Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Randy Boyte Como Texas. Randy Boyte Texas Pastor.

Randy Boyte Como Texas. Randy Boyte Texas Pastor.

Randy Boyte is a Pastor in Como Texas.

Randy Boyte strives to inspire and educate.

Randy Boyte has been there and done that and Randy Boyte Strives to help you find your way out of the Darkness and into the Light of a Happy - Peaceful Life.

Randy Boyte Como Texas will soon be offering videos and online information on tools you can use to find your way out of the darkness that life may have thrown your way.

Randy Boyte Como Texas strives to be a part of Raising the Consciousness of People of this Earth and Randy Boyte hopes to make your life better through sharing with you his life and his connection to god.

Pastor Randy Boyte Como Texas Strives To Be a Pastor that makes your life better and to give you NOT only a reason to Live but a Reason to thrive, to be happily alive and to actually enjoy your life.

More on Randy Boyte -
Como Texas Coming Soon.

You are a Lighthouse in a Storm
Hang On - this Storm to Shall Pass

Fear No Evil

Randy Boyte Como Texas

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why Take a Liquid L-Arginine Supplement?

Liquid Arginine Supplement works well for Me. I have Trouble Swallowing pills, plus I like to make sure that I am actually absorbing the Nutrients I take.

I do not want to have to question whether I am absorbing the L-Arginine Supplement that I take, therefore I take
a Liquid Arginine Supplement.

Click Here to Buy a 5 Gram Liquid Arginine Supplement

I Always look for Arginine in a liquid form form, for Better Absorbtion.

Liquid Arginine Supplement always provides the best absorption of Arginine.

It is a lot easier swallowing an ounce or two of a liquid arginine, than swallowing a handful of pills. And the pills must pass the digestion process and according to the Physicians’ Desk Reference are only 15-30% absorbed at best.

Make sure the liquid arginine formula you pick has
a combination of L-Citrulline and Antioxidants.

This is very important, when arginine converts to nitric oxide in the blood stream, the Nitrix Oxide gas created is very oxidizing and can be damaging to cells.

But with proper antioxidants mixed in the formula, this oxidizing effect is averted. And you simply receive all the benefits of Nitric Oxide. Mega Cardio Health Plus by Good Life International has lots of antioxidants as well as Resveratrol and 5000 IU of Vitamin D.

Citrulline is the only other amino acid that works synergistically with arginine. Beware of other formulas that contain other amino acids because they will block the absorption of arginine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Joede Vanek for Ravalli County Sheriff - Montana Political News - Montana Sheriff Elections

Click Here for Montana Law Watch

"Vanek is a man uniquely qualified to run for public office because of his boldness, his ability to confront and fight for what's right; his philosophy of accountability to the public, and his nature to be so candid, forthright and honest." --William Towery

Joede Vanek for Ravalli County Sheriff

"Support for Vanek published in election insert June 2, 2010 Bitterroot Star Weekly paper, Stevensville, MT

I am writing this letter on memorial day, a day to celebrate our freedom as a nation . On Tue. June 8, we have a primary election for Sheriff of Ravalli county. This is one of the most important races any of us can vote in. Whoever becomes our next Sheriff will determine how much freedom and civil rights we will have here in this county.

For the last 12 years we have had outrage after outrage, 1/2 pound of cocaine missing from evidence room, jail suicides, deputies using the Sheriff's computer to access pornography,wife beating drunks hired to police us.

Thousands of dollars worth of ammunition stolen right under the Sheriff's nose.

Citizens complaints thrown in the waste basket and never an answer. Its almost impossible to get a copy of a police report with out endless red tape.and endless waiting. We must change things in Ravalli county.

We need professional law enforcement in Ravalli County. I am voting for Joede Vanek a tried and true police professional with 20 years experience and advanced training who can inspire and teach our deputies to be professional peace officers.

When you dial 911 who do you want to show up, a bully with a badge and a gun or a professional well trained peace officer? Its your choice.

At the present time you are better off dialing-a-prayer than 911.

Michael Sokol
Hamilton, Montana ""

Source of Post

Joede Vanek for Ravalli County Sheriff - Montana Political News

Montana Law Enforcement Watch