experience and Opinion.

Evolv Health Sucks - Evolv Health Sucks - It is My Opinion that Evolv Health Sucks - EvolvHealth Sucks in my Experience and Opinion.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie ~ Free Choice of Medical Science. You have a Right to KNOWN Cures. Fight Back. ~ Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie - "Why Aren't Cures Readily Available?"

Free Enterprise is not really available in the "Medical Industry". They have killed off all competition. It is not about FREE Medicine, Free Health Insurance, it is about letting YOU know about known cures and you educating yourself and demanding that the FDA stop hiding real nutritional information from you. Dead Doctor's Don't Lie Folks, learn all you can about real nutrition.

 Dead Doctor's Don't Lie 

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie. Information on Dead Doctor's Don't Lie and Cancer. Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, Dr. Joel Wallach ~  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie 

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  ~ "2. Cancer.
When doctors get information on Cancer, you would think they would photocopy that when they send you that bill, instead of threatening you with collection agencies, they should send you some of the photocopies of this stuff.

In September, 1993, the National Cancer Institute, not the National Enquirer, and the Harvard Medical School in Boston did a study on Cancer patients, and they came out and said an anti-cancer diet was found. When the National Cancer Institute sent that information to your doctor, he leaned back in his chair, wadded it up and did one of those things, right in the waste can. He's real good at throwing that stuff in there. The only thing he reads is, "Oh, I get gold golf clubs if I sell 20 prescriptions of Prozac per month."

They picked China to do their study, because in one province, Henon Province in China, they have the highest rate of Cancer in the whole world. They took 29,000 people for 5 years in this study, and what they did is give them different vitamins and minerals at double the daily recommended allowance for Americans. Now that's a trivial amount.

For instance, they use vitamin C for one group, and the RDA recommended daily allowance for vitamin C is 60 mg, double that to be 120 mg, you can't go into a health food store and get a tablet or capsule for less than 500 mg for an adult. And of course Lynus Pauling, the gentlemen with 2 Nobel Prizes, says if you want to prevent and treat Cancer with vitamin C you have to use 10,000 mg a day.

All the doctors who used to argue with him 35 years ago are all dead, and today Lynus Pauling, still 94, works 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, in his ranch in the Big Sur in California, and teaches at the University of California, San Francisco. So you have to make up your choice whether to listen to the dead doctors or Lynus Pauling. Your choice.

Vitamin C, doubled the RDA, nothing happened. Vitamin A, doubled the RDA, nothing happened. Zinc, Riboflavin, the trace mineral Millevdinum, Niacin, nothing happened. In one group they had a major benefit. In this group they got 3 nutrients at one time. They got vitamin E, they got Beta Carotene, and the trace mineral Selenium. Those 3 were double the RDA. (If you get a half percent benefit in any nutritional or pharmaceutical experiment, you have made a major improvement in humanity's life. So these articles get published. I want you to remember that statistic. Half a percent is major benefit).

In this group that received the 3 for 5 years, deaths from all causes were reduced 9 percent. Almost 10 out of every hundred, or 1 out of every 10 who were going to die in that 5 years, survived. Then Cancers, all Cancers, 13% survived who would have died without those 3 nutrients. So 13 out of 100 lived who would have died, and then the type of Cancer that was the most prevalent in the Henon Province, stomach and esophageal Cancer, 21% lived who would have died. 21 out of 100 lived!

Now these are significant numbers, and your physician should have sent every one of you a photocopy of that. At least given you the information, even if he didn't want to give you the advice, given you the information and let you make up your own mind."

Source of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie quote Cancer.

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie ~ Do your Homework. Knowledge is Power. Cancer has been Curable for a VERY Long Time. And it seems that Cancer Was always Curable. Check the Dead Doctor's Don't Lie information.

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie - Dr. Joel D. Wallach. Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie.

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach ~ Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach,  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  is a veterinarian.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach,  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  is a naturopathic physician.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach,  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  is an author.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, is a lecturer who played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin - mineral supplements.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie became nationally known through his widely distributed audio tape, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie".

Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  Joel D. Wallach was born in West St. Louis County on June 4, 1940. Growing up on a farm led  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  to decide already early in his life to become a veterinarian and nutritionist.

After finishing high school,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  enrolled in the University of Missouri at Columbia, first to study Agriculture with a major in animal husbandry and a minor in field crops and soils. The School of Agriculture at the University of Missouri has departments of nutrition, food science, geology and biochemistry and an internationally acclaimed "Trace Substances Research Center" which explores the biological, economic, and health significance of trace substances in environmental health.

In this interdisciplinary academic environment,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie gathered information that would later help Dr. Joel D. Wallach of  Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  in his practice as a veterinary pathologist and naturopathic physician.

In 1962,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie received a B.S. Degree in Agriculture from Missouri and Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie continued on to study veterinary medicine at the same Institution, which in 1964 awarded  Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.).

From 1966 to 1967,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach, Dead Doctor's Don't Lie held a post-doctoral fellowship in comparative medicine at the Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, George-Washington-University, St. Louis. Thereafter,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie worked at Iowa State University Diagnostic Laboratory, Ames, Iowa, and subsequently, for two years, at National Fish and Game Department, Republic of South Africa.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

"During the early 1960s, environmental pollution and other ecological factors were thought to cause the premature death of captive animals and possibly of humans. The National Institutes of Health awarded the St. Louis Zoological Gardens a large grant to identify these factors. The project required a well-rounded wildlife veterinarian and pathologist." Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie was hired for this position, which provided Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie with the opportunity to autopsy a wide variety of captive wild animals dying of natural causes in zoos at St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, and Memphis. Later, at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, Department of Pathology, Atlanta, Georgia,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie conducted comparative autoptic studies on primates as well as on humans.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie, his work was progressing well until 1979, when Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie discovered pancreatic lesions in the offspring of a family of inadequately fed rhesus monkeys which histologically were identical to those observed in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). This finding led  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie to propose that Cystic Fibrosis in humans was also caused by nutritional imbalances and/or deficiencies.

As Cystic Fibrosis is considered to be a genetic disorder, his view seemed so extreme at the time that Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie was dismissed from his position at Yerkes Primate Research Center. Scientific evidence would subsequently catch up with his bold hypothesis, but in the interim, with little or no chance of finding an appropriate position in his profession,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie decided to change careers.

In 1980, Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  joined the Faculty of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, where  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie taught in the area of nutrition while pursuing an N.D. degree in 1982. After obtaining his N.D. degree and license in 1982,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie went into private practice in Cannon Beach, Oregon, specializing in the nutritional treatment of cystic fibrosis patients.

In 1987, to continue his research on cystic fibrosis, he traveled to China with his new wife, Dr. Ma Lan, a Chinese physician, to conduct a study at Harbin Medical University. From 1990 to 1993,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie worked (legally) as a naturopathic physician for Hospital Santa Monica in Tijuana/Mexico.

A partial list of Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie publications, reviews and books authored or coauthored during the period from 1965 to 1994 comprises 55 titles; 20 of his papers were published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA); 6 reviews appeared in professional books, the remainder in other professional veterinary journals.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie furthermore is the coauthor (with W.J. Boever) of an authoritative treatise, "Diseases of Exotic Animals: Medical and Surgical Management" published by W.B.Saunders Co. Philadelphia in 1983.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie also authored (with Ma Lan) two books directed to lay audiences, "Let's Play Doctor" and "Rare Earth's and Forbidden Cures", both published by Double Happiness Publishing Co., Bonita, CA.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie first paper appearing in 1965 describes goitrogenic hypothyroidism in feeder lambs; subsequent articles and reviews deal, inter alia, with common diseases and treatments for waterfowl, game birds, exotic birds, reptiles, fish, ruminants, kangaroos, monkeys, elephants, nutritional problems of captive exotic animals, descriptions of a case of degenerative arthritis in a black rhinoceros, of visceral gout and nutritional problems in captive reptiles, angioedema in a gorilla, fibrous osteodystrophy and hypervitaminosis D in green iguanas, the immobilization of small and very large animals (rabbits, Guinea pigs, African elephants), steatitis in captive crocodiles, the anaesthesia of reptiles, the hand-rearing of a white rhinoceros, surgical techniques for caged birds, the management of captive elephants, erysipelas and cystic fibrosis.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie papers and reviews are well written, thoroughly referenced and often richly illustrated. Exemplary is his review "Nutritional Diseases of Exotic Animals" appearing in 1970 (JAVMA 157, pp. 583-599) in which  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie documents numerous diseases in a wide variety of captive exotic animals resulting from improper feeding practices. In this review,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie presents 19 photographs of animals or organs of animals with nutritional diseases, all of which are from his own work files.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie had access to many species of animals, large and small, and received autopsy material from zoos all over the Country. That explains the very large number of autopsies which  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie claims to have performed, a total of 17,500 of 454 animal species, and 3000 of humans, over the period of 12 years. That number is not excessive for a fully employed veterinary pathologist, because it on average amounts only to about 7 autopsies per day, assuming 250 working days per year, and taking into account that many of the autopsies involved small animals and were routine.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie Cystic Fibrosis Research

