Monday, January 24, 2011

Environics Communications - Public Relations Agency Sucks Says Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox

Environics Communications Loves My Blog Posts, Why? Environics Communications is supposed to be a Great PR Company. Environics Communications boasts that they are so Good At Corporate Reputation Protection but Don't even Own Environics Communications .com - Why? Isn't the First Rule of Internet Marketing, Media and Internet Reputation Management - to Own the Dotcom of Your Business or Say Your Company President? Hmmmm.. how is Environics Communications getting away with claimint to be so Good at PR Services, Corporate Reputation Protection,

Environics Communications wants to partner with you to Build Your Business, Protect Your Brand, yet Environics Communications Does not seem to Get this "New Media" - this Ever Present, Moment to Moment IN Your Face Internet Marketing and Branding Space.

You may want to think your "Long Standing" PR Relationship with Environics Communications and Higher Yourself a Mad Dog Blogger to Protect Your Online Reputation, as Environics Communications just does not seem to be cutting it in this New "Reputation" Space.

Environics Communications Spend Vast Amounts of times on my Investigative Blogger Sites today, andEnvironics Communications have visited me before - yet Not a Word from them as to why or what they are Really Looking For. Today.. Hours and Hours per Blog .. hmmm what is Environics Communications really up to?

I say FIRE Environics Communications as your PR Consultant, your "Corporate Reputation Manager" and Hire Me. Crystal L. Cox - Search Engine Reputation Manager - Investigative Blogger,

Environics Communications website has this to say about Environics Communications .

"Environics Communications is a mid-sized North American public relations agency with offices in Toronto, Montreal and Washington, D.C. Our PR firm has established more than 15 years of partnership in building our clients' business with a diverse range of integrated communications and PR Services.

Ideas flow when our people are in the room. We lead our client relationships with proactive, strategic thinking. Environics serves companies with innovative ideas, exceptional execution and tremendous value. Thoughtful analysis, creativity, and an unrelenting obsession with great results are what our clients have come to expect."

Source of Evironics Communications Quote

Folks Remember the Word "Established" means they have been around a while.. well that is Not the New Media that YOU Really Need to Provide PR in Todays Aggressive Market. Do Your Homework, Hire Me... I will Prove Myself to YOU Before You Pay Me..

I Say that Evironics Communications is just not Doing a Good Enough Job.

Evironics Communications website also says this about Evironics Communications

"Every successful company, brand, product or service shares one essential ingredient: a good reputation.

Reputation drives sales, loyalty, investment, profile, trust. Reputation opens doors, creates advantages, and keeps competitors at bay. A good reputation can take decades to earn, but just days — even hours — to lose.

The emergence of new media, including blogs and online communities, creates new opportunities to engage target audiences, but also increasingly exposes an organization's reputation to third-party examination and criticism.

Attacks can come quickly and without warning, and spread with astonishing speed.

Similarly, society's growing expectation and demand that organizations respect shareholders, employees, the environment and the communities in which they operate has placed corporate reputation under a powerful microscope, 24/7.

Environics helps organizations of all kinds build, protect and manage their reputation through comprehensive services and some of the top minds in the industry. Our counselors provide decades of professional experience managing the reputations of some of the world's most famous and diverse organizations and brands, in good times, and bad.

In addition to first-hand experience gained from corporate roles at leading North American companies, Environics is home to former journalists and government officials who bring crucial perspective and guidance from "the other side."

Key reputation management services include:

  • Image and reputation research and audits
  • Profile-building media relations
  • Corporate brand building or enhancement campaigns
  • Announcements of mergers, acquisitions and business changes
  • Executive profile-building
  • Planning and execution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs
  • Issues and crisis planning, training, and management
  • Litigation communications
  • Social media and online strategies
  • Activist engagement and management
  • Communication of environmental standards and policies
  • Employee and labor communications
  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • Community relations

Many Environics clients also benefit from the range of services offered by the Environics family of companies including: in-house government relations specialization; the insights of our research partners at Environics Research Group; the online community building expertise of Sequentia Environics; and influential communication training by Ignite Excellence. "

Source of Above Environics Communications Quote

Blah ... Blah .. Blah.. Where is the Results?

