Friday, October 8, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. General Counsel LEAVES without Disclosing Massive Liability to Time Warner Board and Shareholders

Before Curtis Lu Left Time Warner, Curtis Lu Called Iviewit Founder Eliot Bernstein. How Much Risk Does Harbinger Capital Partners Investors Now Have ?

LightSquared now has Massive Liability in Curtis Lu as their General Counsel.

The Investors of Harbinger Capital Partners Will Pay the Price.

Do your Homework - it's YOUR Money ~ It's Your Life.

Curtis Lu Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) Contacts Eliot Bernstein April 15, 2010, after OVER a Decade in which Time Warner NEW of the Iviewit Technologies Massive Liability to the Time Warner Inc. and Related Companies.

Time Warner used this Technology and Continues
to VIOLATE Signed Agreements to This Day.

Time Warner has Violated Licensing Agreements with Iviewit Tech., and Violated NBA agreements. Curtis Lu - Time Warner IGNORES Massive Shareholder FRAUD then Conveniently Leaves Time Warner for the Harbinger Capital Partners - Philip Falcone investment of LightSquared.

Marc Garber of Flaster Greenberg and Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies Speaks with Curtis Lu of Time Warner Inc. About the RISK and Liability that Time Warner Faces over the Massive Fraud of the Stolen Iviewit Technology.

Curtis LU admitted he was familiar with the situation, and KNOWS all the Details and Liabilites and FAILED to Warn the Time Warner Board, Time Warner Shareholders.

"April 15, 2010 call prior to filing formal SEC Complaint and giving Time Warner a last chance to pay the true and proper inventor of Digital Imaging and Video Scaling Inventions and avoid further actions. "

After all is Said and Done, Curtis Lu Time Warner Inc. General Counsel - Now the General Counsel at Harbinger Capital Partners - Lightsquared.. well at the end Curtis Lu says he is Going to Go Back to His "Client" and Get THEIR "Reaction"

Well you Sure Gotta wonder what the Clients Reaction Was - I Mean that Next Month Curtis Lu went to some Convention where he talked about future issues and potential problems with Intellectual Property Rights - what a Joke that was.. and a few months later Curtis Lu, Time Warner Inc. Leaves Time Warner to be the General Counsel of Harbinger Capital Partners - Philip Falcone Multi-Billion Dollar Investment of a Company Called "Lightsquared" - which seems to think they will take over as the Leading Wireless, Internet Company in a couple of short years.

Ok so did Jeffrey Bewkes FIRE Curtis Lu, Time Warner Inc. - or Did They Cut a Deal where Curtis Lu would Leave with benefits and a good record? Did Jeff Bewkes WARN the Board of Directors at Time Warner Inc. or the Shareholders of Time Warner Inc. ?

WHO Did "Curtis Lu" - General Council of Time Warner actual "Get Back To?" and what did THEY really say to Curtis Lu, Time Warner Inc. General Counsel.

Curtis Lu is Involved in the SEC Complaint and Suit and will CERTAINLY call Eliot.. well Curtis Lu never did get back to Eliot. So What REALLY Happened?

Eliot Gave Time Warner, Curtis Lu Very Good Options and Well Curtis Lu was either FIRED or Simply Left Time Warner Inc. Right After This. Why? What is the REAL truth of Curtis Lu Leaving Time Warner for Philip Falcone - Harbinger Capital Partners, Star Investment LightSquared?

How Much Risk Does Harbinger Capital Partners Investors Now Have ?

Why is the NEW Time Warner General Counsel Paul T. Cappuccio IGNORING this Massive Shareholder Fraud and Failing to Disclose this Multi-Trillion Dollar Liability?

Well this is Massive Fraud and it is Easily PROVEN though Mary L. Schapiro the Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission seems to so far Ignore over 1200 documents and 10 years of proof, it is still proven and the Shareholders of Time Warner Inc., AOL, Warner Bros., Sony, Intel Corp., Lockheed Martin, IBM, and Many more will pay Trillions.. oh WEll Right .. Jeffrey Bewkes and Mary Schapiro and all the Others at the Top will not pay,odds are they have already hid their assets, I mean they have known this was coming for a VERY long time and STILL they sit on it. .the MOTIVE?