Following  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie discovery of a nutritionally-caused cystic fibrosis (CF)-like syndrome in Rhesus monkeys in 1979,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  conducted a survey of 120 families with one or more CF children.

The patient profiles obtained were consistent with CF as an acquired environmental disease caused by a prenatal deficiency of selenium, zinc and riboflavin, and/or exacerbated by diets low in vitamin E and rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Based on these findings,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  proposed a diet for the prevention and treatment of CF. To demonstrate that CF -like pancreatic lesions develop in populations living in regions naturally low in selenium, Wallach and his wife, Ma Lan, in collaboration with researchers at Harbin Medical University, showed that hitherto unrecognized pancreatic lesions occurred in 35% of 1700 documented cases of Keshan disease (KSD), which is a cardiomyopathy occurring in low-selenium regions of China[1].

Other researchers have since drawn attention to the aberrant oxygen-free radical activity and the low selenium and antioxidant status in cystic fibrosis patients[2-4]. It is now also agreed that selenium deficiency may develop in CF children because of digestive malabsorption or after prolonged total parenteral nutrition [5-7]. In addition, a case of cardiomyopathy in a CF patient caused by selenium deficiency has also been described[8]. The therapy of CF patients with selenium and antioxidant vitamins has also been tested in a clinical trial. One German group[9] concluded:

"In cystic fibrosis (CF) patients the antioxidative-oxidative balance is chronically disturbed. Free radicals were generated by bronchialpulmonal infection and additionally (there) exists a deficiency of antioxidative substances by enteral malabsorption especially (of) vitamin E and selenium. For CF patients there-fore we recommend a sodium selenite substitution therapy, best in combination with vitamin E."

While research is now under way to introduce the missing cystic fibrosis trans-membrane regulator (CFTR-) gene by means of a retroviral transferring agent, it is still not known if this treatment will actually work. Nutritional therapeutic approaches such as were first proposed by  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  instead hold promise if not as a cure at least to alleviate symptoms and increase the survival of CF patients.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie views on the longevity of physicians

Wallach claims that American medical doctors have an average life-span of only 58.5 years and hence are poor role models of longevity.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie critics argue that doctors in reality have a greater life-expectancy than the general population[10].

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie calculated the average age of physician death from some of the obituary listings that are regularly published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. From this data,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie result is indeed obtained. In contrast, the National Center for Health Statistics lists 69.7 years as the average life-span of an American physician. In order to explain this discrepancy, it should be noted that this figure applies to physicians of all specialties and includes nonpracticing physicians. The life-expectancy of General Practitioners (G.P's) is pertinent because they would most likely be approached by patients for counsel in regard to achieving longevity.

According to Goodman [G.P's have the shortest life-span of all medical specialties. The standard mortality rate of G.P's below age 55 for the years 1969-1973 was 140.4%, at above 55 years, 111.4% above the average mortality of all physicians. The shorter life span of G.P's was attributed to the fact that they begin their careers at an earlier age and thus are subjected to the stress of practice for longer periods than specializing physicians.