Environics Communications Website also Says this Gibberish..

"Environics has established a decade of partnership in building our clients' business.

As a mid-sized North American agency, we serve companies with innovative ideas, exceptional execution and tremendous value. We lead our client relationships with proactive, strategic thinking.

Ideas flow when our people are in the room. Thoughtful analysis, creativity, and an unrelenting obsession with results are what our clients have come to expect.

Another important feature of Environics is our focus on six key sectors: Association/Nonprofit, Consumer Products, Financial Services, Health Sciences, Sustainability & Clean Energy and Technology.

The advantage to our clients is more experienced and knowledgeable consulting teams.

Like the majority of mid-sized agencies, we could have chosen to be a one-dimensional, single-sector PR company. But that approach simply does not best support our clients. By serving various strategic sectors, we provide clients with big agency experiences and perspectives, but with small agency nimbleness and value.

Some agencies pursue all prospects. By contrast, we follow the discipline of asking ourselves one key question about a prospect - how will we add value?

The result is a record of long-standing client relationships. Many of our most established and successful client relationships started small, and we grew together. Give us a little and we'll show you a lot.

The numerous awards earned by Environics demonstrate our quality work. In recent years, we have received more than 125 public relations industry awards at the regional, national and international levels.

These peer-judged awards have stood out for their creativity, solid execution and tangible results.

A vital role of a public relations agency is bridging client goals with target audiences. A unique advantage of Environics to understand the public comes from our relationship with our sister company, Environics Research.

An established name in social values and market research, it conducts studies in North America, South America, and Europe. This relationship provides access to valuable data concerning the beliefs and attitudes of diverse audiences, and we can deploy research projects for clients quickly and effectively.

With offices in Washington, D.C., Montreal, and Toronto, Environics Communications delivers exceptional service from a single region to the entire continent. "

Source of Above Environics Communications Quote

Much more Coming on Environics Communications
eMail me
Crystal L. Cox
Search Engine Reputation Manager
Investigative Blogger

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Montana Real Estate

Montana Real Estate

Montana Real Estate
Montana Real Estate Broker
Crystal L. Cox
Ten Lakes Realty
Real Estate Advocate

Friday, January 14, 2011

Do NOT Join Formor Interanational - Do Your Homework. Formor International WILL Steal Your Downline - Proof of Corruption at Formor International

My Name is Crystal L. Cox, I use to be a Distributor for Formor International selling the Formor International Product Cardio Cocktail.

I QUIT Formor International due to a Lack of Ethics, Honest, Integrity and Support for My L-Arginine Supplement Business at Formor International.

Formor International lied to me, Changed pay plans, stole down line, did NOT support eCommerce, used the Formor International Policy and Procedure Manual as a Weapon to Pull out when Formor International wanted to FIRE you and Steal Your Formor International MLM Downline.

Formor International stole my Internet Traffic, Stole my Formor International Customers, Discriminating against me, and then after I QUIT Formor International - well then Formor International made a spectacle out of Firing Me.

Formor International does not FOLLOW policy and procedures deliberately and Formor International suggests we don't follow things such as HAVING Websites and Signing up your Spouse.. oh until Formor International wants to STEAL your Formor International MLM Downline and then the Corrupt Michael Goss and Formor International Mafia Pulls OUT the Formor International Rules that Say no one is to have a Website, and well they pressure you.. and then STEAL FROM YOU.. then Formor International Fires you and Takes your Entire Formor International Downline.

I Quit Formor International over and over, though Formor International claims I was Fired, they simply refused to let me out of me Formor International Distributorship.

See if Formor International keeps you a Distributor but interferes with your business and takes your revenue, it is much easier while your still a Formor International Distributor

In the Beginning I Excited to be a Formor International Distributor.

I jumped in on a Flat Run to Promote Formor International and their star product Cardio Cocktail. We Were on top of the Search Engines for Cardio Cocktail in 5 Weeks.. we spent tons of money and massive amounts of time only to be persecuted by Formor International for they did not like that we Beat the Formor International Mafia in the Game of Internet Marketing.