TO make sure they get THEIRS before the Investors / Shareholders take the inevitable financial hit that they will indeed take. .

So what did Jeffrey Bewkes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer really have to say about the now famed call from Time Warner Inc. - General Counsel Curtis Lu to Eliot Bernstein Iviewit Founder and One of the Inventors of the Mult-Trillion Dollar Iviewit Technology that Time Warner has made Billions on Top of Billions on and all the while knowing they had STOLEN the Technology and Violated SIGNED agreements with Iviewit. Where is Jeffrey Bewkes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on this?

"Jeff Bewkes is Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Inc. He was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors in January 2009, having served on the Board since January 2007. He was elected CEO of the Company in January 2008. "

Jeff Bewkes KNOWS of Massive Fraud and Neglects to TELL the Time Warner Board. Jeff Bewkes is GUILTY of Massive Shareholder Fraud and WILL BE indicted. This is Criminal, this is Immoral and Folks.. there is over 1200 Documents of Proof on top of other massive information. This is Fact, Jeff Bewkes Time Warner KNOWS it and DOES nothing to Warner you THE board, the investors of Time Warner Inc. - Why?

Part 1 - Curtis Lu for Time Warner Inc.

Part 2 Curtis Lu - Time Warner General Counsel

Part 3 - Curtis Lu - Time Warner General Council FAILS
to Disclose Massive Shareholder Liability.

So Curtis Lu, Ask Yourself, How Much "Risk" - Liability did you Bring to Philip Falcone and to LightSquare which is raking in billions of investors money to be the NEW "internet network" that takes over all others.

Yet Curtis Lu is their General Council and is named in a Federal RICO Lawsuit and an SEC Complaint and KNOWS of a Mult-Trillion Dollar Shareholder Fraud involving his Former Employer Time Warner Inc. - Well Curtis Lu, Lightsqared General Counsel is Sure in Deep on this.

Time Warner Massive Liability - There is Proof that Time Warner Inc. was Infringing on this Technology, tons of the proof, and Yet Time Warner Inc. DOES not have This Liability Reported on the Books, WHY?

"We Should Have Been Disclosing?" - Curtis Lu asks.. GEE .. umm.. hmm..

"So Uh, are we.. uh is Time Warner a Defendent in all this? "

Time Warner Inc. has a Massive Undisclosed Liability...

So What Does the Time Warner Inc. Board have to Say about all this?

Jeffrey L. Bewkes
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner Inc.

James L. Barksdale
Chairman and President, Barksdale Management Corporation

William P. Barr
Former Attorney General of the United States

Stephen F. Bollenbach
Former Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hilton Hotels Corporation

Frank J. Caufield
Co-Founder and Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Robert C. Clark
Distinguished Service Professor, Harvard University

Mathias Döpfner
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Axel Springer AG

Jessica P. Einhorn
Dean, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University

Fred Hassan
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Schering-Plough Corporation

Michael A. Miles
Special Limited Partner, Forstmann Little & Company

Kenneth J. Novack
Senior Counsel, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC

Deborah C. Wright
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Carver Bancorp, Inc.

What Do the Senior Corporate Executives at Time Warner Have to Say?

Jeffrey L. Bewkes
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Paul T. Cappuccio
Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Patricia Fili-Krushel
Executive Vice President, Administration

Gary L. Ginsberg
Executive Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Communications

John K. Martin
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Carol A. Melton
Executive Vice President, Global Public Policy

Olaf Olafsson
Executive Vice President

Connected Time Warner Inc. Companies

Global Media Group, HBO - Home Box Office, Warner Bros. Entertainment,Time Inc., Turner Broadcasting System, AOL - ALL Liable for this Multi-Trillion Dollar Stolen Technology.

More Links to the Iviewit Stolen Technology Story