While stress undoubtedly is a major factor which shortens the life span of G.P's, the neglect of their own health and unhealthful habits also contribute. According to a survey published in 1984, no less than 59% of the physicians questioned considered themselves overweight, 73% felt they were not exercising enough, 24% admitted to frequent drinking and 15% were smokers[12]. The same report concludes that "there may be a far larger group of subclinically impaired physicians whose health habits may not only affect their own longevity but their practice of medicine as well", which in essence proves  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie point.

There are, of course, physicians who reach long life-spans by living healthily or by making appropriate life-style changes when necessary. So as far as G.P's are concerned, however,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  is right.

Glacier water and longevity - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie mentions 5 cultures whose populations attain unusually long life-spans. The best known of these cultures are the Hunzas of Kashmir, about whom numerous books have been written. Physicians such as Sir Robert McCarrison established that the Hunzas remain remarkably free of disease during their long lives. This has been attributed to lifestyle, diet, agricultural practices and the mineral-rich glacier milk used for irrigation and as drinking water[13]. Other researchers have ascribed the longevity of the Hunzas, inter alia, to the consumption of glacier water.  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie thus is only quoting what can be found in the literature.

Cardiomyopathy and selenium deficiency - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie states that cardio myopathy is caused by a selenium deficiency, his critics counter that cardiomyopathy is really an entire group of heart muscle diseases with several different causes.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie uses a more precise definition of cardiomyopathy, based on the detection of oxygen radical damage of the heart muscleOxygen radical damage of the myocardium can occur in many diseases. 

Since selenium prevents the generation of oxygen radicals, cardiomyopathy is caused by primary selenium deficiency in regions naturally low in selenium, as was first shown to be the case in the Keshan-Disease regions of China.

Cardio myopathies due to selenium deficiency were at first considered unlikely to develop in the Western industrialized nations until they were shown to occur in patients after prolonged total parenteral nutrition, in subjects with destructive lifestyles (such as alcoholics), in patients suffering from intestinal malabsorption or from diseases resulting in decreased Se-retention such as AIDS, and in cancer patients treated with certain cytotoxic drugs.

Selenium deficiency also plays a role in the causation of Coxsackie B-virus (CBV) induced cardiomyopathies[15]. Selenium deficiency is, indeed, the major cause of cardiomyopathy, although classical textbooks of cardiology, even the newest editions, still often fail to mention selenium at all. However, M.R.Werbach, in his up-to-date reference book on "Nutritional Influences on Illness" [2nd Edition 1993, Third Line Press, Tarzana, Calif., p. 189], states that selenium deficiency is associated with the development of cardiomyopathy, while deficiencies of other agents, e.g. magnesium, L-carnitine, coenzyme Q only may be factors in the development of the condition.

Low back pain and osteoporosis - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie was accused of expressing the "absurd idea" that all low back pain is due to osteoporosis. However,  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie only mentions osteoporosis as a contributing cause of low back pain.

He is (correctly) linking calcium and copper deficiency with the initiation of osteoporosis, which then initiates disk degeneration and back pain. In  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie book "Let's Play Doctor", he writes:

"Backache is usually a muscle strain from overwork and/or a subluxation resulting from a fall, auto accident or improper lifting technique. On occasion, a serious case of constipation will cause a 'backache' from impacted stool or pressure from gas.... Prevention includes proper lifting technique, strengthening exercises, proper nutrition including calcium (2000 mg) and magnesium (800 mg), high fiber diets and eight glasses of water per day."

Wallach on Alzheimer's disease - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie was criticized for suggesting that 50% of 70-year old Americans have Alzheimer's disease when the actual prevalence of the disease in people between the ages of 65-75 years is only about 3.9%. Dr. Wallach did not say "one out of two people who reach the age of 70 years has the disease", what  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie actually said was that "one out of two people who reach the age of 70 years gets the disease", meaning that they have a 50% chance of getting the disease in their remaining life-span. In this he is on realistic grounds if it is considered that senile dementia to-day is often diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and calcium - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie recommends supplemental calcium, along with essential fatty acids, vitamin B6, Vitamin A, vitamin E, mistletoe, black and blue cohosh, for treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

Bell's Palsy - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

In  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie book, Lets Play Doctor , Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie correctly states that Bell's Palsy is caused by an inflammation, swelling or squeezing of the facial nerve.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie recommends a treatment that involves not only the administration of calcium, but also of magnesium, essential fatty acids, American ginseng, colloidal minerals and vitamin B12. 