The Smart thing for the Corrupt Company of Formor International to do would be to embrace us, to work with us and make Formor International stronger and in turn us and all of our distributors stronger.. but instead the Greedy, Discriminating, Thieving, Dis-Honest Formor International Thugs just harassed us - shut off our incoming links that we put everything into building and they simply ruined our Online Arginine Business Just to Steal the Work we did and the Clients, Distributors and Customers we had built for US and For them.

Do NOT doubt that your Different.

ALL Formor International Distributors are Collateral Damage in their War on their own Distributors for PURE GREED. They will be great in the beginning, until they want you to lie for them, cover up for them, or simply want to take your Formor International downline.

Look at Formor International 's record... they bring in people and then after they build a HUGE downline, Formor International FIRES THEM.. they Fired Dr. Harry without Cause, they Fired Dr. Elizabeth Owings ... and they STOLE their Down Line, Hurt their Reputation and all to keep the lies and corrupt activities of Formor International under the proverbial Rug .. and all this in the Name of the Bible .. name of God.. as they FIRE People with Scriptures.. WHAT?

Formor International is NOT supportive of your eCommerce Business, though they pretend in the begining that they are.. Formor International steals your customers, clients and web traffic.

Formor International has double standards for distributors that they favor and once you have a large downline they pull out the now famous Formor Policy and Procedures manual and they FIRE you without warning and STEAL YOUR ENTIRE Downline, it does not even go to your upline.

Look at their track record, this is your life.
YOU cannot Afford to NOT Do your Homework

You put years into building your business online and Formor International just takes it away in one day. Formor International Cronies reap the reward that you and your family should be enjoying. Is this a Chance you are WILLING to take? DO Not Join Formor International.

And on top of Formor International Greed, Lies, Corruption well the Pay Plan Sucks and now Formor International has raised the price of Cardio Cocktail Again Out Sheer Greed...

Got a Complaint about how Formor International Treats You?

got a Complaint on Stan Goss or Michael Goss of Formor International?

My site about Formor International is - I get emails all the time from Formor International Distributors who have been cheated, lied to and mislead by Michael Goss and Formor International .

Email me your Formor International Story of Corruption, Mistreatment, Fraud and Flat Out Lies by the Formor International Mafia.

Do Not Join Formor International for Any Reason. There is not ONE good Reason to be a Formor International Distributors - NOT One?

Join Me at Good Life International. I Call it the "Arginine Team" and we Work With you in Selling a Quality Liquid Arginine Supplement.

This is Your Life. How Do you Want to Live it?

I Want NO Artery Plaque, I want to Breath Easy and have Plenty of "Wind".

I want to make money helping other people Feel Great and Make Money. I don't want the Drama of MLM Companies Like Formor International that Lie, Cheat and Steal.

When I Tell my Good Life International Distributor that they Can Do this.. .and that the Arginine Product they are taking is Of Integrity and that the Company is Of Integrity, I want to Know that it Is True and If the Day Comes when and if that is Not True ... My Good Life International Distributor KNOW that I will Stand up and FIGHT for their Rights, their Income, Their Family, Without a Doubt.
Posted here by
Crystal L. Cox
EX-Formor International Distributor -
QUIT Not FIRED.. though they fired me months
after I quit and they refused my resignation.

Crystal L. Cox

Do You have a Formor International Tip?

Proof of Formor International Corruption, Conflicts of Interest, Stolen Downlines?

Did Formor International Fire you for having a Website?

Did Formor International Discriminate Against You?

Has Formor International ~Stan Goss, Dan Hobbs, Michael Goss Treated you Unfairly, Lied to You, Fired you for NO Reason ?

Has Formor International threatened You ?

Has Formor International made you sign Illegal Unethical Non-Compete Agreements?

Has Formor International Flat Out Stole YOUR Downline?

Has Formor International stole your Formor International Paycheck for ANY Reason ?

Again Folks Remember this is NOT "Bait and Switch" ~
It is Flat Out SWITCH - QUIT Formor International NOW !!!

Quit the Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Bully, Cartel, MLM Mafia Formor International and Join Me Crystal L. Cox at Good Life International Selling an L-Arginine Product with Integrity that actually Supports you Doing Business, Making a Living and Will NOT Steal Your Downline ~

Crystal L. Cox