This is a naturopathic treatment which Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie  in his practice has found to be effective when conventional medical treatments failed.

Male pattern baldness and tin deficiency - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie claims that significant hair regrowth can be stimulated following tin supplementation. The stimulation of hair growth by tin at high dilutions is not an unfounded idea. The basis for this claim was originally reported by Schwarz et al.[17] who observed hair loss resembling male-pattern baldness in tin deficient rats. These findings were subsequently confirmed in a 1990 study by Yokoi et al.[18] of Kyoto University.

Wrinkles, gray hair and copper deficiency - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

That copper influences the pigmentation of hair is well supported by observations with copper-deficient animals. Experiments conducted in the early 1930s showed that the fur of black-coated rats turned gray when they were placed on a copper deficient diet[19,20]. Depigmentation of hair has been described in other species deficient in copper: rabbits, dogs and sheep.

Copper is known to be required for the transformation of tyrosine to melanin. In copper deficiency, the physical nature of hair is also affected, it becomes brittle and crinkled because oxidative processes which give hair its normal elasticity require copper.

Other factors contribute to the graying of hair, a deficiency of pantothenic acid, for example. Clinical studies of the effects of copper supplementation on hair color in humans appear to be lacking.

However, in Rare Earths and Forbidden Cures, Wallach does report the case of a woman whose gray hair regained pigmentation after supplementing with copper. Since copper is required for elastin and collagen biosynthesis, changes of elastic connective tissues are expected occur in copper deficiency. Studies have shown that 75% of the typical diets in the United States furnish less than the current daily requirement of 2 mg of copper per day[21].

Accordingly, chronic copper deficiency could indeed contribute to hair depigmentation and skin wrinkling, especially in women. In a recent study with 20 pregnant women on self-selected diets, positive balance was
observed only if a copper supplement was consumed[22].

Copper deficiency - a cause of aneurysms? Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie should be given credit for drawing attention to the important role of copper deficiency in the pathogenesis of aneurysms. Wallach has not said that all aneurysms are caused by a copper deficiency. Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie only claims that aneurysms are most frequently caused by a copper deficiency, which has been shown in studies of many animal species (pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, cattle, chicks, turkeys, etc.)[19,20].

Copper is needed for elastin synthesis, specifically for the oxidative deamination of lysine. Diminished deamination of this amino acid causes less lysine to be converted to desmosine, the cross-linking group of elastin[21,22]. This results in fewer cross-linkages in this protein, which, in return, results in less elasticity of the aorta. Copper deficiency in humans was considered rare but is now becoming a concern primarily in pregnancy.

In a recent study with 20 pregnant women on self-selected diets, positive balance was observed only if a copper supplement was consumed[23]. Copper deficiency need not be caused solely by low dietary copper intakes; copper deficiency may be induced by dietary components, notably fructose and ascorbic acid; some also consider excessive zinc as a possible risk factor.

How minerals are stored in the body - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie claim that minerals are stored and used in the body in the colloidal state depends on the definition of "colloids". Some minerals are bound to proteins which do not pass through dialysis membranes and so do behave as "colloids". Iron is stored in the body mainly in the form of ferritin. Ferritin contains in its core up to 4500 molecules of iron oxide/phosphate, the core is covered by a protein shell whose molecular weight is 445,000. Because of their large molecular weight, ferritin suspension in water may well be described as colloidal. The claim that minerals are stored in the form of salts or "ions" is wrong inasmuch as salts or ions thereof are mobile forms of the minerals, not storage forms.

Diabetes, chromium and vanadium - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Dr. Wallach's claim that diabetes and hypoglycemia are due to vanadium and chromium deficiency was said to be unsupported by clinical research. However, published evidence is available that indicates a role of chromium and vanadium on the insulin system and in human diabetes[25-27]. According to USDA's Richard Anderson[25], ...suboptimal intakes of chromium by people consuming average diets may lead to signs and symptoms of chromium deficiency that include elevated blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride concentration and decreased insulin binding and receptor number.

Iron in supplements - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

When  Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie refers to "rust" or iron oxide in iron preparations he is referring to products such as "saccharated iron oxide" or products such as "Niferex" (Center Pharmaceuticals), containing iron oxide as a polysaccharide complex. Other iron compounds in supplements hydrolyze in the stomach to produce iron hydroxide, which is chemically closely equivalent to iron oxide and has low bioavailability.

Concerning "Colloidal Minerals" - Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

"Colloidal minerals" comprise a group of liquid mineral supplements that are produced by leaching deposits of humic shales with water. The extracts were originally thought to contain the minerals predominantly in colloidal forms. It is now known that they contain the minerals in ionic as well as in colloidal forms. Because the term "colloidal" may give rise to misunderstandings, the products are now referred to as "liquid-" or "plant-derived minerals". In terms of their composition and efficacy, the extracts resemble certain natural mineral waters that were used in the past against anemias arising from iron deficiency as well as other conditions[30]. As to the superior bioavailability of liquid minerals as compared to minerals in their elemental state, this claim is correct because liquid minerals solutions are acidic which facilitates their absorption in the duodenum.

Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Source of Information regarding Dr. Joel D. Wallach of Dead Doctor's Don't Lie

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Was Doug Handshoe Telling the Truth about Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge? I am guessing so, and Will investigate the Charles Leary of Trout Point, Coming Soon. Got a Tip Regarding Trout Pond Lodge or Charles Leary?

What is the Real Story of Trout Point Lodge of Nova Scotia and Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge? Was Doug Handshoe Defaming Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge or was Doug Handshoe telling the Truth regarding Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge? Got a tip on Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge?

Soon I will be writing on the Doug Handshoe - Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge Case. Any judge connections, conflicts of interest, possible corruption. I am "doing this" to simply look into the story and see if there is any corruption and what is really going on that a Canadian Judge would shut down an American Blogger. Was Doug Handshoe Lying? Well Stay Tuned. In the coming weeks I will dig into the story a bit.

Anti-Corruption Blog Shut Down by Host over reacting? Doug Handshoe Exposes Corruption of Charles Leary of Trout Point, Gets Sued in Canada, Loses and US Web Company Shuts Down Site?

So what is Going on with Trout Pond Lodge and Charles Leary ? What is the Truth, the Defamation? the Real Story, the Back Story? Got a Tip?

Got a Tip on the Trout Pond - Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge - Trout Point Lodge of Nova Scotia, eMail me Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox -

The Following Archive is Where I got the Information Below

I am posting the Following in Support of Exposing Possible Corruption. In support of Whistle Blower Blogger
 Doug Handshoe.  Got a Tip on Trout Pond Lodge or Charles Leary of Trout Point? eMail me at - Charles Leary, Doug Handshoe, Trout Pond, Trout Pond Lodge - Charles Leary, Doug Handshoe, Trout Pond, Trout Pond Lodge

More on this Topic

Posted Here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

Friday, February 3, 2012

Philip Falcone, Harbinger Capital Partners, Response to Allegations of the Honorable Charles E. Grassley Regarding Lightsquared. Senator Grassley, Philip Falcone, Deere and Company, Verizon, ATT, Clearwire, Trimble Navigations, James Kirkland, GPS Industry Council.

Philip Falcone seems to be Fighting Back. Seems to me that Senator Grassley flat out lied about the events and issues surrounding Lightsquared. Read the Philip Falcone Lightsquared Letter from legal council regarding Senator Charles E. Grassley's accusation, which seem to be false, fabricated and completely biased to protect his buddies at John Deere, Verizon, ATT, Clearwire, and Lockhead Martin.

Philip Falcone Regarding Senator Charles Grassley Lies

Max Baucus, Senator Charles Grassley, Deere and Company, Trimble Navigations, James Kirkland, Verizon, Craig McCaw, Harbinger Capital, Philip Falcone, Grassley vs. Lightsquared, Lightsquared, Todd Ruelle,